Sins Paradise: Domination System

Chapter 378 378 – Best Date Ever

Cecil burst into the captain's cabin after getting a captain's hat and giving command to the sailors. The people inside, the captain who looked like he had just woken up from sleep and a timid vice-captain who operated the wheel with a pale face, turned and looked at us in surprise.

"W-Who are you?! This is an off-area! You can't just enter as you please!" The captain yelled loudly, pointing his finger at Cecil. "This is the captain's cabin! Get out, or the mercenary will drag you out by force! I command you as the captain of this ship!"

He approached us with an angry expression and tried to push Cecil away.

However, Cecil slapped his hand and glared at him, "Pipe down, you good-for-nothing scallywag. Didn't even spot a pirate ship sailing our way, and here you be, prancin' about as this ship's captain?! Show some shame!"

Her sailor's tongue returned after so long, a sign that she was truly angry toward this good-for-nothing captain. I watched Cecil throw the captain away at the corner of the room, causing him to hit his head and faint, and walked toward the vice-captain.

"Hey, you know what to do?" She asked, towering beside him.

"Y-Yes." The vice-captain nodded nervously as he held the helm tightly. "I-I believe I can maneuver around the pirate ship. B-But I am afraid that it might be hard to dodge their cannon, so we might need to make an emergency stop at Papat Port City."

"Don't you fret, mate! My lover's got this ship's back against them cannons. And as for that place, it's a right mess, and I ain't keen on droppin' anchor there." Cecil commented, showing disgust in her expression.

I hadn't visited this Papat Port City yet, but it sounded like a bad place. Also, she gained control over this ship so easily. As expected from a former Pirate, she knew what to do. And currently, I act as her subordinate like when we first met.

While I could destroy the pirate ship easily, playing along like this was way more exciting. I just thought of this as another date with Cecil, a roleplaying date.

"I'm entrustin' this ship's safety to you, boy." The minotaur girl grinned at me as she stood beside the vice-captain as if it were her place all along.

"Aye, captain." I saluted with a grin under my hood.

Staying in the captain's cabin was useless, with Cecil already taken over it, so I left and went to the deck, where sailors ran around to prepare cannons on the side. They pulled the sail's rope, tightening it and holding it together.

I went to the bow, standing with crossed arms as I activated my skill.


A transparent dome-shaped barrier covered the ship's hull without interfering with the wind from hitting the sail. Sailors were surprised when the soft barrier suddenly covered them. They surely felt its activation because a soft light appeared when it spread around the ship.

"Thank you!"

"This helps a lot!"

The mercenaries began to shout, thanking me. Their jealous gazes earlier turned to grateful ones, and I nodded at them. No need to hate them. I knew that Cecil was really sexy, so I was prepared with many people jealous of me when I had a date with her.

Anyway, the ship's speed increased by a few knots, and it began to cruise through waves. The barrier around the hull split the waves before they could even hit it, creating a ripple that protected the hull and made the ship slightly faster.

Well, it was just to improve the hydrodynamics, not something fancy like a buff to increase its speed.

I could see through the glass Cecil instructing the vice-captain to steer the ship away from the pirate. With a strange maneuver I didn't know a ship could do, we managed to get around the pirate ship.

Just as the vice-captain predicted, they tried to shoot us with cannons.

Boom! Boom!

All of them missed us due to our distance. Watching their useless effort, the mercenaries laughed loudly and mocked them by throwing an arrow into the water and pointing at it.

"Boom!" One of them exclaimed, and the others laughed loudly.

The distance between our ship and the pirate increased as we passed the cliff area and entered the water filled with corals and ragged stones, which made navigation harder.

Cecil took the helm and personally controlled the ship. She skillfully navigated through the dangerous water as if it were nothing. I could see her grinning.

Before long, the situation returned to normal as the ship slowed down, losing sight of the pirate. Sailors and mercenaries alike cheered loudly, throwing off their hats. Some went toward me and thanked me for the barrier while crying.

People began to appear from their rooms, getting curious about the noise. When the sailor explained that we had just escaped from the pirates, the passengers cheered loudly, thanking Goddess Teri for her protection.

"Thank you. Truly." An elderly man bowed his head toward me and the mercenaries that surrounded me to celebrate our successful escape. "This is my last trip before returning to the Goddess' side. Thank you for not making it a disaster."

"You're welcome." I answered him with a smile, "I hope your journey to the Goddess' side will be filled with happiness."

"Ah… Thank you, young man." The elderly man smiled brightly.

In the distance, Cecil approached us as she took off her hat. The vice-captain looked through the window in the captain's cabin and nodded at me, thanking me in his own way. He would be promoted to captain, for sure.

Unlike the useless superior who could only yell at us, he actually took the wheel and commanded the ship to move away from the pirate.

I nodded back and met up with Cecil. Due to the mood on the deck, I asked her to move to the back of the ship, and she was more than happy to.

Sitting on a chair side by side while holding hands, Cecil exhaled deeply.

"Fuu… It's been a long time since I did that. It was a little bit tiring, even though I used to do this every day."

"You're out of practice," I commented with a smirk.

"Well, you're right." She said, gripping my hand tighter. "Those pirates from earlier… I didn't recognize them. They could be new unfortunate people who decided to rob to make a living. Their knowledge of water around this area is also lacking, and their aim with cannons was shit."

Cecil began to ramble around, but her voice was filled with pity. At that moment, she suddenly leaned her head against my shoulder and muttered.

"I was really lucky. I probably would still rob people and kill them all to get riches. You know, I didn't regret coming with you. My decision at that time was the correct one, though I doubted you at first. Hahaha."

"I am glad you think that way," I said, looking toward the land that got closer. "If there is something wrong with me, just say it. I am not as perfect as other people thought."

"No need to mention it." She affirmed, "Even if the other girls said you're correct, I will stand to stop you if I think you made a mistake."

"Hahaha, I will be glad if you do that." I chuckled slowly, "I think Tris will also help you stop me."

"Great. Because I don't think I can do that myself."

The atmosphere around us was rosy. It was comfortable.

"Hey, Arthur," Cecil called out softly.

"Yeah?" I answered, looking at her.

She looked back at me with a soft smile, "This is the best date ever."

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