Single Wish: Rise Of The Omniscient Paragon

Chapter 271 270: First Tribulation of Hell; A Terrible Beginning

Chapter 271 270: First Tribulation of Hell; A Terrible Beginning

In the world that was completely made up of glass, the mirror at Corey's right rippled, then a light shot out of the mirror towards Corey.

Corey's blank eyes flickered back to life, and Corey exhaled like a dying man that was just given life.

He looked around, and his eyes contained a tinge of confusion before it completely changed to relief, and happiness.

He quickly looked at his body, and he exhaled a deep breath of relief.

"I'm back. And I'm not old."

Corey mumbled with a slight smile as he never thought he would be so relieved to be back in the glass world of the first tribulation.

Memories of his life in Earth 2.0 appeared in his mind, and a smile filled with complicated emotions appeared on his lips.

His lips in Earth 2.0 was filled with happiness.

Although, it had its up and downs, it was mainly filled with happiness.

His sister and parents were well and alive.

He got married to a wife who respected him.

He had children and grandchildren.

He was the richest man to have ever existed on Earth 2.0

Also, due to the countless achievements he made. He was given the title of 'The Greatest Man To Have Ever Existed.'

There was no danger that was beyond human means.

There was no human or being with so much strength that he or she could do whatever it is they wanted.

And finally, there was no apocalypse.

Corey's life was filled with happiness and peace, and Corey could not help but frown despite this.

There was only one thing he liked when he was transferred to another world.

The Time.

The amount of time he had to spend in Earth 2.0 was more than 200 years.

The two hundred years he lived was not an illusion, and neither was it dream he could easily forget.

Everything he did in Earth 2.0 was real.

The connections he made, his family, and a lot of other things were real, and Corey could not just forget them.

Corey looked at the glass road that seemingly had no end, then his eyes moved to the countless mirrors by the sides of the glass road.

A thought came into Corey's mind and his expression darkened.

He remembered that when he took his first step on the glass road, a force which he could not resist had forced him to look into one of the glass mirrors by his sides.

If the strange power which he could not resist forced him to look at one of the glass mirrors again, Corey would most likely have to live another life until… he died?

Although, Corey was able to maintain his sense of self even after living for 200+ years in New Earth, Corey did not believe that he would be able to maintain his sense of self if he had to live for another 200+ years for an uncountable number of times.

Just by looking at the countless number of mirrors and the seemingly endless road, Corey knew that he would most likely have to live in an uncountable number of worlds until he died.

When Corey realized this, his facial expression was beyond ugly and frustrated.

"What if I commit suicide in every world I appear?"

Corey mumbled, but before he could ponder on this decision, his instincts screamed at him to move.

Without wasting a single second, Corey quickly took a step forward, and just as he was about to make a dash forward due to his instincts still screaming at him, his body was forced to stop by the same power that forced him to look at one of the mirrors.

The same power forced him to stop, and although he tried to break free from the force, he could not even twitch his finger no matter how much he tried.

Corey's head was forced to turn to the mirror on his left, and when his gaze landed on the mirror, his reflection smiled and Corey's gaze became blank.




"Brother! Wake up!"

A loud and weak voice rumbled in Corey's ears, and with a deep groan, he struggled to open his eyes.

After struggling much longer than he expected, he grabbed his head as he felt a sort of weakness, and pain throughout his entire body.

'What is this?'

'Why am I feeling so much pain?'

Corey thought, and he shook off the pain.

He looked around, and a baffled expression appeared on his face when he saw his environment.

It looked like he was in a make-shift tent.

'What the-?'

"Brother let's go."

"We have to work"

The weak voice which contained a tinge of familiarity and also unfamiliarity flowed into his ears, and Corey turned towards the source.

The instant he did, his pupils constricted to needle points.


Corey subsconciouly spoke with a slightly loud voice, startling the familiar, and yet unfamiliar figure before him.

"Are you sick brother?"

The female figure questioned with a worried tone as she placed her skinny and clearly malnourished hand on Corey's forehead.

Corey's eyes trembled slightly, and he grabbed her with as little force he could muster.

He was clearly afraid of unintentionally harming the little girl before him.

"Who did this to you Anna?"

Corey questioned as he looked at the female figure who was his little sister, Anna.

Even when Anna was just a sixteen year old, she had the body of a sexy female in her twenties. It was a thing of envy towards females older than her, and a thing of pride for her.

But now!

Anna was skinny!

Anna was so skinny to the point that she looked malnourished!

And she was!

She wore a cloth made from brown sacks, and she also had countless bruises on her skinny arms.

As Corey observed his sister, he noticed something which he had overlooked due to Anna's current condition.

On her wrists were chains, and on his wrists were also chains!

He was also wearing the same brown sacks as his sister!

Corey's expression darkened and his eyes became cold.

"What's wrong with you brother?"

"How could you forget about the Perzians who enslaved us?"

Corey frowned.


Just as Corey was about to speak, a shrill scream echoed from the outside, and Anna and Corey's expression changed.


Anna screamed, and she dashed out of the make shift tent at full speed.

Despite the pain Corey felt, Corey also stood and dashed out of the make shift tent.

The instant he dashed out of the tent, his eyes ignored everything, and his gaze landed on a headless corpse about thirty meters away from him.

His eyes widened when he saw the face on the head, and his heart rate spiked.



Anna's shout woke him from his shock and disbelief, and his gaze shifted, only to see a man wearing a golden armor swinging his sword towards the neck of a petrified woman he knew from the moment he was born.

He wanted to move.

He wanted to save her.

But he was too late, and too weak.

The sword connected with his mother's neck, and her head flew upwards. Her blood spraying about like fireworks.

Corey's pupils shook.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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