Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 250: Yits Tits

Chapter 250: Yits Tits

Each plate on my body tucked, and folded into itself, slowly reducing its size. It was like watching my body slowly shrink down in size until I was just little old me.

"Will I be able to change a single part of my body?" I asked as I shrunk.

"From what I can see it doesn't look like it. The problem that the change happens as one thing to your entire body. Your body can now choose a form and you will become that, but there is no halfway between. I don't see any way to target a single part of you," Eva explained.

I was back down to my normal size, and I felt like an ant standing in my own footprint. After playing the thirty-meter tall robot for a couple days, it was weird to have to look up at everything. 

My body was the same as it normally was, except now there were small hair-thin lines in my skin from then plates. I reached into my pants and sighed as I grabbed my soft dangly bits. 

I felt relieved after finding that my cock was soft and actually in place. I decided to give the speed a test with a run up the side of the canyon wall, test out the new stuff and get the show on the road.

I was worried about what was going to happen when I tried to use my Power with the TTC in my body, but there was no getting around it. I went to use my Gate abilities, but I didn't even have to think about them, they just happened.

The second I wanted to run up the wall, I could feel the power stick me to the ground. I was surprised because I would normally need to remember to keep holding it or activate it each time. 

It was different now like the TTC had taken over the heavy thinking and just left me with the doing part. I really liked this and I hoped everything else worked like this as well.

"Ready to go find Larry, Curly, and Moe?" I asked Eva.

"Only if you tell me Who is on first," Eva said, still able to speak through the intercom.

"Oh, he is, don't you worry your pretty little heart, hehe!" I chuckled as I started to run up the wall.

The first thing I noticed was that the speed was greatly different than it had been before. I was legit fast like my whole body could move fast, not just speeding off in one direction.

I ran up the canyon wall and back up to the snow-covered ground above. The snow was already coming back down again, leaving a seven-centimeter blanket on the ground.

It was weird to know that number, but it was now part of my HUD and I was able to even track the best route now with just a thought. This was going to be incredibly helpful, and my map was almost filled in.

I looked it over, and I was astonished when I zoomed into the area that I had fought the Forest Golem. I could see the massive monster walking around, and then the monster turned its head and started to look directly at me, creepy.

"This map is going to be a big help now with all the little drones flying around to help map the place out," I mentioned as I started to look over the area where The Three Stooges were supposed to be, but all I could find was a big cave with a black entrance.

"They are good, but there are areas that only you can enter, like the cave you are looking at," Eva mentioned.

"That just means that it will be some form of a dungeon. Okay, I am going to zip over there, but now that I am small again, can you make the Heatray" I started to ask, but then a summer wave burst from me. "...Ah, yes! Thank you very much! Now, this is what I am talking about!"

I started to produce a fifteen-meter dome of summer then burned all the snow away, leaving me in a dirt-blasted spot. The area around me had been ripped and torn from me trying to get up to speed, but I would only need to run fifty meters to get outside of the main ground tearing.

I turned on the speed and headed towards my next target. The three rock faces that had mustaches were three idiot savants rock Gnomes.

Each one of them was good at something for a day, but then the next day the specialty would change. These specialties weren't specific, and there was no guarantee that waiting would make them get better skills if you are hoping for something cool. 

The three days I had been around the first time I had got nothing but bad puns, jokes, and insults. The Gnomes were friendly, but idiots in all things that had nothing to do with the day's specialty talent.

It only took about fifteen seconds to plow through the snow and reach the location of the cave on the map. There was an inky black surface covering the entrance just like for Marly's cave, but I wasn't too worried.

I felt a lot more confident now that the TTC had given me better control over the Gates. I was excited to fuck up a horde of angry Mirco Dwarves, so you can only imagine my surprise to find them waiting for me when I got into the cave.

"Hey, big girl, want to help me with something?" asked a small little female dwarf that only came up to my knees.

I could just barely see some bare breast poking around the little she-devil's beard. What in shit is this?

"What did you just call me, Bearded Tits?" I asked with my own retort.

"At least I have a beard, you hairless baby! Now, are you going to help me or not? I can offer you generous reward," The she-dwarf said suggestively, pulling her beard back to reveal a miniature naked body.

It was like looking at a Barbie doll with a beard, so not horrible, just not possible. Well, with the TTC it wasn't impossible, but I already had one short, angry, and violent wife, and I didn't need the compressed version.

"Okay mini-vixen, how may I be of service to you, and before you ask. No, I will not service you!" I added just to save the bad suggestive jokes that were sure to come.

"I need you to go and collect some special rocks, but they are guarded by three idiots. Also, my name is Yits," Yits informed me while sweeping her beard aside to flash me again.

"I bet it is, fine I will go get the rocks, but if they are guarded by idiots, why don't you go get them?" I asked, already thinking I knew the answer to the question.

Yits was just an NPC, so she was just here to give me the quest. Then, she would give me the reward when it was all over, standard NPC stuff. 

"I have a beard and I am naked, see?" Yits informed me while flashing me to prove her statement. "You will be doing the hard work, and will just be coming along for the entertainment!"

"What? What the hell are you coming for? You gave me my quest, and now I will go do said quest! I will step of you!," I tried to tell her, but she was gone.

"What is this thing in your pocket?" Yits asked from my shoulder, startling me.

"Hey! How did you?" I tried to ask, but the naked Dwarfette just waved me forward, while pulling a struggling Icle out of my front coat pocket.

"Put me down you hairy monster!" Icle complained as he was hung in the air in front of Yits.

"I am not a monster! See!" 

I couldn't see what the two were, doing and I wasn't really sure what the fuck was going on at this point. Why was this NPC coming alone?

"Hey! You aren't a monster! Just a naked little vixen! Hey, if you want I can be clothes for you! I'm pretty cool to wear, if you know what I mean," The little purple snowman said suggestively. 

"All right, you two say here and the grown-up will go find the rocks, okay?" I said scooping Yits off my shoulder, but she was ignoring me.

Icle had covered Yits giving her a bikini, but the bikini was moving around and doing lewd things to the poor little Dwarfette. For Yits part, she was starting to make sounds of pleasure as she rolled on the ground in ecstasy.

I turned from the fucking weirdos and left to walk down the cave. I had dodged a bullet there, and hopefully, Icle could keep the micro sexual deviant busy while I went to deal with the three idiots.

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