Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 17: I'll Rest and Leave Everything To You

Chapter 17: I'll Rest and Leave Everything To You



Gently holding Li Chen hand for a bit longer, amber eyes brimming complex emotions as the two of them stare with each other before reluctantly letting Li Chen hand go in a few seconds since Snow still has something to do.

Glancing around the place and seeing everyones reaction with his interaction with Li Chen, Snow couldn't help but smile a bit when his eyes lay on his Nephew and Jun Wei reaction, amber eyes glistering with joy finding their reaction funny.

And Snow amber eyes lock with the red eyes of the Young Emperor, as he convey with his own eyes about how the young man before them can be trusted, the usually Amber Eyes filled with nothing but iciness and indifference to other peoples are currently so dazzling that Nie couldn't help but be in a daze.

Somewhere in the corner of his eyes, Nie could see that he was not the only one who was being dazzle at the currently brilliant Regent King before them.

As Nie stare at his Imperial Uncle at the moment, he couldn't help but be reminded of the past Rong Xen, who has been always so gentle and kind, so brilliantly dazzling and charming that other people couldn't help but be attracted to him.

That Rong Xen of the past has been so free and unburden from any heavy responsibility.

But now it was entirely different, Nie Imperial Uncle has been ruthless, cold and cruel to the eyes of everyone.

Red eyes glancing at Li Chen with unreadable expression, remembering the words spoken before them, specially the answer and reaction of his Imperial Uncle before closing his eyes as he nodded his head a few moment later.

Rong Nie will respect his Imperial Uncle actions, it was the least he could do for everything that Rong Xen has done for him.

Besides, as he remember about how despite his Imperial Uncle has love Wang Lou, Nie Imperial Uncle has still decided to let go and fight against them even though he clearly has feeling for the enemy.

If Rong Xen could let go and choose him instead of the person he love because the other side was against them, then Rong Nie can trust his Imperial Uncle decision this time too.

Besides, Jun Chen is different from Wang Lou, although he might been missing for years, Chen is still a Jun, belonging to the other party side and not the one against them.

And as he remember the words that Jun Chen has spoken to his Imperial Uncle, at least this one could understand and was entirely willing to support his Imperial Uncle, unlike Wang Lou who couldn't accept and understand Rong Xen decision.

Rong Nie just has to make sure and watch the older man move since he doesn't want his Imperial Uncle to be hurt by him, once was enough already, Nie doesn't want his Imperial Uncle to be hurt because of affection for a second time.

Snow who has been watching his nephew could easily figure out what Nie was thinking, and Snow couldn't help but smiled softly at him, before remembering the reaction of Wang Lau, Wang Lou and Hong Tan.

Wang Lau complex emotion with reminiscence when looking at them, Snow smile coldly, can you see it? Rong Xen got someone who love him so much that he will fight alongside him despite the danger they might face.

Rong Xen was no longer alone anymore.

As for Wang Lou, remembering the flash of anger and unwillingness with the possessiveness and obsession brimming on his green eyes, Snow only felt disgusted to the man. Wang Lou was the one who let go first, he was the one who didn't understand Rong Xen situations and has given him nothing but grief toward the original feeling as Wang Lou just trampled on the original affection toward him.

Although Snow decided to watch over the man actions after this just base from the reaction he was showing, Snow will never let his guard down, as he was on his past life, he will never look down on any enemies of his.

There will always be a single mistake, a single chance of weakness that might appear that can backfire against him.

As for the other young lady reaction with that resistance still shining on her eyes, amber eyes flash darkly.

It was quite simple really.

Li Chen is his, she could resist all she want, Li Chen will never belong to her, though the background of that young lady might be a bit troublesome, specially with how they played a role in the other future.

Snow contemplated a bit, that young lady fate will be entirely different on how she will make a move in the current ongoing fight at the moment. He will not let the lady and her family remain impassive and neutral like in the other supposed future that they have done, as they wait for the victor to emerge, completely being safe from the fighting going on.

Sighing deeply, with this all planning, Snow decided that he wanted to be in peace and a relax life for most of his life in this world, amber eyes glancing at the young man who has stayed by his side.

He can trust the man to do all the work after this was over then.

"Hmm... Lets talk more later ok?" Snow spoke with a softer voice, amber eyes becoming more soft and tender for a bit as he stare at Li Chen before turning his attention at the still remaining alive assassins.

Frowning a bit after seeing that there are some enemies that they have captured and tied up.

This won't do, he is unable to allow anyone of this assassins to remain alive, even just one will be problematic as this will be use to give a fault and a solid evidence against the Jun Family, specially when this time event has a bit of a different form than the one that happen in what he remember.

Unfortunately, someone in the Jun Family has made a move in their hands, something that Wang Lau was able to finally use to deal with the Jun Family, although Wang Lau don't have any idea about the vow that was made during in Xen grandfather reign, at least the one that was happening right now was enough to lower down some of the Prestige of the Jun Family and Snow couldn't let it happen.

As for what change it? It was easy, it was Li Chen appearing in the Jun Family, someone in the family doesn't welcome the young man sudden appearance.

Snow uses both of his hand to reach within his sleeves, taking a bunch of papers before throwing it all in the air, mystical energy building inside him and getting everyone attention as their eyes move toward his figure.

Amber eyes glowing a bit, as he raised both of his hands in the air, as he move with elegance as rune after rune spell was being written in the air before connecting to the currently papers floating as a very complicated mystic rune spell was being made just before everyone very eyes.

The beautiful and charming youthful Regent King becoming more magnificent and majestic in everyone eyes as he cast a very complicated and high level spell in the get go, something that was really difficult to do and those who was talented enough in the mystic art user was still unable to do it.

There was a reason why the Regent King was both feared and respected by everyone in the Royal court, specially when it comes to the enemies that wanted the life of the remaining Royal family.

Rong Xen is a really talented individual, if he wasn't born as a fair, he would have been a Great Emperor in the Rong Dynasty, despite some of the Courtiers having more power than the Regent King when he first took a hold of power, the people against them are still unable to make a move with ease.

As long as he is alive, those ambitious people were unable to take a hold of the power and authority completely.

If anyone want the Throne and the Authority that it has, then Rong Xen first has to die, anyone could have targeted and kill the Young Emperor first but even they knew that it couldn't be really done, unless Rong Xen is dead first, because the Rule of A fair being unable to be an Emperor could be change with Rong Nie death since there will be no more Prince that is able to become the Emperor.

As the only living person left that has the Royal Bloodline, Rong Xen would definitely be able to become the Emperor of the Rong Dynasty because the land itself has a rule of its kind, unless not conquered by the other Country Ruler, as long as the person still has the bloodline of the Royal Family, no one can replace and change the Ruler of a Dynasty easily.

It was a rule that every Dynasty has, so changing a ruler of a country are not so easy as everyone thought, every one that has the Royal Family bloodline has to be eradicated before it all can be change.

The world rule will not allowed it, unless the world rule allow it and bless the person itself can become the real new ruler of the Dynasty.

It was what happened to Li Chen in the other future, the Wang was able to get the Throne but it was not entirely theirs yet as the World Rule didn't give its blessing to them.

So if they want the real power in their hands, Rong Xen has to die first, as for the Young Emperor? He was easier to handle, that what everyone in power currently in the hall of the Jun Family thought, not knowing that removing the Regent King is like releasing a ticking time bomb, Rong Nie might be easier to remove but the damage he will leave behind was something damaging enough that the Dynasty will not be at peace for the years to come.

There was a reason why Rong Nie was called the Mad Emperor in a supposed future.

As the mystical energy building up, Snow could feel the World Aura being pulled inside his body as he cast a very complicated and high rune level spell around the place, powerful enough to have it entirely covered the huge residence of the Jun family.

Feeling the sign of the burning and cold feeling on his body, Snow still refused to back down as he continue to write the complicated rune in the air.

Snow won't allow the cold poison to stop him from what he was doing now.

There is one of the reason why the Cold Poison was the one chosen among the poisons that could be given to Rong Xen, not only was it effective against weak will people, that a single moment of weakness could take a person life, it was also something that can be against a mystic art user, specially a powerful one.

And Rong Xen is to be feared as a mystic art user, he was a prodigy on it, it was just too bad that the original owner doesn't have the time to practice it more and see the use of his ability and talent from their current situations.

The original Xen was so busy protecting, defending and figuring out who could be trusted and who was the real mastermind of everything that is currently happening that he didn't know how useful and scary he was at mystic art.

Now that Snow was the one using Rong Xen body, and despite feeling the weakening of his body as the cold poison start to slowly wreak inside him, before forcefully swallowing down the blood that was going up his throat.

Snow has to do it this way, despite what damage he might take after all this aren't enough reason to stop him, he might be acting ruthless toward himself, but why should he stop now just because of slightly damaging his body more than ever?

If Snow can take a torturous poison that has taken his life before, why should he stop and hesitate now just because of a bit damage?

Besides as the last rune spell was written in the air, connecting on each other, as they move and rotate in circles, glowing brightly, before clasping his hand tightly as the spell began its work.

He has Li Chen besides him, Snow will let him do the rest that he couldn't do.

So Snow with indifference amber eyes watched as the remaining and even tied up assassins died in a rather ruthless way as red bright light shone in the sky, as it tore through the body of every enemies in the place, the assassins unable to move a single bit as the red light tore them in a torturous way before their bodies turning to ashes after they finally took their last breath after experiencing an imaginable pain.

While the other blue color light has shone toward the injured peoples as it healed their injuries, specially healing those who has severe injuries and saving the one with only a single thread of breath left on them that they can die anytime.

After a few moment of silence, everyone was in daze at the dazzling power that their Regent King has shown before everyone couldn't help but bow down their head at the majestic figure of their Regent King, feeling entirely grateful and fearful at the same time.

Xiao Feiyu who has watch the whole spectacle, blue eyes are brimming with unease, specially before it showed an envious and jealous emotions on it, as he look at the dazzling Regent King before them, as all Feiyu could only do was to follow along and bow down his head toward the magnificent person before them, knowing that there is nothing he could do but bow down his head to the people that has power.

Somewhere deep within, he couldn't help but think deeply and be envious of the power that the Royal family has, blue eyes flashing a bit of greed as he imagine himself having the same power as the Regent King, fortunately his head was lower down that the emotion it has been shown on his beautiful face was hidden by everyone.

Wang Lou eyes couldn't help but flash with a bit more possessive and obsessive emotion as he stare at the brilliant and dazzling form of Rong Xen, as a thought grace his mind, that person before them was his.

There is no way that he will be giving that person to anyone else, green eyes narrowing down dangerously as murderous emotion brimming on his eyes as he stare at the young Jun standing at the side of his Xen.

Li Chen who felt the murderous and hostile being thrown his way, turned his head and saw a man with wild brown hair with green eyes filled with nothing but murderous and hostile expression on his face as he look his way, not even trying to cover up his emotion he has toward him, before green eyes turned possessive and obsessive as it lay on the person beside him.

Outwardly, dark eyes was still calm with a smile on his handsome face remain but inwardly, dark emotion was brimming inside him, nothing but murderous thoughts at the way the man look at his little Xen however before he could think more on what to do toward that unsightly sight of the man, Li Chen smiling face almost broke out as soon as he took glance at his little Xen while the Black System, flashing a red light on his mind, "Host! Dangerous! Rong Xen is in dangerous moment at this time! His Cold Poison is reacting from the spell he just did and has cause more great damage on his body!, A new mission is being given, WARNING! WARNING! Host has to heal and take care of Rong Xen for the past few days or else the damage is non treatable in the later years."

SPECIAL MISSIONS! "Host has to find a way to cure his Cold Poison, in the next three days or else Rong Xen body will not be able to handle all the stress and damage it has accumulated from the past few years of being Poison and will finally succumb the next time that the Cold Poison has to appear."

It took everything Li Chen has to take a hold of his self as he finally understood what his new mission that he was given was about.

Hiding the madness that was brimming to emerge at the thought of losing the person before him, Dark ink eyes stare at the magnificent and strong figure of the Regent King before them, Li Chen could only feel distress for him.

This is the person that he wanted to protect, the person he wanted to treasure and cherish dearly.

Snow felt the shift of emotion of the person beside him, he couldn't help but glance over at Li Chen, a few seconds, he slowly raise his hand toward him, finding a bit of solace when warm large hand immediately wrapping his own small hand.

His head turning around to the people around them and seeing the eyes filled with awe, worship, respect but most of all, fear at the ability that he shown in this event, Snow inwardly nod his head, he has done all he can during this time.

Not only has Snow shown the majestic power of the Regent King regarding the use of Mystic arts, it also shows that he is still powerful enough to protect the Young Emperor and couldn't be defeated so easily as they has started thinking for the past few days, while it also shows that anyone who goes against him, will have a very painful and bad ending as it shown on how the assassins was tore in a torturous way while not even leaving a perfect body behind on their death, lastly it can also be interpreted that anyone who doesn't goes against this King and can show true loyalty will be awarded and protected.

Snow nodded his head to the elderly man, ignoring how the way the older man has been staring at the hand of his own grandson holding his.

Jun Wei seemingly gotten his bearing back as he take hold of the event that just happen, not before shooting one last glance toward his grandson with questioning eyes.

"This King will handle everything that happen today and it will be discuss soon in the Royal Court about the attack that happen. This King knows that you are weary and tired from what happen. Go comfort your family and take a rest for today. This King allow the courtiers to rest for a few days and can come back to the Royal Court after 3 days. You are dismiss."

Snow turn around, amber eyes staring at the worried black eyes of Li Chen, smiling a bit before he told him to lead the way, while waving for the Young Emperor to follow behind while leaving the Old Wei to handle the rest.

"Your Highness, Please wait a second! Are you planning to stay in the Jun Family? This minister is afraid as it not a safe place at the moment to stay. Even though your highness was powerful to removed all the enemies, they can still come again. Please for your safety your highness, returning to the Palace is much more safety than staying here."

Snow just glance coldly at Wang Lau that has spoken, knowing that his words can be interpreted as someone who was worried over the safety of the royal family life, while also being interpreted that the Jun Family cannot be truly trusted and was also suspicious.

It might be his last chance to give more doubt about the loyalty of the Jun Family, not only to the Royal family but also to the other courtiers that was currently attending the place.

Its too bad that Snow has known that he was the one who wanted nothing more than their lives.

Jun Wei could only fume silently knowing that there is nothing that he can say at the moment, as there was indeed an attack that happened in their Residence.

Snow amber eyes narrowed coldly, "This King still believed that Jun Family remained loyal and true to us. This King trust the Jun Family. This King will remain and stay in the Jun Family for a few more days."

before turning at the person holding his hand, amber eyes turning softly, "Besides, the reason why this King has appeared today because this King has caught an evidence that some people wanted to framed the Jun Family. So this King knows that Jun family can be trusted. Wait for three more days and everyone will know the real culprit of this attack."

Snow feel satisfied despite the intense pain he was feeling at the moment as Wang Lau eyes couldn't help but widen with a bit of panic flashing on his blue eyes.

"Besides, this King has just made a promise, and has miss someone dearly. So this King decided to stay for a few days in the Jun Family. Will the Elderly Wei accept this King unannounced stay in their Family?"

Jun Wei who was delighted at the Regent King words, happily replied , "O-Of course! The Regent King are always welcome to stay anytime in our residence! It will be our greatest honor!"

Wang Lou that has been watching silently in rage was finally unable to hold himself after hearing the last words spoken by the Regent King, forgetting about the wife and son staying by his side as he yell the Regent King name with complicated emotion, but it carry more with rage on it.


Snow who was walking couldn't help but stop a second, frowning inside as it was his body that reacted on instinct and not what he really wanted to do, feeling the way Li Chen eyes turned toward him.

Amber eyes flash a bit of pain, face paling a bit, before gripping the hand holding his more tightly, showing how he was being affected by the person who just yelled his name, fortunately or unfortunately his back was turned and only Li Chen was able to entirely see his reaction.

Wang Lou green eyes light up when he saw Snow has stop walking, ignorant at the disbelief face of Xiao Feiyu besides him, as he once again open his mouth but before he could speak a few more words Rong Nie reacted fast and in a very negative way as the Young Emperor voice shouted with a cold voice, "Dissolute! To call and yell the Regent King with his name. Know your place! Wang Lau, look at this son of yours! This Majesty, appreciate the years of work you have done to us or else your son action is enough reason for me to cut his head off!"

"Your Majesty Mercy! Please forgive my son unrespectful attitude!"

Rong Nie red eyes flash coldly, he will never allow that man to continue to hurt his Imperial Uncle anymore, before shooting a loot at Jun Chen who currently has a blank expression on his face to take his Imperial Uncle away.

Jun Li Chen emotion immediately turn gentle, and to everyone surprise expression, Li Chen bend down and gentle hold and carry the young body of the Regent King on his arm before calmly walking away, not before shooting a smirk to the raging Wang Lou.

Rong Nie was surprise for a bit about the older man action of showing his soverign over the Regent King, but seeing the reaction Jun Chen has shoot to the angry Wang Lou, the young Emperor couldn't help but inwardly nod his head in approval, anyone that can be with his Imperial Uncle cannot just be a simple person and should have strong will, before following along behind, not minding about the fact that he as an Emperor was left behind to follow along.

If it was someone else then Rong Nie would have done something to that person but this Jun Wei is his Imperial Uncle trusted person and from the look of it, will become his relative soon.

Snow who has been carried by Li Chen, was a bit in a daze as amber eyes saw a familiar looking aura trying to wrapped around him, while at the same time, the world rule aura and Li Chen blessing on his body tried to protect him against it but there are still some of a bit of the God Blessing aura by passing it all and has went inside of him.

Although, he knows that what he just did might have cause some damage on his body, but seeing the God Blessing aura appearing and affecting him at the moment wasn't on his plan at all.

A flash of what he has done in secret with the wealthiest man before and the way he didn't miss the negative emotion that Xiao Feiyu has shown in the hall, Snow could only smile wryly.

He should have known, It seemed that he still doesn't know and understand about going against a God Blessing.

Because that tiny bit of God Blessing that has by pass the World Rule and Li Chen aura has cause more damage than he could think of.

An imaginable familiar pain, began to spread all over his body, it feel like the time where the Cold Poison attack was happening, but was entirely different since it was not any attack at all but the damage that was starting to appear on his broken body was the same when he has the Cold Poison attack.

Snow couldn't help but lean over the warm chest of the young man before him, closing his eyes for a bit as the young man wrapped his arm more tightly but gently around him after perceiving his movement.

This wasn't really not on his plan but at least he prepared something just in case something goes wrong.

Sensing as they are finally out of the hall, amber eyes open up, calm and clear, seeing as there is only three people currently in the Jun family garden, soft small hand gently tug the corner of Li Chen robe causing the young man to stop walking.

Flashing a smile to Li Chen, Snow reach out his hand toward the Young Emperor.

"... Little Nie..."

Rong Nie, red eyes couldn't but show an unease expression, as he saw the paling face of his Imperial Uncle, before reaching out his hand to hold the cold hand of Rong Xen when a gentle smile with calm amber eyes was shoot his way.

"... Imperial Uncle?"

Snow has stayed silent at the inquire voice of his nephew before looking toward the young man who still refuse to lower him down.

"... Hey Li Chen... I accepted... even though... you only wanted to stay by my side... and I don't even have enough power to protect you...not only for my nephew but also for you... I promise to try my best to stay alive a little longer... can you... keep your words you have spoken before?"

The soft voice of the Regent King echoed out in the silent garden, as amber eyes lock with blank dark ink eyes as the young Jun process the words that was softly spoken by the Regent King on his arms, before unconsiously glancing at the Young Emperor who's currently holding the hand of the Regent King, red eyes started brimming with tears.

"... Yes... Yes! Little Xen, I'll cure you... don't worry! You won't have anything at all! You'll live more longer than ever, even until your hair is white!"

The Regent King smiled brilliantly, youthful face turning pale in alarming speed, while a tiny bit of blood has started leaking out in the corner of his small pink lip, but that face still retain that majestic and charming appearance of his despite how fragile and weak he currently was, the tear drop in the lower of the amber eyes curving up when he smiled, looking so dazzling.

Snow another hand slowly raise as it gently touch the cheek of the young man before him.

"... Chen... sorry... I'm... really tired..."

I'll take a rest so... Can I believe in you?

Li Chen arm tighten a bit at the fragile and delicate body on his arm before making a vow without hesitation.

"I Jun Li Chen, vow to protect Rong Xen and everyone he hold dear my entire life! This Rong Dynasty will belong to the Royal bloodline of the Rong Family and I will not let anyone else have it! I'll remove anyone who get in my way! And I'll cure Rong Xen poison and will let him live a long life. Happy and Safe! We will be together, if Rong Xen die, I'll die together with him!"

Rong Nie, red eyes brimming with tears, he couldn't help but feel overwhelm as the Young Jun made a vow before them.

Finally, there was finally who they can trust unconditionally.

It was not only the two of them fighting everyone anymore and his Imperial Uncle finally has someone that can be with him.

Watching and hearing the magnetic and powerful voice of the young man before him made a vow without hesitation, Snow could finally relax entirely, while his vision started to blacken out, finally willing to let himself rest his broken body.

As for the danger of losing his life? Snow believe the person he choose, that man was his.

Unlike his past life, Snow in this life will live longer together with his other half.

"... Um..." I'll leave the rest to you.

Jun Li Chen watch in distress as the amber eyes filled with hidden pain finally close firmly, the delicate body relaxing on his arms, finally releasing the burden it has been carrying for a long time.

He bend down, placing a tender kiss on the Regent King forehead.

I promise... so take a rest and get well soon and for you... I'll handle everything.

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