Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 253: Unfolding

Chapter 253: Unfolding

I jogged back up to the cabin that was now the inside of a futuristic-looking RV. I stepped into the cabin and then sunk into the floor, merging back into my body.

Once I was back in my RV form, I transformed completely back into just plain old me. I had sent some thoughts to Eva to start doing some research on other mechs that I had seen before.

From there she could now start putting together blueprints for me to use when changing. Once I had done the shift, Eva would record everything and turn it into a basic command I could use.

The problem with the Transformation was that it was not affected by my speed boost. So, the TTC was not something I could use on the go, and I would have to plan my actions if I wanted to use it effectively.

I finally finished locking the plates that were my skin back in place, only leaving the hairline cracks. I ran my hand over my skin and it felt normal like the lines were just part of my tattoos.

Everyone had gone back inside, so I walked around to the door to Violet's lab that I had created. Once inside, Tamika and Violet came over and gave me a hug, but had wary looks.

"You should go and see Kyra, or maybe you shouldn't. I am not really sure what is wrong with her," Tamika told me.

"What do you mean?  She seemed alright when I talked to her just before leaving," I said, letting the two of them go.

"She started to freak out when she went inside saying that you hated her, but it was her fault and that she should go home. There were other things, but she almost seemed frantic and panicked. Titania is with her, but Dalmia and Nika are keeping Kyla," Tamika explained.

'What kind of scans can you run? Can you do a scan of an Avatar?'

'Yes, but not on the inside visually, but I can tell you if there is a problem or damage. Why? What do you think might be wrong?' -Eva.

'I don't know yet, but I suspect that it has something to do with Reginold or the Game master, Talon. She has been acting a bit weird, but I hadn't really noticed it before. Pawning the kid off on me is just part of my job, but this change seemed more recent.'

"Where is Arrentia? I need her to come with me to go see Kyra. I don't know what is wrong but I need to get to the bottom of this."

"She should be going to see Krya already, last I heard she was waiting in your room with Titania, and Haruna," Tamika said. 

"Thank you, girls, after this I will be going on my...."

*Boom! Crash!*

I was cut off as the ship shook, and I had to catch both girls as the ship bucked from the massive explosion. That had just come from next door, and that was Titania's workshop.

Once the girls were on their feet, I dialed up, and the world started to slow down around me. I raced to the door and pushed the button, but the door was barely moving.

I had to let time catch back up so the door could open just enough for me to get through and I raced to the next door but as I hit the button, and let time catch back up I was blown back as another explosion ripped the door and walls apart.

I dialed past the normal point and everything froze. I started to run to the cockpit first. Tescelle might be in there and I didn't have time to ask where everyone was.

I walked through the door and it peeled back like a sheet of lead. Luckily, no one was in here, and everyone else should be safe from the blast, but I wanted to see what caused it.

I still kept dialed up and used energy to blast the door open more, poking my head out. I tried to look through the crack in the wall where it was tearing, but the flames from the explosion of whatever it was were blocking me from seeing anything.

I sighed and walked out into the hall and back to where the girls were, scooping them up. I glued down, and then let time pick back up.

The explosion hit, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it still caused a tremendous amount of damage to the ship. The chance of us being able to fly after something like this was going to be next to impossible.

"Are you girls okay?" I asked a dazed Tamika and Violet.

"Yeah, what was that?" Tamika asked.

"I don't know, but I am going to find out, go upstairs and check on the others, I will be up right away. I need to go and check to see what happened from the outside. Be careful in the hall, and check before you go out there. If it looks dangerous don't do it, and just wait for me, okay," I asked the two as I was walking for the door, and they nodded. 

I turned and ran to the door and hit the button to open it up and then dialed back up. I ran out, but the hole was filled with black smoke, and it was barely moving with my perception turned up.

'Have you sent out the drones yet? How come we don't have a visual?'

"There is nothing in the area. Whatever was here before is gone now. There were a large number of signatures that moved after the explosion and now they are gone," Eva explained.

Great, the project that Titania was just working on was more than likely gone and our shipwrecked. What was going on, and how did this happen? Who? 

I burst back inside and scooped the girls up that had barely started to move and ran up to the main level where my room was. The door was closed, but Arrentia was walking towards it.

I had to let myself slow down, and then I put the girls down. Both of them started to pant and wheeze as they had just run a race, and Violet turned on me with a scowl.

"Don't do that! I could have walked up here perfectly fine without you trying to rearrange my insides!" Violet complained.

"Sorry, I didn't want to chance you getting hurt," I said, but then I rushed over to the sound of my crying daughter. "Is she okay? No one was hurt where they?"

"No, here, she was just scared. After seeing Kyra acting the way she was, the explosion scared her that all," Dalmia said, passing the crying Kyla over to me, but she stopped when she saw who it was.

"Daddy? Why is mom so angry? And what was that loud scary noise?" Kyla asked me.

"I am going to find out what's wrong with mommy, so I need you to stay with other mom for now, okay?" I asked Kyla after hugging her close and kissing her cheek.

"Okay, but just call them by their names, Dali, and Niki. Other mom sounds weird and makes you sound like a pervert, but I missed you, daddy. Are you all done now?" Kyla asked hopefully.

I had to shoot her down again, this business of kids and trying to complete this game was hard on the soul.

"No Muffin, but dad is going to get them done really fast now, so I just need a little bit more time, okay? After that then I will make some time for us to do some things, okay?" I asked Kyla, and she nodded, and then hugged me again.

I handed her back over to Dali after she let me go. Man, that little girl was cute; my own daughter giving my wives nicknames. I kissed the two women and then turned to go over to see Arrentia who was waiting by my door.

"Long time no see stranger," Arrentia said as I pulled her into a quick kiss and a nose rub.

I refused to call the bear kisses purely out of principle.

"I know, and I am sorry, I have just been busy lately. Do you know what is wrong Kyra?" I asked. 

There was no noise coming from the room, so I went over and knocked on the door. I wanted to let them open so I didn't walk into a private conversation, even though it was my room, but there was no answer. 

"Strange, I am pretty sure there are three of them here, so they would have made a noise. Maybe you should stand back," I said to Arrentia, waving her back.

I stepped forward and pressed the button, and I dialed up briefly, but nothing in the room seemed dangerous. The problem was the three girls lying on my bed with their eyes closed. 

This was just great.

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