Sold to a Prince!

Chapter 134 - A Secret Rendezvous Part3

Priscella sneered letting out a cold and mocking laugh. "I was not born yesterday, stupid bitch. You came here to seduce him right?"

"I gave you one job, but instead, you came here to seduce my man. Who gave you such courage? Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror before?"

"Did you think just because that damned slave somehow trapped him, you can also do the same?"

"How dare you bite the hand that feeds you?"

Priscella clutched the woman who was groveling at her feet and pulled her up by the hair, only to land a loud slap on her face.

Michelle screamed in pain as the woman she had served for such a long time tortured her without any rhyme or reason.

In reality, Priscella had a reason but Michelle simply was not aware of it. 

After the pleasant dinner, where everyone congratulated her for the engagement, the guests dispersed from the dining hall once the King, the Queen, and his concubines left the dining hall.

But some of them were still chatting with each other in smaller groups and Priscella couldn't help but overhear the things that they whispered.

She didn't know who leaked it or how this rumor started but she was furious. 

Almost everyone seemed to know about how Mikel entertained a slave on the side who he was most certainly planning to give a Mistress title.

Some even commented saying that Priscella was infertile and hence the Prince had to rely on other women to make sure that the royal lineage is carried on.

Though they were just gossiping and amusing themselves with nonsense, it was still a slap on the face for Priscella and her reputation was being tarnished.

A husband having a mistress was one thing but to take a mere slave as a mistress and confer her a title was literally a humiliation to her status as the Duke's daughter.

Priscella had in fact hurried over to Mikel's room to confront him about this and make him change his mind, only to find Michelle in his room instead.

The sight of her very own maid in her fiance's room in the middle of the night triggered all her pent-up frustrations and she ended up taking out all her anger on the poor maid who was at the wrong place at the wrong time.


As soon as Michelle and Theodore had left, Sylvia quickly scrambled out of the garden and headed to the huge library inside the castle.

Just like Mikel had told her, the entire place was deserted except for a couple of guards who saw her wearing a maid uniform and didn't question her.

Sylvia sighed in relief and went to a corner of the library, hidden amidst the bookshelves, and picked a random book, and sat down to read.

"I should have just done this in the first place." She shook her head helplessly. 

The book was coincidentally about herbs and it captured her interest quickly, helping her forget the other unpleasant memories of the day.

Sylvia was immersed in reading and she didn't realize how many hours had passed until she suddenly felt a breeze across her face.

Since the library windows were closed, this caught her attention and she looked up to see the same white wolf standing in front of her again, its body covered by blue runes.

Huh? Sylvia was perplexed. She had no idea what was going on. Was this wolf really just someone's pet?

The wolf gazed at her with its piercing blue eyes and after a while started walking away, but then it turned around and looked at Sylvia as if it wanted her to follow it.

Sylvia slightly hesitated. However, she then nodded and placed the book on her hand down to follow the wolf. She didn't know why but she felt that she could trust this beast. 

She followed the beast quickly and didn't realize there was now a faint shimmering light surrounding her, similar to the light that enveloped the beast.

The two of them walked past guards, walked past other people but weirdly no one seemed to notice them.

Sylvia gasped in shock wondering if there was a spell of invisibility or something like that at work, but how this wolf be so powerful to cast a spell like this?

Even the royal guards were unable to notice their presence!!!

Sylvia immediately started regretting her actions and having followed this seemingly innocent looking wolf in the first place. The beast was most definitely up to no good.

But the worst part was, she couldn't afford to stop following it anymore! She would surely be in trouble! 

Before she realized it, they were already in the private quarters of the King, where all the maids were instructed not to enter.

If she got found out now, it would be the death of her and even Mikel would not be able to save her.

Sylvia panted seeing how things had progressed so quickly so fast. 

She was too busy worrying about how others were not seeing them and when she finally realized where they had walked into, it was already too late.

She also didn't know if she could call out to the beast as that might make their invisibility spell shatter.

So without having any other option, she silently followed the wolf, deciding to see this through to the end, wondering just what the hell the wolf was up to.

She followed the beast as it entered through a door and then through the winding tunnels which seemed to lead to somewhere underneath the huge castle.

The walls of the tunnel had torches that lit their path and the fresh smell of mud and earth swirled in the air.

On a couple of occasions, Sylvia even had to squeeze herself against the wall so as to not directly touch the guards who walked past them.

But the wolf didn't seem to care and it continued walking along the downward spiral like a King its body passing right through solid objects.

Sylvia was utterly dumbfounded. She had never heard or seen anything like this before. But she knew one thing for sure, she was in deep trouble. 

"Damn it. Damn it. Damn it." A cold sweat breaking on her back, she couldn't help but wonder what made her follow this beast in the first place.

Was she really just that stupid? Ahhhhhh! Sylvia wanted to scream. 

She had just now escaped from Priscella and her maids, but she had already gotten into another trouble? What was happening?

Everything had happened way too quickly that she didn't even know what to think of now.

While she was engrossed in her thoughts, the wolf suddenly stopped, making her stop in her tracks as well.

"Where the hell are we?" Sylvia muttered inwardly, gulping. Standing a few feet away from her was the King himself!

Sylvia felt like a bolt of lightning had struck her body. Fuccccccckkkkk! She held her breath afraid that the invisibility spell might break at any moment.

There were a couple of guards standing near the King and there were also some other men who were dressed like they were important.

Sylvia couldn't recognize them. She had only seen the King before when they had come to the castle for the Masquerade ball.

A couple of minutes passed and Sylvia's completely rattled nerves finally calmed down. The men near her were completely oblivious of her presence and this gave her a little hope.

She took a look around and saw that she and the wolf were standing in some sort of underground prison.

In front of them, stretched until the end of the long corridor were several prison cells, some occupied and some empty.

Sylvia sucked in a deep breath of cold air as her eyes wandered to the particular prison cell the King and his men were standing in front of.

The wolf walked closer to the cell and so did she. Now that she was already here and somehow invisible, she wanted to see for herself who was inside.

Did the wolf bring her here to show her this? Sylvia slowly tip-toed walking forward and took a peek inside, when suddenly her face paled and she gasped.

Inside the cell was a small child, a young boy who was shivering in fright. 

The boy had several cuts, scrapes, and bruises on his body and he was chained to the wall as if he was some sort of hardened criminal.

His head hung low and his eyes were closed, his little child-like face completely devoid of any emotions.

Sylvia gasped in shock. Just how much did this child have to suffer for him to show a pitiful expression like this? Did the King do this to him? How cruel!

She felt a surge of anger that she had never experienced before and in her deep contemplation, she forgot where she was and took a step forward, entering the prison itself. 

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