Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 243: Eggs Benedict

Chapter 243: Eggs Benedict

I just needed to get it over with. I wasn't scared, not there was a difference in what I felt here than fear.

Fear is where something scares you. This was just not wanting to get turned into metal filings when I hit a mountain or the impenetrable invisible wall. Slow deep breaths and aim for the tree.

I filled my body with power and reinforced my structure so that I wouldn't completely fuck myself, or get ran through by a tree. I wanted Eva to be able to fix me after, and that wouldn't happen if I died before the fixing could happen.

There was a chance that I could get the brake right the first time. it was more than guaranteed to take me three to four attempts to stop or change directions.

The problem was that I didn't have something yet to slow down my perception, and I would be sliding. So, I had to do some trial runs to speed up my perception because everything would be happening in milliseconds.

"You should be Fine," Eva said over the intercom.

"Oh yes, great, should be is exactly what I wanted to hear! Fuck it, I going," I said, find the thickest about a mile away.

I step towards the line of trees, but then I hurt, oh yeah, exactly how I imagined it would feel. It was like I had been teleported across a mile, and then some buddy quickly gave me the ass beating of my life as I blinked.

"Err, damage report, ugh, please Eva," I asked, already knowing that many things were in various stages of broken and very broken. 

There were a couple of places that I couldn't feel, but I suspected that they didn't exist anymore. 

'You are alive, but you even broke the intercom. Come inside for a bit; it will take me about three hours to fix this dame. I can work faster now thanks to your fourth Gate. Even though you did more damage to yourself than the forest golem, I can repair you much after.' -Eva.

I was starting to get hungry anyway, so I merged back into the cabin of the DragonArmor. I couldn't emerge into the house, but Eva could merge me from the house back into the Dragon Armor, but what did it mean?

I tried to ask Eva, but she had no idea, so I left it alone for now. The point didn't really seem that important at the present moment, more like idle curiosity.

I left the Dragon Armor and walked into my house and down the stairs. Bones was in the kitchen, and whatever he was cooking smelled so good

"Hey, Bones, how's the cooking? Awe, is that poached egg and ham my man? Hollandaise sauce? Tell me there is some..., oh wow, you knew I was coming didn't you?" I asked with a smile.

The smell of fresh amazing food was almost enough to completely shift my melancholy mood. I still couldn't get rid of the shitty feeling of just not being good enough for my power. I should be able to control it.

"Ah, I heard you crashed and burned, but I also heard you break the speed of sounds right before it went dead but it all happened so fast that it was hard to tell what happened. Long story short, you had a rough morning, so I made you some good food, you just have to go collect the others," Mr. Bones said.

"Make me one of those first and I take it to go, I am hungry and they smell to go to leave without some kinds of snack. Maybe make more, I am eating everything kind of hungry, and I suspect that I will have more of one when I get back from trying to find them. Do you know where they went?" I asked, Mr. Bones as he handed me the plate of food.

A poached egg sat on a thick slice of cheese that was melted into the crispy English muffin. The other half of the toasted air pocket bread sat on the side of the plate just waiting to make the sandwich. 

I didn't pull away, there was the final all-important yellow sauce with the flecks of green herds in it. I watched as the hot sauce was ladled on as I held my plate close to the pot. 

Mr. Bones didn't put too much sauce, and I ended up sitting down to put the top on and complete the masterpiece. I picked up the sandwich and took a large bite with the smash of wonderful flavors hitting my pallet.

The eggy buttery velvet smooth taste of the sauce with just a hint of lemon mixed with the egg yolk and smoky ham. The cheese wasn't what I would normally have, but it had a nice and sharp flavor with a gooey texture that mixed perfectly with the crunch of the English muffin.

The egg yolk had partially squirted on the plate and some of the sauce had dripped so I used the sandwich to wipe it up. This only made it better, and when I was done I didn't want to leave, but bones told me to go find the others if I wanted more.

I was about to give him the whole, 'this is my house,' routine, but I figured that I would eat faster if I just got off my lazy ass and went to find them.

Plus, they wouldn't be that big, right? This had to be some little pocket dimension Dave had made for me, so I can't imagine him making it that big.

'Neither Dave nor Gripton made this.' -Eva.

'What? If they didn't then who did? Oh great, don't tell me Reggy made this place, that would be all I need right now. No, it couldn't have been him, he doesn't have the access.'

'This world is in between the layers of Reborn. Hyde, you created this world.' -Eva.

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