Sold to a Prince!

Chapter 211 Ruff! Ruff!

Chapter 211  Ruff! Ruff!

Sylvia paused for a moment and hesitated. The next second another cry sounded. This time she couldn't help but soften up a bit. It looked like the animal was really in a lot of pain.

Perhaps it was all alone just like her. She sighed and cautiously cleared the brambles to step in. She decided to take a look at the thing.

If it was in so much pain, it couldn't possibly be strong enough to hurt her. Nevertheless, she materialized a ball of flames in her hand just in case it was a trap.

She ducked under the branches and peered in slowly and right in front of her was the source of the noise!

A small black wolf pup was entangled in a bunch of messy thorny vines. These also did not look like normal vines as one of them unwound itself from the pup and slithered towards Sylvia.

It snapped at her as if it wanted to devour her too.

Sylvia's eyes widened in surprise and she immediately stepped back. This was a carnivorous plant. There were not many of these around and this was her first time seeing one.

She lifted up the ball of flames to see the vines extending all the way over to the top of the tall humungous tree. It had rampantly grown twining around the tree.

No wonder the small wolf pup got caught in its trap. As she took another step back, marveling at the massive vine network, the wolf cub purred again.

It lifted its tired eyelids and gazed expectantly at Sylvia with its big sad eyes and then made a whining pleading sound as if it was asking for her help.

Sylvia's heart softened at the pitiful sight of the beast and with a quick spell that gathered wind around her, she cut through the vine plant and instantly freed the little black cub.


The small pup looked utterly shocked.

It had been struggling for hours, its blood being continuously drained away by the vine but now it was suddenly free!

Ruff! Ruff!

It quickly jumped out of the trap before more vines could take over and keep it ensnared again. However, instead of simply running away, it jumped onto Sylvia.

"Ah?" She caught it in her hands. "You are not running away? Are you hurt too much?"

She could feel that the beast in her hand was extremely light in weight. It had definitely lost a lot of blood. Before she could examine it fully, rustling sounds started echoing from the plant.

It looked like the plant had finally realized that it had lost its prey.

Because of its massive elaborate vines, this information was a bit delayed but at the same time, now that it knew, everything started moving.

Sylvia saw that the vines had spread not only on this tree but many of the surrounding trees as well.

The thing was massive and gigantic and several vines unfurled and swayed in the wind, wanting to catch the both of them.

"Not good! Let's get out of here first." Sylvia held her hand steady commanding the wind to gather around her legs and her speed instantly quadrupled.

Her slender figure hugged the pup closely as the both of them lifted up in the air and shot across like an arrow.

The plant might be enormous and agile with numerous deadly vines but it was no match for her speed and magic.

It only took her a moment to get out of its grasp. She then turned around to face it, materializing a huge ball of flames, wanting to burn it to crisp.

However, after a moment of hesitation, she paused.

Even if it was deadly and carnivorous, the plant was simply no match for her. There wasn't any need for her to destroy it. After all, it was also trying to survive.

She didn't know why she felt a bit of pity for it even. She dispersed the flames in her hands and landed back on a white rock near the waterfall.

She took a handful of water and fed it to the pup. It looked like it was doing a bit better now that it was not in the grasp of the vines.

The pup drank a bit and then tried to move but it looked like it was severely hurt. It was limping and teared up as soon as it tried to move.

"Where are your parents?" Sylvia asked the pup. She had no idea if it would be able to understand her.

Even if it did, it seemed too weak to answer. "Alright. Let me heal you first."

She whispered the healing spell and patted the small pup soothingly. A warm light enveloped the small thing and the next second, its dull and weary eyes brightened up immediately.

It looked like it had almost recovered to full health!

This was the first time she had used a healing spell so she was just as surprised as the small animal. The wolf pup jolted up and stood on its four paws, barking excitedly.

It then jumped onto Sylvia once again and licked her across her face, almost giving her a facial in its eagerness.

"Ok. Ok. Stop." Sylvia chuckled and grabbed it by its scruff, placing it back on the ground. "Hah, you're welcome." She smiled, wiping away some of the slobber.

The small pup kept running around her in circles and trying to put on a show for her. Sylvia had no idea what it was up to. She just watched it with a smile.

It was being so awfully silly, that she couldn't help but play with it. Several minutes passed quickly and the first rays of the morning sun started appearing.

Sylvia reluctantly placed the wolf pup down on the ground, petting it a few more times, lovingly rubbing its head. She then gave it a serious look and sighed.

"I think it's time for me to leave. Thanks a lot for keeping me company. You made me feel a lot better, little guy. I will go now. You should also find your pack."

The little pup's eyes widened and its face immediately drooped like a wilted flower as if it understood what she was saying. It was unwilling to part with her.

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