Sold to a Prince!

Chapter 52 - Run Run Run Part2

Seeing that Sylvia was very insistent on the time, the manager quickly whistled and called over one of the coachmen standing nearby.

"Greg, why don't you start your trip? It's getting late isn't it?" He muttered whilst giving Sylvia a knowing glance.

She as well nodded at the man to thank him and got onto the carriage, shuffling her feet carefully and hopping in.

She squeezed her small figure in between two huge boxes and settled down in between.

Her actions were definitely not befitting the status of a noblewoman whom she claimed to be, but since it was Sylvia she had the natural charm and elegance to still pull it off.

A couple of minutes later, Sylvia felt a slight jerk, which indicated that the coachman had gotten on to the carriage as well.

She wondered if it was the same man called Greg whom the manager had called for earlier.

She could only observe his silhouette from the back, so she didn't know for sure.

She watched him as he lightly whipped the horses, making them neigh and the carriage soon began to move.

Sylvia couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief. She felt like she could finally breathe.

She knew that the ordeal was far from over but at least now she could see some light at the end of the dark bleak tunnel.

Her blue eyes gazed out at the border market and the crowd which was beginning to turn blurry.

She could only faintly make out the long-nosed manager whom she had spoken to and the man now seemed to be busily talking to someone else.

And before long, she could no longer see anyone. 

The carriage had started off quite slowly in the beginning but now it had picked up some pace and was whooshing through the crowded paved streets.

Sylvia felt exhilarated by the cold wind caressing her face even if it was messing up her soft silky silver strands.

The woman folded her knees, hugged them tightly with her hands and then leaned over, placing her head on her knees sideways.

She was looking out to see the fading sceneries and had a silly little smile on her face.

"Eterna Kingdom… I wonder how it will be…" She chuckled, letting out a small yawn.

She was lucky enough to get a direct carriage from the border market to one of the neighboring kingdoms.

Though it was not her final destination, it still helped her gain a decent advantage and footing in her escape plan.

All her life Sylvia had never been a lucky person. She had lost both her parents at a very young age.

She didn't even have a below average mana affinity, with which she could have at least done some chore magic.

And of course, there was the cherry on top, the incident of her own relatives selling her for a few gold coins.

Heh. Sylvia lightly chuckled at her plight. Her mind lazily recollected the weird turns that her life had taken recently.

And the image of a certain devil and his pitch black eyes floated casually across her brain.

Sylvia immediately shook her head and swallowed hard.

"Let's not think about him." She shivered as she felt a chill running down her spine.

"Nope. Nope. Today is my day. This is happening. I am getting out of this ridiculous situation."

"Once I reach Eterna, I will find myself a good man and marry him and live a peaceful and respectful life."

Sylvia muttered with resolution and wiped the sweat off of her forehead, which had somehow pooled in spite of the wind whipping her face.

When she was younger, she had always found this kind of life to be boring and monotonous.

She had often fantasized and wanted more from her life rather than just the same old turn of the wheel.

Being a commoner without any mana affinity, she didn't really have any other options as well.

At the most, she could study very hard and pass some examinations to become a court official.

If not, she could learn a trade and become a seamstress or a chef.

But her household did not have enough money to afford these kinds of training.

Especially with natural charm, allure and beauty, her aunt had straight up informed that her duty to the family was to marry someone rich and influential so that she could help them out and take care of her cousins.

Sylvia couldn't help but wonder what made the sly woman change her mind suddenly and decide to sell her instead?

She sighed, thinking about how things could have been different.

She was now weirdly yearning for a simple life that she once found boring and mundane.

Heh. It was funny how things worked. She had her plans but fate apparently had different plans for her.

"Haaa… It's alright. Everything is back on track now." Sylvia hummed and turned her head, to sightsee on the other side.

The carriage was now flying through the streets on the outskirts of the royal city. 

She had entered and exited the city twice now, but unfortunately she had been unconscious on both of those times.

So considering that she would probably be never ever returning here, Sylvia eagerly drank in the snapshots of different views and architectures that caught her eye as the carriage fled past them.

The winding streets, the colorful trees, the tall mage towers, the cluster of extravagant noble family villas, the parks, the markets, everything, literally every single sight made her ecstatic.

She smiled and hummed as she wondered how long will it take to once and for all leave this god forsaken place and get out of the royal city, putting this life far far behind her.

Sylvia tilted her head and asked, her voice sweet and cheerful. "Mister, when do you think we will reach Eterna?" 

She blinked, batting her long eye lashes and waited for an answer, but the coachman seemed like he was the quiet type.

He didn't answer her question at all.

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