Slice Of Life In Fantasy World

Chapter 6 - 6. Talent Awakening Orb

Chapter 6: Chapter 6. Talent Awakening Orb

"Of course can" Liam said while looking at his mother.

Then he asked "Mom what do we need for awakening our talent and Starting our magical journey."

If we say he wasn't excited then it would be lie, because who doesn't want power and can do magical things.

It was because of 'some affairs' did he was late for his talent awakening.

But now that his 'lust' was calm down, he was thinking of what other things do we need to awaken our talent.

Lilith was also recovered till now and already corrected her clothes.

After hearing her son question, she said "We don't need anything except a orb or magic card for awakening the talent."

Liam was quite confused about this he didn't read this in book's because it was pretty common here.

So anyone's didn't add this information in the book's that he had read previously.

He asked "What is a orb and magic card that we need to awaken our talent."

Lilith looked at her son in surprise and asked "You don't know about it,"

Then without waiting for his reply she said "The orb and magic card is a magical item that we need to awaken our talent. The magical card Is cheap and used by common people who is not rich or have much money but it can be only used one time. It is also called Magic Awakening Card."

After saying this she stopped for a moment and let them digest this information, after a moment she continued "The orb is that is used by rich people's and those who have money. It can be used continuously. It is also called Talent Awakening Orb."

After digesting this information he asked what was on his heart, Liam asked "Then what is the difference between them?"

He asked this because he felt that it's not only because of this difference that, one can be used by common people and other can be by rich people, so the two were invented, right.

As for one time thing and continually it doesn't matter because one is cheaper and other is expensive.

Liam hadn't gone outside from his house till now, so he doesn't know that common and rich people's have many differences according to their rank and titles, but his parents didn't talk about it in past and neither they wanted to talk about this matter in future.

They wanted him to find it himself.

Lilith hearing her son question looked at him in surprise she about to tell the difference but he can catch the meaning, so only with that we can see that he is intelligent more than he should be at his this age.

Don't you see Leah, who hadn't talked about it and is still digesting information. While he is still asking about the difference.

Lilith had seen her son before like this asking and telling, so she calm down quickly and said "The main difference is that Magical Awakening Card couldn't hide any celestial phenomena that would show if we awaken high ranking talent."

"Celestical phenomena like?" Liam asked in middle even though he had pretty much the idea what she was talking about but he wanted to confirm it.

Lilith was not angry when she was stopped in middle when talking, she loves her children and wouldn't get angry with them just about this little thing's, only if there is a serious problem will she get mad.

Then she tell him about it with great details, she said "When we awaken our talent if the talent is till A rank then the celestical phenomena wouldn't appear but if we awaken S or more upper rank talent then according to the element that the person had awakened, there will be a celestical phenomena and natural vision."

"So this is celestical phenomena huh, so the main difference between them is that, The Talent Awakening Orb could hide the celestical phenomena and natural vision while Magic Awakening Card couldn't hide it, right." Liam said

It was pretty much he had thought about this before, except that he had thought according to the rank will the natural vision will appear in it's size.

But now he knows that it will only appears if the talent is awakened above the S rank.

"Yes, you are right baby." Lilith was not surprised and didn't feel much about that he can say tell about it now.

"So we should have the Talent Awakening Orb, right?" Even though he didn't know that common, rank and titles with people's have much difference but he knew that they were from Duke family only lower then the King of their, Drerachi Kingdom.

"Yes, we have and today you could see your father, when you awaken your talent" Lilith said but when she was talking of Liam father her face became red.

Till now she has orgasmed from her son and now she was about to meet her husband. Even though she ws ashamed but their was also some excitement that she didn't know where it come from.

Even though her husband live here but he didn't meet with her much and after doing his work he always accumulate mana so he could break through a small rank.

"ohhh it's fine" Liam didn't have much interest with meeting his father.

But then he smirked inside his heart thought and laughed 'Even though I didn't have much interest in meeting with him but I am very much interested in cuckolding him hahahaha.'

'My mom, She can be only mine.' when he was thinking of this his eyes became extremely deep then returned normal just in next moment.

"Then what are we waiting for let's go" Leah also didn't have much interest in meeting with her father because he didn't meet with them much in this six years.

So she didn't participate in their talking and said that they should go and awaken their talent.

They also agreed and Lilith took them into their main hall where there was sitting a man, that man looked handsome, his hair were blonde and eyes was yellow, who could that be except their father.

"Good morning, Dad" said Leah and Liam even though they didn't have much interaction with him but the greetings should be given, right.

Liam also didn't have much hostility towards his father's even though he felt uncomfortable but more was sympathy, he was sympathetic towards him as he is stealing her wife.

But sympathy is sympathy he wouldn't stop and would do whatever it takes to have his mother.

"Good morning, how are you doing?" asked his father

At this time Liam spoked like a good 'son' and said "We are fine, now we are going to awaken our talent, would you like to come with us, dad?"

He is saying this casually because he knew that even if he wouldn't ask him, he would come with them, so why don't he say this and with this his 'father' can have also good impression on him.

He needs power and connections so he hadn't thought like he would run away with his mother and sister in the future. If he gets caught he would see what he will do then, until now he is still thinking that first he atleast should have some power to protect himself in this world.

He is born in rich and high rank family, so he wouldn't be a fool and destroy this advantage of his on his own.

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