Sold to a Prince!

Chapter 80 - The King's Castle Part3

After finishing the last touches of light make up that amplified her natural beauty, Jane brought Sylvia over to the castle's grand hall, where Mikel was resting on a leather couch, his gaze distant and lingering somewhere else.

"Your highness."

"Your highness."

The two of them bowed and announced their arrival, but Mikel did not spare them a glance, getting up and walking out of the hall in deep thought.

Sylvia and Jane, both hurriedly followed him, awaiting further instructions.

However, Mikel remained silent all the way. He strolled out of the castle and got into the carriage waiting outside wordlessly. 

The man was clearly troubled by something.

Sylvia wondered what it could be when she heard his voice again. "Get in." He said.

Sylvia gulped and got into the carriage, slightly fumbling around. The heavy attire was really making her work, her balance completely skewed.

And as she sat down, diagonally opposite to Mikel, still eying him warily from the corner of her eyes, the gown flowed occupying almost half of the carriage.

It even touched Mikel who was sitting in the other corner, making him turn his head and look at her questioningly.

Sylvia shrugged lightly, letting out a sigh. She did not know what else to say. After all, he was the one who had gifted her the dress to wear.

But under his gaze, she felt her face slowly heating up. In that small space, there was no one except the two of them, not even Theo or Cassius this time.

She felt the man's eyes linger on her for a second before he turned to look out the carriage window once again, still remaining silent.

That's it? No snarky comments? No harassing words? She was a bit taken aback.

Sylvia didn't know why but she felt a little disappointed. The man had clearly looked at her but it seemed as though he looked past her as if she wasn't present there.

She already knew that she was just a slave. 

She was not the man's wife or mistress for him to whisper sweet nothings in her ear and sing praises of her beauty.

So she knew better than to expect anything from him.

Damn it. Isn't it better this way? Sylvia shook her head lightly, putting such thoughts out of her mind. 

Perhaps Jane had praised her a bit too much and it got to her head, for her to think about such things.

She neither wanted nor needed his acknowledgment and his attention.

She looked at him, stealing another quick glance to notice that he was also dressed in fancier clothes just like her.

He was wearing a sleek black jacket with jade cuff links and a white silk shirt.

With his golden hair combed back in place, the devil looked particularly handsome this evening.

But for some reason, he was also very distant. He was being unusually silent and Sylvia's heart raced even more so because of it.

She sighed, letting out a deep breath and then turned her head the other side, looking outside the window as well just like him.

The carriage soon started moving and it flew through the castle grounds covering great distance in a short time.

Within a minute, they had already reached the castle outer gates, where the guards bowed and stepped aside to let them out.

Sylvia dazedly looked outside, wondering where they were headed to when suddenly her neck started burning all of a sudden.

At first, she thought perhaps she was having a itch or a weird reacting to the choker on her neck, but then the burning sensation heightened and a stinging stabbing pain enveloped her entire neck.

Ahhh. Ahhh… Ah….

Sylvia screamed in agony clutching her neck. She couldn't even get any words out and she didn't know what the hell was happening.

She stood up from her seat fumbling forward, now kneeling on the carriage floor in pain.

Mikel, however, was still looking out and didn't react at all as if he couldn't hear her screams.

Without any other option left, Sylvia raised her hand with great effort and clutched his hand that was resting on the seat beside him.

Only then did the man finally snap out of his reverie and turned to look at her.

Sylvia couldn't even get any more words out, even to scream in pain and looked at him pleadingly.

Mikel gazed at her writhing in agony and then casually clicked his tongue. "Oh. I forgot." 

He leaned forward to yank the thin silver chain out from under the jewelery and the heavy dress and mumbled something under his breath.

And immediately afterward, the agonizing pain ceased to exist, disappearing completely.

Sylvia hurriedly gathered her strength and touched her neck to see if she was bleeding or injured but everything remained the same and the chain now emitted a cool sensation.

She looked up to gaze at Mikel, but the man had once again turned his head away to look outside the window.

Sylvia had no words. She opened and closed her parted lips, sitting like a statue on the carriage floor.

She then stood up to sat back up on the seat diagonally opposite to him, an unfathomable bitterness in her eyes.

She wiped her tears and silently looked outside, her tapered fingers clutching her dress tightly, an action that was drowned in the folds of her evening gown.

"That's the leash." Mikel's voice sounded after a while. "You were bound to the castle and now you are bound to me."

"Your neck started burning because we left the bounds of the castle. It would be best if you remembered this feeling." 

"Where we are going, you should stick close to me, else you might just get yourself burnt into a crisp." He warned her, probably so that this time she wouldn't try and escape.

Sylvia nodded without turning to look at him. She didn't want to see him. She simply continued looking outside, myriad thoughts running in her mind.

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