Solo Resurrection

Chapter 56

Chapter 56 – Rage Syndrome (1)

Two weeks have passed since the ‘Village of the Dead’ incident.

Although it wasn’t a long time, South Korea had changed so much that it could be thought of as a completely different country.

-In recent consecutive violent crime cases…

-Today, another ability user went on a rampage. At a bar located in Incheon…

-Crime is rapidly increasing even among ordinary people who don’t enter dungeons. The common point among these individuals is that they are all awakened who have passed at least stage 1 of the tutorial.

South Korea was engulfed in rage and fear.

Violent crime rates, including violence and murder, were breaking records day after day across society.

Dozens of horrific incidents involving deaths and injuries were occurring daily.

-The government will no longer tolerate the misuse of illegal drugs…

-The government has declared war on drugs! This drug, which is currently terrorizing the entire country, is called ‘Monster Power’…

To prevent this phenomenon, commonly called ‘Rage Syndrome’, the government drew its sword.

They declared martial law.

The repercussions were enormous.

Numerous high-ranking figures in politics and business were arrested on charges of drug use, and major guilds whose names were well-known collapsed one after another.

-How many guilds have gone bankrupt this time?

-Is this even a country?

-I didn’t expect the government to proceed this boldly.

-It’s a good thing. Right now, I can’t even go out in front of my house for fear of getting stabbed blindly.

-I thought the Jeong Jin Guild was growing suspiciously fast, turns out it was a den of drug addicts.

Hong Chae-yeon’s hands trembled as she read the news articles.


The smartphone in her hand sparked and turned into a handful of scrap metal.

“What did I do wrong to deserve this…?”

All she had done was try her best to become stronger.

“I’ve risked my life fighting monsters… How can you do this to me?”

It seemed that the insect-like humans had forgotten that they were living safely thanks to her.

“If I could just climb a little, just a little more, I could have been the best… Why are you interfering with me? Why!? Kyaaaaaak!”

Hong Chae-yeon screamed and threw whatever she could grab.

In the guild office, which most people had already left, there was no one to stop her.

“This is all because of Kang Hyeon… It’s because that bastard interfered with me…”

Her hostility, which had been searching for a target, focused on one person.

“If it weren’t for Kang Hyeon!”




“Argh! Damn it! Why are you only messing with me?!”

“What do you mean?”

Kang Hyeon, who was playing a game with An Yu-seong, slammed the keyboard shotgun in frustration.

“Why do they keep shooting only at me? You were walking right next to me too!”

“Maybe you looked easier to catch.”

“I quit! I’m not playing anymore!”

Although no one had asked him to, Kang Hyeon threw a tantrum for no reason.

“Who asked to play games together? You came and asked me to teach you.”

“What did you say?!”

“You just lack talent. Don’t stress yourself out unnecessarily and put it away.”

Meanwhile, An Yu-seong had taken down another enemy.

Seeing An Yu-seong’s monitor with ’24 kills’ written in red made Kang Hyeon feel even more heated.

“You think you’re so great, you bastard!”

Finally, Kang Hyeon turned off the computer and hurriedly opened the refrigerator.


Seeing the pile of beer stacked up made him feel a bit more stable.

Although his body had become unable to feel intoxication from ordinary drinking, just the mood was enough.

“Ah… Good! I’m hungry too, let’s go eat.”

“Let’s just order in.”

“I want to eat beef.”

“Tsk, what a hassle.”

Finally killing the last enemy, the words ‘Winner Winner!’ appeared on the monitor, and An Yu-seong smiled with satisfaction.


That’s when it happened.

Suddenly, An Yu-seong’s face contorted.

His instincts had started ringing alarm bells strongly.

“Kang Hyeon, wait a moment.”


“Get out quickly!”

Kang Hyeon was standing in the center of the office.

That place had a huge glass window that offered a panoramic view of Seoul.

“I’m going out even if you tell me not to.”

“Get out right now! I’m leaving first!”

“You crazy bastard. What are you talking about?”

An Yu-seong rushed out of the office urgently.

As Kang Hyeon stared blankly at that sight, the area in front of him suddenly brightened.


Kang Hyeon turned around hastily.

His eyes caught sight of a massive fireball filling his entire field of vision.

‘Bastard. You could have taken me with you…’

He cursed An Yu-seong for no reason.


As the fireball engulfed Kang Hyeon, the office exploded entirely with a tremendous sound.

-Bang! Bang! Kaboom!

As if that wasn’t enough, magic attacks followed in succession.

After about a minute of magic pouring down, the office had become a ruin with nothing left.

-Crackle, crackle

In the quiet office, only the sound of something burning could be heard.



Kang Hyeon, who had somehow survived all those attacks head-on, shouted as he pushed away the building debris covering his body.

“Which bastards are you?! I’ll kill you if I catch you!”

Over the past 10 months, Kang Hyeon had been through a lot.

However, this was definitely the first time he had experienced a large-scale terrorist attack outside a dungeon, and in a public place at that.


As he slowly looked around, he saw the completely ruined office.

“We just installed the shower room yesterday…”

As he stared blankly at what used to be the shower room, An Yu-seong could be seen approaching from the entrance.

“You bastard! If this was going to happen, you should have told me properly! How could you run away by yourself?!”

“Kang Hyeon. I clearly told you to come out… Puhaha! You look terrible!? Hahahaha!”

An Yu-seong held his stomach and laughed uncontrollably.

“Ah, you lunatic… Nevermind. Just go get me some clothes.”

“Alright. Hehe, heh…”

“Stop laughing. You crazy bastard!”

Kang Hyeon was completely covered in soot.

His clothes must have already burned off, as he wasn’t wearing a single thread.

-This is said to be an amazing new material that won’t even get scratched by a knife and won’t burn in fire.

The leather jacket that Shin Seong-a had confidently proclaimed about had disappeared without a trace.

“Hah, what amazing new material…”

As Kang Hyeon grumbled while brushing off the ash covering his body, a perfectly balanced physique like a work of art was revealed.

“Well, it’s fortunate that Shin Seong-a isn’t here.”

While An Yu-seong wouldn’t have to worry about dying, if Shin Seong-a had been in the office, she might have been seriously injured.

Finally, when the regeneration of his burned flesh was complete and he could move his body again, it happened.

“Ugh… Urgh…”

“What’s that?!”

Suddenly, a groaning sound came from a corner of the office.

“G-Guild leader…”

The source of the groaning was Han Jae-moon, who had been working overtime until evening.

‘You should have looked out for me too, you bastards…’

Han Jae-moon’s tears flowed more from the fact that no one had worried about him than from the pain in his body.

“Oh, Han Jae-moon! You were here too. It’s really fortunate that you’re alive. Hey.”

‘Damn it… Just call an ambulance quickly…’

Fortunately, Han Jae-moon’s wish was quickly granted.


Not long after, numerous civil servants arrived at the scene with police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances, accompanied by sirens.

Also Team Leader Shin Tae-gil, who had heard the news, also came looking for Kang Hyeon.

“Sigh… What’s this about now?”

Shin Tae-gil sighed as he rubbed his face dry.

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you, so smile a bit. I’m already irritated enough as it is.”

Kang Hyeon responded roughly as he ran his hand through his hair.

“Do you have any idea who might be behind this?”

“What do you mean, any idea?”

“I mean, have you made any enemies or done anything to warrant this? They wouldn’t have done this without a reason.”

Kang Hyeon fell into deep thought at Shin Tae-gil’s question.

“Nothing comes to mind?”

“Wait. I’m still counting.”

“Never mind…”

He had underestimated Kang Hyeon.

For this person, it would have been more appropriate to ask where he didn’t have enemies.

Realizing his mistake, Shin Tae-gil changed the subject.

“Anyway, it’s a great relief that there were no casualties.”

“That’s true.”

“The government will thoroughly investigate whoever is behind this incident, so for now, Kang Hyeon, please wait.”

“No need. I think I know who it is.”


“It’s written right there, plain as day.”

Looking in the direction Kang Hyeon was pointing, hundreds of sheets of paper could be seen fluttering.

Shin Tae-gil picked up one of them and saw the characters for “Jeong Jin” written in red.

“Could it be the work of the Jeong Jin Guild?”

“Seems like it. I should have crushed them completely back then. Tsk.”

Kang Hyeon had thought they had lost interest in him since they had been quiet since that day.

“This time, I’ll make sure to crush them so thoroughly they won’t even be able to lift their heads.”

“As it happens, we were about to ask for your help because we’re short on manpower to chase down the guilds that have been using drugs.”

“I’m not really interested in other places though?”

“It’s fine if you just take care of Jeong Jin.”

Kang Hyeon nodded at Shin Tae-gil’s words.

“But you know.”

Kang Hyeon muttered as he looked up at the sky.

“The word ‘Jeong Jin’. Doesn’t it mean to progress through effort?”

“That’s right.”


“It also means to purify the body and cultivate the mind.”

“Pfft! Come on. This is ridiculous. Hahahahaha!”

Kang Hyeon tore the paper in his hand to shreds while letting out a laugh tinged with madness.




“What are you going to do?”

“What do you mean?”

“This is all because of you! I’ve lost my guild overnight and now I’ve become the leader of a criminal organization!”

Hong Chae-yeon, her eyes completely bloodshot, screamed as if throwing a tantrum.

“I clearly told you about the side effects of the drug. You bought it knowing that, Ms. Hong Chae-yeon.”

“If I had known things would turn out like this, I wouldn’t have bought the drug. So you need to take responsibility.”

At Hong Chae-yeon’s signal, the Jeong Jin Guild members standing behind her instantly surrounded the man.

“What are you doing?”

“Since things have come to this, we might as well go all the way, right? Hand over all the drugs you have now.”

“If you want drugs, you need to pay for them.”

“Kahahahaha! Are you joking? You’re asking for money in this situation?”

As if responding to her words steeped in madness, the other guild members also let out rough laughter.

“I think you’re misunderstanding something here. We have nothing left to lose.”


“So if you want to live, you’d better hand over the drugs.”

“The one misunderstanding here is you, Ms. Hong Chae-yeon.”


“Do you think we, who make and sell the drugs, wouldn’t have anticipated this kind of situation?”

As soon as the man finished speaking, dozens of ability users appeared from somewhere and surrounded the Jeong Jin Guild members.

“Ha, we’re the Jeong Jin Guild. Right now, only our elites are gathered here. Think you can handle us?”

“Your self-awareness is seriously lacking. I didn’t know the drug had such side effects. Interesting.”

“Eek…! Kill them all!”

Hong Chae-yeon swung her Ax towards the man as she gave the order.

“What the…!”

But her body, caught by something, couldn’t move an inch.

“Why isn’t this working?!”

“Acting all high and mighty after taking a few pills, I can’t stand to watch this anymore.”

The man who had been speaking politely the entire time suddenly changed his attitude.

As he took off the hood he had been wearing, a handsome man with sharp features was revealed.

“Who are you? What have you done?!”

The man who revealed himself, Choi Min-jun, smiled coldly at the flustered Hong Chae-yeon.

“You should be grateful. I’ve made such good use of you lot, who were nothing more than worthless trash.”

“Let me go!”

“Thanks to you, I was able to gather sufficient data.”

“What are you talking about?!”

Hong Chae-yeon’s expression twisted severely at his incomprehensible words.

“Consider it an honor that even your corpses will be put to clean use after you die. You’ll be nobly sacrificed for the sake of humanity until the very end.”


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