Soul for a Girlfriend?

Chapter 256 - One Kiss is all it Takes

Chapter 256: One Kiss is all it Takes

Apparently everything was back to normal between me and Shiraishi. After kissing me last day and apologising for avoiding me, we were talking usually. She was answering my texts and wasn't ignoring me at school anymore.

She literally took one kiss to mend everything back. But that was according to her perspective. If this was a real situation with someone that truly cared for her then an apology like that wouldn't have worked out at all.

It was almost like that exchange never happened between us.

All that plan and everything became useless in the end.

It was quite an usual day. I was returning from the chemistry lab since it was our practical class. I was relieved at the fact that the chemistry period was finally over and I could relax a bit at lunch time.

I was walking while holding my notebook. This week has been weird since I haven't been talking with much of my friends group. Most of them were either busy, or as my pessimistic mind thought, were avoiding me for some reason.

I suddenly felt someone slap my shoulder lightly while calling out my name loudly, "Ayo Saishi!"

I was well aware who it was from the voice. Turning around, I looked at his azure eyes peering into mine with a huge smile on his face as I greeted him, "Seryoku…"

"You don't seem to be pleased to meet me here." He said with a frown on his face, as I didn't pay attention to that and questioned him back to make things less awkward between us, "What's up?"

"What's with the boring tone?" He asked while walking alongside me. With an awkward smile I said, "Ah, that's just how I talk…"

The way I greeted indeed made it clear that I wasn't pleased to meet him. But it was quite rude of me since he appeared quite genuine about talking with me.

I was trying to stop being an asshole to others.

"Are you sure you aren't dead inside?" He chuckled while glancing at me as I smiled a little and replied, "Nah… feels like it though."

"Ms Tachibana didn't tell us the results today. I was so nervous." He said, and I recalled that he told me a few days ago about being nervous about the results.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to knowing my marks too." I said with a nod, as a frown formed on his face and he asked, "You're a good student, aren't you?"

"Not particularly." I replied with some latency in tone, but he just shut me off, "Bruh, shut up! I have seen your notes."

"They are so well organised and all. You're definitely a good student." He said, and I nodded, "Well compared to you, I might be."

"Dayum, that's true. But… dayum." He said after staring at me for a while. Being confused by his reaction, I asked, "What?"

"Wasn't expecting you to roast me." He laughed, as I realised that what I said came off more as an insult. I smiled sheepishly, as I shook my hand and said, "Oh, I didn't mean to."

"That was completely unintentional." I added, as he just chuckled and asked, "Anyways… dude why are you always so serious?"

"About what?" I asked, but he wasn't the only one who had told me that. I have heard this phrase a lot in my life.

Why are you so serious?

"I don't know… your face is always just one expression." He said with an awkward smile. He just gave him a vague shrug and answered, "Umm… I don't know to be honest."

"Have you tried laughing?" He said in a sarcastic tone, as I rolled my eyes at him and laughed.

"I laugh… sometimes." I said, as it wasn't like I didn't laugh at all. Just that when I was between a lot of people my face ended up being like that. I laugh like crazy when me and Tsūmen are gaming or I'm around people I'm comfortable with.

"Dayum… I'm curious to see you laugh now. Must be hilarious!" He said with quite the enthusiasm in his voice.


"Ah isn't that your girlfriend? Walking towards us?" I heard him say, all of a sudden. Shifting my eyes upwards I looked around to search for her, "Where?"

"There…" He pointed towards her with his index finger and I just gave him a nod.

I could see her walking towards me but it appeared like she hadn't noticed me. She was with Moriko and a few of her other friends. They seemed to be immersed in their bubble of conversation.

"You still seem to be quite shy around her." He commented as I looked at him with a confused look and said, "Nah it's not like that…"

I was a bit awkward around her.

But I won't accept it!

"I can see it on your face. No need to be embarrassed." A smug smile formed on his face as he hit me with his elbow lightly and I chuckled at his demeanor.

"Shi…" I was about to call out her name, but she just walked past me like I didn't even exist at that moment. She was talking with her friends normally but as soon as she came in my vicinity, she stopped and her eyes became still.

What the fuck?

I noticed a surprised expression on Moriko's face and Seryoku was caught off guard too, "Eh?"

"Dude?" He asked me with a bit of confusion while I kept staring at her over my shoulder. I mumbled under my breath, "What the fuck?"

"Did you have a fight with her or something?" He asked with a confused look on his face, and I replied while shaking my head from left to right, "No, everything was alright."

"I mean you were kissing yesterday only. What happened suddenly?"

"I don't know, it's really odd."

"Man, girls are difficult to understand.." I sighed and continued walking towards my class, while Seryoku patted my shoulder and nodded, "They sure are."

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