Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 248: Stolen Puzzle Piece

Chapter 248: Stolen Puzzle Piece

"Okay then, tell me about the TTC. You say that it can turn me into a transformer, so it is just the AllSpark, right?" I asked Dave while reaching out and grabbing a drink from thin air. 

This room would have whatever we wanted to a degree. Couldn't get the strippers, but I laughed when a pile of white stuff appeared on the floor.

"As I said, it's a yes and nothing. Yes, you can transform, but it will be more than that. Think if Ditto and the All Spark had a baby, then you would get the TechnoTransmuter Cube!" Dave said with a chuckle.

"Anime is fine, but Pokemon? Bro, stop trying to convince me of how much of a loser you are, and just tell me what it does!" I complained.

"I'm not even real and you're still a dick to me," Dave said, shaking his head.

"That's because I love you, and that's why I have had so much patience this far. So, can you tell me what it does, or do I have to stick my hand in the water to see if it is wet?" I asked.

"Honestly, that's probably best. You never listen to me anyway, but you cute little A.I. will be able to access all the fill I stored into the cube. So, I know I am not real, and this probably doesn't matter, but, how is the game? Besides the bull shit and such?" Dave asked with eagerness.

Looked at him for a moment; this was the Dave from just before the game started. The one filled with hope, but still scared it would all fail, and look at us now.

None of this was his fault, but he would feel that way, that was his way. The guy was always trying to save everyone or help them any way he could.

"Honestly, If you look past all the bullshit. What you have created here, is fucking mind-boggling. I don't know how many times I had to convince myself that this was just a game because it all seemed too real. I know it is our reality now, but you know what I mean," I said with a big smile.

"Haha, yes! Our mind will always try to grab onto something to help center us in confusing times if it can. Do you know how I am doing? I know now not that good from what you have learned, but I can't read your conversation," Dave said with a smile.

"You know that Reggy broke into the game right?" I asked, and Dave nodded. "Well, he had been whooping your ass like a redheaded stepchild. So, I used Limitless break and triggered my brain, remembering you, and getting my memories back. Gripton said you're getting roughed up, so I called out Reggy to come and fight me, and now I just killed him in this world." I explain, taking a deep breath after.

"This fucking guy, just will not stop. I was going to leave him alone, let him stay in Second Life, but I guess that was my mistake," Dave said, putting thumb and index on his one hand to his temples as he shook his head.

"Yup, I fucking told you just to fucking kill all of them! Remember? Hey, Dave, if you don't kill them all, they will come back to bite you in the ass. Now what? How many fucking years? This isn't your fault, but there is only one answer, and I better not have to remind other you of that," I said looking meaningfully at the Dave copy.

"That is the dream, maybe when we meet again I will have grown up, bwahahaha!" Dave laughed, and I joined him because it was funny.

"What? Do you think you will have grown up more now than you did in the thousand or so years on Second Life?" I asked with a big stupid grin.

"Yeah, because this place and Second Life are so much alike," Dave said sarcastically. "I also wasn't me in Second Life, you know I just a persona that I had built to make the girls all feel safe and more comfortable with me. This trail was supposed to help me get to where I needed to be, but looks like I have not been having good luck," Dave said, looking down.

"Cheer up shithead. None of this has been easy for any of us, but we are all still pushing and trying to get to the end. Otherwise, you will do the same, and you will grow. Now, I love you, but I have some of my own things to deal with here, but what happens to you when I leave this place?" I asked my Brother as I stood up.

"I will go back to the Eye of God, I am just a copy, so when I go back, that part of me will go, and I will go back to joining the Eye," Dave said.

"The eye? What is that?" I asked with curiosity.

Dave had never mentioned an Eye of God before, but he had mentioned that Gripton had been working on some things. Maybe this Eye of God was one of those things.

"It is a massive group of A.I. outside of the game, but I only know that because I dug deep into Blanks files from yours. This is all very troubling, and I wish there was more that we could do. I should catch up to you at some point, so all I can say is keep on plugging away at it," Dave said with a tired smile and a sigh.

Poor guy had only been active for like fifteen minutes and now he had to feel the weight of the world crashing down on him at that time. Not much could be helped, and on the up and up, he would be going to join his other A.I. homies, so he was just stuck with temp blues.

I walked over and gave him a hug, real Dave or not, the guy looked, talked, and worried just the same as my brother. So, for the most part, it was almost like seeing him again for real. 

"I will let you get back to your grand adventure, but before I go there is one this I will warn you about this world, well more about one country," Dave said.

"Firesti? The one that tossed Haruna on that Island?" I asked, with my temper starting to spike a bit.

"Firesti? You haven't been there yet?! You were supposed to start there!!" Dave said in outrage while waving his hands around. "I had everything set for revolutions, support, nice kingdom, great people, what the fuck?"

"Hey! Don't look at me! I showed up in Hamartia!" I said, trying not to laugh, seeing how worked up Dave was getting.

This was worse than stealing a puzzle piece from Dave. Cheat, or whatever, Dave didn't care, but if you fucked with his order of operations

"I am giving you this and I will send out a signal to my other copies for Bhan and Kiada. This is a breakdown of the current world you are in, this will also explain in detail who put Haruna on that island, but not how to deal with them," Dave explained to me.

"What do you mean not how to deal with them? Who are these people?" I was confused.

"Gavelran is the main source of the corruption, but with the plan I had set for you, you should have taken care of them first. Now, I have no idea what you're going to do. These are the behind-the-scenes type and from what I can see in your mind, you have made quite the stir," Dave said with a smile.

"I will just have to weed them out or just take on Talon. He can't be that strong can he? Why do I need the whole world on my side?" I asked, thinking there might be an easier way.

"No, you must have control of everyone, and you have everyone safe. Talon can't use a system, but what he can do is open gates to the dungeon realm where monsters are infinitely reproduced. He also can open those gates up all over the world as soon as you start batting him and they will stay open even if you kill him," Dave explained.

"Are you kidding me? He isn't just going to throw his army into me? Come on, why did you have to make this so hard!" I complained.

"Because this is a game you idiot, and I am going to have to make it harder if you are able to complete it in less than a year! This wasn't supposed to be easy! We all spent time training and getting better at these games to help us, but we knew getting here that this was going to be hard. And this is turned on easy, the next one will be set to medium and your Gate would be as effective at its lower stages."

"Alright, I get it, but it was good to see you and say hi to the others for me!" 

Then I had my hand on the floating massive cube and I was back in the cavern. In my Dragon Armor body that now had the ability to transform or something like that. 

"EVA! How do I get this infernal thing to work? Is there a button or a word?" I complain, trying to figure out how to play with my new toy.

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