Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 234: Typical

Chapter 234: Typical

Last time I went without a plan, but this time, I had Kyra and Eva with me. On top of that, we had a map and set locations to go to, but that still didn't mean it was going to be easy.

The snow was knee-deep and even though I could keep myself warm with my engine heat, I still feel the biting chill hit my plates. This wasn't like when I had piloted the MAS Suit Diamond Edge.

I was inside that suit and I was using the suit's power to boost my own, but now I was more than just wearing the suit. My power and the suit were the same now, but the snow was still a pain. 

Everything looked the same, and Eva couldn't pull up a map to track up so we have to just guess for the most part. Even the compass was going haywire, but Kyra was able to give me directions from the map Jenna had given me.

"There should be a grove up ahead, or a bigger pile of snow, you want to go around the right side of it. After that, it just shows a big circle with the dragon's head in the middle of it," Krya said from inside me.

"Get buckled back in then this is probably going to be some sort of a trap. It will probably end up getting a little rough, so hold on," I said coming up to the large pile of snow she had been talking about. 

Some branches were bare sticking out of the mound, and I looked around the right side of it, but for some reason, the show storm was far more intense over there. It must be the right place then, but that didn't make me feel any better about going over into it.

"That's the place up there, I don't know anything about these bone dragons, but just be careful. It still is a dragon and possibly worse," Kyra said from inside of me.

"You're not wrong. The Undead Dragon is far worse than a normal dragon, for some reason when they die, they seem to think they were wiser. This one won't fight me head-on, and I can't change into a dragon right now, so we'll just have to see where it goes with this one."

There was no point in trying to plan a fight with an undead dragon. It was just going to be a bunch of silly little enemies and then him. There would also be a very cliche trap waiting for me in that storm, real wise guys.

I walked forward and stepped into a clear spring day and had to put my hand up to block out the bright sun that was shining into my eyes. I was standing on something wooden, and when I looked down, I let out a groan.


"Don't bother trying to escape! You big old giant tin whippersnapper!" Cried an old and whistling voice as the trap door opened under my feet.

I tried to grab onto the walls or something, but there was nothing to get a grip on. So instead, I used power from the gate to stick to the smooth walls in multiple places as I fell to act like bungee cords. 

I soon slowed, all of it happening in the space of a couple heartbeats. Krya was making no noise, but I could see that she was just shaking from the sudden drop. The drop was over a hundred meters and would have made a mess of me if I hadn't slowed down.

I took thirty more minutes of slow descent before I could finally put my feet on the ground, and I could see a pyramid-like temple up ahead. There was a line of torches leading up to the place, but there was also pitch black water on either side of the path. Highly suspicious.

'Hyde, There are two large bodies in the water on each side, and they have many long appendages!' -Eva.

Oh, great Tar Krakens, are you kidding me? More stupid creations of Dave's for the D&D world, these little buggers had mouths on the end of each tentacle that was filled with teeth!

"Please tell me we have fire," I asked hopefully.

'That wouldn't be a good idea. If you light that oil on fire we won't be able to breathe and the place will fill up with black smoke.' -Eva.

"What if you tried talking to them?" Krya asked.

"What are we going to talk about? How does the tar taste?" I questioned back.

"Or just be a big oaf and swing your sword around," Kyra said to me.

I rolled my mechanical eyes, what did I expect with bringing her along. Just talk to the monsters, see if you can reason with them, blah blah. They were monsters, I was less of a monster, so I kill said monster and get the good stuff, basic dungeon 101.

"Fine, I will try and talk to the monsters, but I don't know what I am going to do. I still have my king's magic, so maybe I can unmonster them or something," I said with a sigh walking forward.

"See?! That's the spirit! Now, just try not to get eaten, before you can tell them what your plane is!" Kyra said with far too much enthusiasm. 

I crept closer to the edge, taking my time, not wanting to get too close. The Tar Kraken I had faced before would whip out of the water without warning, so I wasn't too excited to get too close.

"Hey, um, Mr, Kraken Face, I was wondering If you might want to have a friendly chat? You know instead of me killing you? We could, I don't know, be friends or something?" I asked with all the hope of a rabbit staring into the open mouth of a wolf.

The tar began to stir and a tentacle shot out and came directly for me. Typical monster, why did I even bother.

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