Solo Swordmaster

Chapter 78: Time to Get Moving

Chapter 78: Time to Get Moving

In terms of extravagance, the penthouse of Hotel Leviathan was the absolute best in the world. And hidden in it, was a secret room—a room that only had a round table with a dragon carved into it surrounded by seven chairs. In one of them, one made purely out of dark smokey quartz, modestly sat a beautiful girl with glasses.


The Black Dragon Princess Li Chingwei softly turned her gaze.

She stared at one of the chairs, one made of pure silver.

“I believe I have already told you. There is no secondary motive.”

It was unexpected, considering no one else could be seen in the room. But beyond the clear reflection on her glasses, Li Chingwei’s serene, obsidian eyes were clearly fixated on someone.

“Of course, I understand that you do not believe me. I am the Black Dragon Princess, I suppose.”

Humble, but not servile. Dubious, but not suspicious. Firm, but not hard-headed.

A beaming smile that would have appeared in the presence of her beloved was instead cold and settled.

“But isn’t there something you’re forgetting, everyone?”

She addressed them as an equal.

One of the extreme few individuals who could be considered the Black Dragon Princess’s equal.

“Ever since our clan was chosen to be responsible for the world peace plan, this has been my justifiable right.”

Her counterpart immediately fell silent.

But it was brief, as the princess’s gaze turned to the chair of gold.

“Are you serious?”

Just what had she heard?

Immense pressure as intense as the weight of a mountain filled the room in response. But Li Chingwei did not falter. Rather, she beamed.

“Why, I sincerely apologize. It was certainly rude of me to say such a thing to the Gold Dragon Clan when they do not permit falsehood.”

The pressure immediately dispersed.

“But I’m sorry to tell you that I cannot take that offer.”

“Why? It’s simple.”

“I do not want to give up my rights for dirt cheap.”

Her answer was once again unexpected. The room fell silent.

“Regret?” Li Chingwei turned to the brilliant, scarlet chair made of ruby.

She grinned in a mocking manner. But it did not feel that way, however. Was it due to her elegant poise, or the obscure shadow veiled in her smile? Who could say.

“Yes, perhaps I will regret this.”

But Li Chingwei did not leave any room for interpretation.

“Will you give me that offer again if I do regret this in the future?”

That was the end of it. It seemed they’d realized that there was no use in continuing the discussion.

The invisible members disappeared one by one. The dark room lit up and Li Chingwei removed her glasses.

“Inconvenient, as I thought.”

She was actually talking to herself, this time. She set her glasses on the table.

“I can understand them taking caution against my Psionics, but they really didn’t need to waste money on something like a cyber meeting system.”

She softly shook her head. Of course, it wasn’t like she was oblivious to the fact that the Silver Dragon Clan had installed a backdoor into the system when they distributed it. But to use it even after everyone had noticed the program and removed it? Such could only be described as ‘obstinacy’.

‘Certainly, the Silver Dragon Clan isn’t the only one difficult to face.’

Li Chingwei let out a soft sigh as she recalled the six people she met with just moments ago.

After proposing to Limon, she had spent many busy days frantically putting out fires. But that could not have compared to the discussion she’d just had. It lasted less than an hour, yet had exhausted her more than any other task.

‘As I thought, bringing in the other clans as of this moment is a stretch.’

Suspicion, temptation, rage, neglect. Li Chingwei felt disappointed remembering a few of the different emotions that filled the six people’s eyes. She may have been able to handle today’s situation because they did not get involved, but they were all women who would flaunt their intent at the sight of any opportunity, and there was a very small possibility that their involvement would benefit her or even Limon.

‘Things would take a turn for the better if I could bring in just one.’

She smiled bitterly. Limon was currently helping her because she couldn’t even get the favor of her own clan.

She knew better than anyone else how nonsensical it was to try to earn the favor of other clans.

Just then, she heard a knock.

“Oi, princess. You got time?”

Quizzical at the knocking she would normally never hear, Li Chingwei raised her head and beamed seeing the white-haired man leaning against the doorframe.

“Even if I didn’t, I would still make the time if the Master of Swords needs it.”

“No, I didn’t come for something that important.”

“Being able to see the Master of Swords even one more time in itself is more important than anything else to me.”

“…That makes me sound like some kind of hellion husband who’s never home.”

“The Master of Swords has frequently gone out as of late,” Li Chingwei playfully teased as she stood up. “So what can I help you with?”

“Well, it’s nothing big.”

She was curious as to why he came in person. Normally, he would’ve sent Wei-Ling as a messenger or just called.

He gave her a shrug.

“It feels like it’s about time I get moving, too.”

Li Chingwei’s eyes widened.



After leaving the secret room, Li Chingwei was pouring Limon a cup of handmade tea.

Getting a rough explanation, she nodded.

“Indeed, so you have entered the next stage of your training?”

“More like I went off the road, if you ask me.”

“Still, you are saying that you now have some time to spare thanks to it.”

“That’s right. Besides, from now on, this won’t be an issue that can be fixed with just time.”

Limon shook his head. Perhaps it would if this was solely about technique. But it went beyond that. While he could reach enlightenment if he could get into contact with him, this was a problem that wouldn’t be solved even if he kept playing for a decade.

He might acquire something if he kept on playing with Eugene, but he didn’t want to stick to him all day.

“I’m going to keep playing music for now, but there are things I need to start prioritizing.”

“Is that why you came to me?”

“I do leave a pretty big mark everywhere if I go on the frontlines.”

The Black Dragon Clan flipped on its head after Limon swept over all their subsidiaries in a single day. If Limon began officially working, it was impossible to tell what the aftermath would be.

“And the more I move, the more pressure you will face.”

“Did you hear it?”

“Huh? Hear what?”

Realizing that he did not eavesdrop on her previous meeting, Li Chingwei blanked.

“Then, how did you know I was getting pressured?”

“Because no assassins, spies, or negotiators from the other clans ever paid a visit.”

“…You noticed I was blocking them because what should be coming wasn’t.”

“When you’re as old as me, you can tell when it’s going to rain just from the smell of the air,” Limon snickered.

It was the Seven Dragons Association—it didn’t make sense for them to leave him alone.

He downed the cup of tea in one gulp and stood up.

“I’m sure you have a lot on your plate. I’ll be on my way. I’ll watch how things are going for now, let me know when you come to a decision.”

“Yes, Master of Swords.”

Following Limon, Li Chingwei got up as well.

“But Master of Swords. May I pose a question?”

“What is it?”

“What is the new Constellation’s power you are able to control?”

She was asking about the power he had acquired after the performance with Eugene. Taking a moment to consider, he answered, “White Elephant.”


“Just a power I have no use for.”


Limon left, leaving behind no explanation.

After courteously seeing him off, Li Chingwei went through their conversation again with a bitter smile.

‘I’m ashamed to face you, Chao.’

It hadn’t been long since she told Wei-Ling to not underestimate Limon. But even while reflecting on herself for underestimating the years of experience of a headstrong old soul, she thought about how to use this unexpected good news.

The reason she had been moving quietly was to not disturb Limon’s training. As long as he could be on the frontlines, she would be able to move forward more proactively.

“Princess, there is a problem.”

“What is it?”

But unfortunately, she could not come to a conclusion then. Before she could, Yo Ouin had come to her with a grave look on his face.

For the person working as Leviathan’s general manager, he was not one to falter from most things. But after hearing his report, the same look appeared on her face as well.

“A subsidiary has been attacked.”


“Geez, brother. See? I told you not to get involved with a crazy dog. Why did you have to think of petty tricks and ignite his anger?”

In the Black Dragon Building that Limon had rampaged through, a man resembling Wang Ki-neung, who looked much more genuine now without his mustache, had a severe headache.

This man’s name was Wang Ki-song, the younger cousin of the Black Dragon Building’s South Asian Branch manager Wang Ki-neung. He was currently substituting for him.

“I can’t believe someone with the title of ‘apostle-rank martial artist’ is suffering from severe illness. How embarrassing.”

Wang Ki-song let out several sighs. It wasn’t that he pitied his sick older cousin.

Firstly, it was because of all the work he had to do now as his substitute. Secondly was the state of the Shanghai royal family, who had hit beyond rock bottom reaching the point of dismantlement.

“The reputation of Shanghai’s royal family was bad to begin with .What if this makes us fall off the ranks of the noble clans?!”

The Black Dragon Clan had already met their downfall. If they lose their status as a noble clan as well, the Shanghai royal family wouldn’t be able to hold their hold up anywhere again.

“Hpmh. If I had seen this coming, I would have gladly become a trophy husband somewhere else, too. Why did I get married so early…”

But despite his grumbling, he diligently worked through all his paperwork. Concern for his future was one thing; he had to at least take proper care of the Black Dragon Building. It was where the majority of the royal family’s stakes were, and he had to put food on the table for his wife and daughter.

Right as he was about to get fully into his work, Wang Ki-song stopped his pen.

“…Who is this?”

His behavior was unexpected. The only person in the office was him. No one was there to answer him.

But his question wasn’t for naught.

“Comrad, have we been caught?”

“Would that son of a bitch suddenly go mad and talk to himself if we haven’t been caught?”

“Hm, a master in the Seven Dragons Association sure has extraordinary senses.”


A hole burst through the ceiling as three people revealed themselves.

A blonde woman with a large bag,

A young man with slit eyes in a boiler suit,

And a man with braided hair with his hands in his pockets.

They held in their laughter seeing Wang Ki-song coldly glaring at them from his desk.

“Either way, the fact he noticed we were here and didn’t start running means that he’s a helpless fool.”



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