Single Wish: Rise Of The Omniscient Paragon

Chapter 292 291: Time Bomb

Chapter 292 291: Time Bomb

"What a fucking mess."

A hoarse whisper resounded in the extremely silent office followed by a loud sigh.

The intruder gazed at the headless corpse of the leader of the Dread Vipers as he slumped unto the floor with a loud thud.

His breathing was erratic and heavy and with visible difficulty, he gazed at the fairly large hole in his chest and he frowned before releasing another deep sigh.

"I was too careless and I underestimated him."

A soft groan escaped the lips of the intruder as he looked at the hole in his chest which was slowly healing.

'I'm lucky.'

As he looked at the healing hole, he could not help but exhale in relief.

The energy bullet fired by the leader of the Dread Vipers was so powerful that even an average tier 4 would most likely die from it.

The bullet was extremely fast, powerful, and also had an immense penetrating power.

It also contained a lot of mystic energy and it had a homing ability.

When the energy bullet was fired, he had tried to quickly place his shoulder in the path of the bullet since it was going straight for his heart. But, even when he moved, the bullet still went for his heart and pierced through his chest, negating every defensive measure he had.

He thought he was going to die since the energy bullet would surely penetrate his heart, but to his surprise, his heart became something like a mirage and it's image became extremely faint.

When that happened, his breathing immediately stopped and he swore he had died in that split second.

Fortunately, his heart went back to normal and he survived the energy bullet. 

Albeit, barely.

'I'm grateful he didn't target my head at least.'

A shiver went through the intruder's spine as he thought of how death was extremely close to taking his life a few minutes ago.

Although, his heart was not penetrated due to reasons unknown to him, his body was thoroughly ravaged and is still being ravaged at the moment.

The mystic energy from the energy bullet was rampaging and destroying his body.

Luckily for him, his mana veins were no longer the same and was upgraded to something extremely better, or he'd have been crippled once again.

Probably for life this time around.

His skill, Dream Healing, was working furiously to heal his wounds and his new mana veins helped in reducing the damage he suffered from the mystic energy rampaging in his body.

[You were careless.]

A feminine voice filled with a reprimanding tone rang out in the intruder's head, and a soft sigh escaped his lips.

'I know.' He replied

[No. You don't know.]

[Your inactive Void Phoenix Heart was forced to be activated. You only have two months left to live.]

A stunned expression appeared on the face of the intruder, and just as he was about to question the feminine entity in his mind, he heard soft footsteps in front of him.

He looked up and he saw the young blessed standing a few feet away from him with a wary, shocked and tired expression.

"Who are you?"

The boy asked and the intruder waved his hand as he replied while taking his gaze off the boy with a serious expression.

"I'll talk to you later."

The young boy frowned, then his gaze moved to the fairly large hole in the intruder's chest.

He could see a dark grey heart beating in a rhythm that was both beautiful and also disconcerting in his eyes.

The heart had a… paramount feeling to it that made the young blessed slightly uncomfortable.

The uncomfortable aura of the heart made the young blessed to not think about how the intruder's heart was still in one piece.

"I just wanted to know what your name was before you die."

A stunned and baffled expression instantly appeared on the face of the intruder as he was taken aback to the extreme when he heard the young blessed's words.

He looked at the young blessed with raised brows and with an indifferent tone, he replied:

"I'm Smile Reaper. And I'm not dying yet."

The boy raised his brows and his gaze moved to the large hole in Corey's chest.

"Unless you have a powerful and extremely rare medicinal plant, I don't think your constitution, no matter how high it is, would be able to help you with that sort of injury."

The young boy said, but Corey ignored him and focused on Nina.

'What were you saying about me having only two months left to live?'

Corey's tone had a tinge of apprehension and impatience as he spoke, and the light in his gaze also contained these emotions.

[When your heart was in danger, it forcibly activated itself so as to save itself from getting pierced.]

[Normally, your heart was not meant to use any void force until it was activated. But it did, and your heart would continuously and forcibly pump out void force and a lot of energy into your body.]

[And in two months time, your body would get overloaded and you would explode and die.]

[You have to get promoted to the next tier and choose the Void Phoenix Heart from the next Paragon racial list so as to permanently activate your heart and gain control over it.]

[You have only two months left before you become a nuke.]

When Corey heard the words of Nina, a deep frown was etched upon his face and he instantly regretted the fact that he underestimated and looked down on the leader of the Dread Vipers.

Ever since Corey saw the leader of the Dread Vipers, he had never felt an inkling of danger from him.

Since their status screen no longer displayed numbers, Corey could not know whether his stats were higher than the stats of a being at a higher tier than him.

So, he decided to rely on his instincts.

And his instincts told him that the leader was not as strong as him, but his guns were dangerous.

Corey had a hunch that his physical attributes and mana were higher than that of the leader, and he was right.

His physical attributes were higher than the Dread Vipers leader, and his mana reserves was also larger in quanitity and better in quality.

But, what Corey had underestimated was the unique ability of all tier 3's.

Their Mind's Eye.

A level 1 and 2 Mind's Eye would not have given Corey so much trouble, but the leader's level three Mind's Eye instantly made the Dread Viper's leader to see Corey's future actions, and he was able to act accordingly, almost taking Corey's life in the process.

After today's fight, Corey engraved it in his mind to not underestimate beings who had a higher tier than him, because they might possess an ability or abilities which could kill him.

His physical stats might be higher, and the quality and quantity of his mana might be better. But, the unique abilities of higher tier beings and their experience could be his downfall.

'Because of my mistake, I've become a ticking time bomb.'

Corey released a sigh, then he looked at the young blessed whose eyes were wide open as he gazed at his hole filled chest with incredulity.

"What's your name kid?"

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