Soul for a Girlfriend?

Chapter 90 - He Fell For Me?

Yasurouka's POV

We were walking through empty hallways, and I was walking a bit farther from him. He glanced at me and then sighed and kept walking. I don't know where we were going, but I was just following his lead.


"What did you want to talk about?" I asked, trying to sound casual, but I was really nervous. Just looking at him was making me anxious.

"I… you'll see." He turned his head towards me slightly and answered.

"What is it?" But the way he answered didn't satisfy me. I asked him again and this time he looked at me with a sharp gaze and I decided to close my mouth.

"Jeez… you're making me nervous." I averted my eyes from him and kept walking. But I bumped into him as he stopped for me to catch up with him.

"I'm a bit… nervous myself." He said with an awkward smile.

"Eh… you're mad suspicious." Looking at him smiling like that was weird because this was a rare expression on his face. But he was looking really cute as his left hand was running through his hair.

"Is this what you wanted to say yesterday?" I asked, as it seemed the most plausible thing at that moment.

"Uhh… yes." He looked at me for a few moments and then answered hesitantly.

"I'm a bit curious now." Noticing the way he was talking and trying not to be conspicuous about that matter was making me curious.

"Chill… I'll tell you. It's just…" Looking at my curiosity, he just raised his hands and said nervously.

"Huh?" He didn't complete his sentence, and it made me more suspicious of what he was about to say. I wasn't feeling good about this matter.

"Nevermind." He sighed, leaning on the wall behind him. 

"Are you good, Saishi-kun?" I asked as I genuinely worried about him. Knowing him, even if something was bothering him, he won't open up to anyone about that and will keep bottling it up inside him.

"Of course I'm good." He turned his head towards me with a soft smile on his face. Looking at his smiling face, my cheeks were getting slightly hot, too. He was cute, if I was to be honest with you.

"You've been acting weird since yesterday." I asked, looking at him and he stared back at me. Our eyes met, and I instantly felt a bit weird again. It was a weird feeling that I used to get a long time ago.

"Ah… it's probably nothing… I'm fine." After what seemed like he was thinking about how to answer my question properly, he said while shaking his left palm left to right slowly.

"What about you?" His eyes narrowed, and he suddenly threw a question towards me in his usual tone.

"You have been trying to avoid me." He said in a stiff tone. I thought I was being subtle about it using the exams as a cover to avoid him.

"I… didn't." I tried to deny it because the truth can be whatever I want it to be for a claim like that.

"It was really obvious…" I was busted so quickly. He always looks through everything, may it be mine or someone else. 

"Oh… it was?" I gave him an awkward smile, not looking right at him. But I could feel his gazes at me. He is intimidating sometimes despite his good looks.

"Mhm" He nodded, as I understood that as an gesture for me to start talking about it.

Well since there wasn't anything worth hiding at that point, I decided to spill the truth, "I wasn't… like ignoring you…"

I took a slight pause and looked at him, carefully listening to what I was saying. His eyebrows were a bit raised and he would acknowledge whatever I was saying with a nod. "I was just a bit awkward…"

"Awkward?" He tilted his head as his eyebrows got tensed.

How can he act like he doesn't know anything? After everything he did? He is giving me that confused look? I swear if he wasn't a boy I would have broken his face.

"You… know what you did!" I said in a really agitated tone. Eyes staring wide at him while clenching my fists.

"I did what?" He asked again.

"You seriously… Are you an idiot?" I narrowed my eyes on him, because now I was confused whether we're talking in the same context or not? 

After a bit of staring at each other, he finally understood what I was talking about, "Oh… you mean that day…"

"Idiot! Retarded! Brain Dead!" I was feeling so embarrassed that I just hurled h with a combo of insults I could think of at that moment. My cheeks are hot and I was probably looking like a stupid then.

"Oi, oi… wait… I get it… I'm sorry…" He apologised genuinely and advanced his left hands towards me but I stepped back.

Looking at my displeased face, he said, "I really wanted to apologise for that."

"I didn't mean to do that… it's just that… it just happened… I'm really sorry." I could tell that he was indeed feeling bad about that because his sadness was actually showing up on his face. It was weird for me to look at an expressive Saishi.

"I… was so scared." But I was so messed up at that moment that I blurted out what I was feeling at that moment. Of course, if a boy suddenly tries kissing me, I would get scared out of my wits.

"I wanted to talk about that…" He said in a despondent tone.

"I didn't know how to start this conversation…" He was hesitating a lot that day, playing around with his words. He was usually the kind of guy who would just, upright spit the truth rather than play around with it.

Looking at all this, I even more confirmed that he was going to confess to me. But was I prepared for that? I never imagined him confessing to anyone, let alone me.

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