Sold to a Prince!

Chapter 66 - Why Don't You Get A Pet Cat? Part3

As she reluctantly finished licking one of his fingers, Sylvia swallowed the sweetness in her mouth to begin the shameful deed all over again with the next finger.

The devil, however, moved his thumb away from her, making her lean over in order to reach it to do her 'cleaning' duties.

Sylvia fumed. Wasn't it enough to make her lick him like this? He still needed more entertainment?

The man was clearly determined to tease her to death tonight.

Her gaze inadvertently shifted up, wanting to complain, but as she looked up, she saw the man staring at her directly.

She had expected the familiar lopsided grin or the hateful smug smile, but unexpectedly, the devil was looking at her with a very gentle expression on his face.

He didn't look like he was teasing her at all. He was simply looking at her and for some reason, Sylvia couldn't help but feel his gaze contain several emotions.

For a second, the warm smile on his irritatingly handsome face looked like genuine affection.

But she quickly shook her head. She knew how cunning and two-faced he was and she was determined not to fall for his tricks.

She bent her head down again to continue savoring the small crumbs stuck to his finger which now was obvious that he had done on purpose.

Was this why he didn't use any silverware and devoured the pie like an animal? She frowned realizing that the entire thing was a setup for her from start to finish.

But nevertheless, she licked his finger with her tender tongue, even plopping his finger in her mouth at times to suck on the more difficult to get at pieces.

Wanting to get this over with soon, she did it with so much focus and attention that she completely failed to notice the faintly startled expression on the devil's face.

His high cheekbones had a subtle blush which he quickly tucked away by mouthing random words.

"I think actual cats are probably faster than you, my dear. How long are you planning to take?"

"Don't you want your master to go to bed early and have a good night's sleep? Do you wish to keep me up all night?"

Sylvia took a few deep breaths, trying to keep her boiling rage down. 

The man had been complaining non-stop for the past couple of minutes, but yet he waited patiently for her to finish licking all his fingers, one by one.

She was almost at her wit's end! This had to be the most humiliating thing she had done in her entire life!

And the damned pervert was enjoying the show the whole time, while also complaining about her licking skills ever so often.

She was so angry that she was only a hair away from biting his damned finger off. She wanted to bite it and spit it on his face.

But Sylvia knew that something like that would only mean her instant beheading, so she took a few deep breaths to calm herself down and did the shameful dead to completion.

"Alright. Slow but good job." The pervert devil chuckled and finally took his hand away from her face.

"Oh looks like you missed a spot here." 

He then licked his own hand, where Sylvia's tongue had previously been, not minding her saliva still glistening on his skin.

Sylvia's face instantly reddened and she turned her head to look away from him. Damn it. She cursed herself for being so easily flustered.

Did he not mind that my mouth was just on there a few seconds ago? So dirty. She cringed.

While she was trying to silently erase the past few shameful minutes from her brain, she felt the grip on her waist tighten and the devil finally released her from his grasp, lifting her up and placing her to sit on the table.

She blinked and looked at him, as he stood up from the chair, taking long strides away from her.

His feet then paused, along with the clacking noise of his boots, and he loudly muttered without turning back. 

"Hmmm? What are you daydreaming about? Get up and follow me."

Fuck! This night is not over yet? Sylvia clutched her soft silver hair, wanting to pull several strands out, but she nevertheless jumped off the table quickly and chased after the pervert devil, catching up to him.

She followed him quietly as the man walked all the way from the dining hall to one of the towers.

The castle had four towers, one was the library and the other three Sylvia hadn't visited yet. 

This one was probably the devil's personal lair, where he rests in the night? She pondered.

And she was indeed correct in assuming so. 

A dozen guards were patrolling this side of the castle and Sylvia even caught a glimpse of the Knight Theodore.

She gulped and followed the devil closely as the man climbed two flights of stairs, finally entering a room on the right.

It had a huge tub, readily filled with water. Sylvia could clearly feel the warmth coming from it.

So this was a bathroom? She subconsciously shook her head and took a step back. 

She once again had a bad premonition and did not like at all, where this night was headed to.

Is he perhaps going to ask me to help him bathe? Sylvia swallowed, the knot in her throat uncomfortably moving.

In the few days, she had been in the castle, she had never heard Jane talking about helping the man take a bath.

In fact, she had said that she was not even allowed in this part of the castle.

So why was the man behaving so differently tonight? She couldn't understand.

"Kitten, you really need to pick up the pace. It is becoming such a chore to spell out each and every single thing." Mikel sighed.

Sylvia snapped out of her thoughts and hurriedly entered the room, walking over towards him.

For some reason, she doubted his words as she could see that the man was clearly enjoying himself ordering her around.

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