Sold to a Prince!

Chapter 221 Naive

Chapter 221  Naive

For the next few days, Sylvia spent her entire time stuck in her chamber, thinking about the various events that had happened in her life recently.

She also thought about the destruction of the human kingdom and what it meant for the future of both the human and beast worlds. She felt a mix of emotions, including anger, sadness, and confusion.

Though she wanted someone to pay for what happened to her and the way she was treated, she couldn't make herself feel at peace with all of the destruction and death.

Even after a few days, this thought did not change. In fact, she only felt her conviction grow stronger. Because in the middle of all of this war and destruction, the people who were inevitably affected the most were not those who tortured her, but the innocent and the weak.

Sylvia still had no idea who exactly was to blame for the destruction of the human kingdom, but she knew that there were many factors at play, including political conflicts, power struggles, and perhaps even demons.

No matter who it was, she did not care too much about it. Seeking revenge would probably not bring back the lives that were lost or restore the land to its former state.

Instead, Sylvia wanted to focus on rebuilding and finding a way to prevent future destruction. She knew that it would not be easy, but she was determined to do whatever she could to help.

Just like how Roman had helped her while she was at the lowest point in her life, she wanted to do something for someone else in return. She wanted to use the gifts she had for something good.

After about ten days, Sylvia finally stood up and left her chamber. She had thought about this long enough. Now she wanted to do something about it and the first thing that she needed to do was to meet her father, the King.

Sylvia made her way to the throne room, where she knew her father would be. She was nervous, but also determined to speak her mind and share her ideas for rebuilding and preventing future destruction.

When she entered the throne room, she saw her father sitting on his throne, surrounded by his advisors and other members of the court. Sylvia walked up to him and knelt down before him, showing her respect and loyalty.

"Your highness, I have been thinking about the situation in the human kingdom and what we can do to help. I have some ideas that I would like to share with you, if I may." Sylvia said, her voice steady but her heart pounding with nervousness.

Her father looked at her with surprise and curiosity. He had not seen his daughter in many days and was curious to see her taking an interest in the welfare of their kingdom.

"Hmm… You may speak." Frederick Akhekh said, gesturing for Sylvia to stand and speak. His gaze lingered on her, wondering why she was suddenly here.

Sylvia stood up and began to speak. She knew this was probably not going to go well, but she wanted to see just what would happen if she directly said what was in her mind.

"Your highness, I have been thinking about the situation in the human kingdom and the destruction that has been wrought there. I believe that we, as beasts, are partly to blame for what happened."

"We have been living in isolation, separated from the humans and ignoring their struggles. We have not done enough to help them or prevent this disaster from happening. We cannot continue to turn a blind eye to the suffering of others." Sylvia said, her voice firm but respectful.

Her father and the other members of the court looked at her with shock and some disapproval. They were not used to hearing such words from a member of the beast clan, especially one from the royal family.

"Sylvia, you must understand that the human kingdom has always been a volatile and unstable place. It was only a matter of time before something like this happened."

"We cannot be held responsible for their actions or their fate. Our priority is to protect our own kingdom and our own people." The King said, his voice stern.

"I understand that, your highness, but we cannot continue to ignore the suffering of others. We have the power and the resources to help them."

"We cannot simply stand by and watch as they are destroyed. We must do something to help them rebuild and prevent this from happening again. It is not only the right thing to do, but it is also in our own best interests." Sylvia said, her voice unwavering.

However, unlike the confidence and conviction in her words, the others only looked at her with pity as if she was a fool who had lost her way.

"Your thinking is neither practical nor feasible. Human beings are a traitorous bunch. If we trust them and cooperate with them to help in their fight against the demons, do you know what will happen?"

Sylvia gulped.

"Betrayal." Frederick Akhekh scoffed at her naivety.

Sylvia listened to her father's words and understood his concerns. She knew that it would not be easy to convince him and the other members of the court to take action and help the humans, but she was determined to try.

"I understand, your highness, but… perhaps they think the same of us. Someone has to take the first step. Since we are powerful, then shouldn't it be us?"

"That's enough. What do you know about the human kingdom? You cannot even complete your transformation, and yet you are here, talking about what is good for the future of the Kingdom."

"Do you really think that humans are so weak? Think again. If an entire Kingdom had been laid to waste, it was because someone allowed it to happen. This will be the end of this discussion. You will not speak of this again. You may leave now."

Sylvia felt a surge of anger and frustration as she listened to her father's words. She knew that she was probably not as powerful as him or had as much experience as him, but he could at least listen to her and have a conversation with her.

"Your highness" Sylvia opened her mouth again when a tremendous amount of pressure descended on her. "I said that's enough." Frederick Akhekh's voice thundered.

Sylvia bit her lips. Every single pair of eyes in the courtroom were on her. She knew that she had to leave now, but she was definitely not done yet.


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