Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 19: Let's End It All Once and For All.

Chapter 19: Let's End It All Once and For All.

In a room, a figure could be seen sitting at the side of a large bed, slender finger reaching out and gently touching the cheek of the sleeping figure, the thumb rubbing in a circular motion at the red tear mark on under the person eye.

Dark ink eyes staring with possessiveness brimming with madness at the person sleeping peacefully before him.

In the air, a transparent circle with a snow flake symbol inside it can be seen floating beside the other side of the sleeping person in the bed.

Gray light glowing from time to time as it hover around at the unconscious person.

"Snow will get well soon! Li Chen has the item to cure you! Flake will watch over the Young Emperor like Flake promise to Snow! So Snow will rest quietly and safely!"

Flake hover at the unconscious Snow, before floating in circle to Li Chen, Gray light turning blue, as it watch Li Chen for a bit before leaving a clone besides Snow while its main body went back to the Young Emperor side.

Li Chen is Snow gold thigh anyway, Flake can leave everything to him!

He will make Snow better soon!

So the ignorant and adorable Flake has left his host with confidence, not finding the look in the man eyes shooting toward his host a bit worrying and unsettling.

Li Chen who's unable to sense the presence of Flake, continue to stare at the sleeping figure before finally moving on and taking the person over his arm while fixing a very comfortable position for the both of them.

A pure white lotus flower then appeared before them, floating in the air, a pure aura began to emit on it before the energy it contains was slowly being release to outside, and soon the whole room was covered with pure aura before the world aura slowly mix within it, a layer of invisible lay out was covering the entire room, making the special auras unable to get out the place, as it will cause the people in the Capital that will be able to sense it to flock all over toward the location where it was at.

Li Chen slowly close his eyes, as he guide the energy inside Xen body, slowly healing and removing the toxic that has accumulated over the years of being poison, at the moment he could only bear patient since he was unable to fully cure his little Xen poison real fast and can only fix it and heal the damage that has been building up slowly.

It was a poison that has plague Xen for many years, no matter how much powerful Li Chen was with a cheat system, he could not entire cure little Xen completely in a matter of days.

No worries, he has all the time in the world, he will accompany his little Xen forever.

Besides, there was still one more important ingredient to truly remove all the toxin on Xen body once and for all, but for now, all Li Chen could do was to lessen the pain of the person on his arm and heal him.

So Li Chen has stayed together with Xen in the room the entire three days, disregarding about the situation happening outsides and the storm it will follow.

As for the Young Emperor? Everything was in planned, Rong Nie doesn't need him at the moment and knows that curing Xen was far more important matter.

Rong Nie can handle the rest.



That was the only thing currently running in the mind of everyone in the Royal Courts as they stared in disbelief at the Young Emperor sitting on the throne before them.

And old man then began to protest, voice contain righteous words at the young ruler, "Your Majesty! You can't just punish and dismiss almost the people in the Royal Courts. This will affect the Dynasty and it will bring chaos to everyone, Please take back your orders!"

Rong Nie just silently stare at the people before him, red eyes rooming around the room and seeing most of them has rejection all over their faces, red eyes hardened while containing chill on it.

This is his people, the Young Emperor only felt disappointed, all along the Rong Dynasty has been declining, it might not have started during his reign but it might be when the Emperor before his generation.

Yes, his predecessor might have been a good ruler, but as an Emperor, they might have been a bit kind, kind enough that the people under them has started losing the fear that they should have over the person that has full authority over them.

Now, it became this way, this peoples became unloyal, corrupted and selfish to him and the Royal Family, the fear that they should have for the Royal Family has been diminish, so be it, since it cannot be change then he just has to remove it completely and let it goes back to the way it should be.

"We are the Emperor."

The Young Emperor spoke with that young voice of his a few sentence only but it was enough to explain everything, as he sit on his throne, cold red eyes staring at the people kneeling before him with ruthlessness, causing those people underneath to shudder in fear at the Young Emperor before them.

Never before they have seen such an Emperor in their life, the majestic aura surrounding the young figure silently sitting on the throne was enough to stop their protest.

Before everyone eyes widened when a thought flash their mind, that was the aura of the Emperor that they are feeling the pressure with!

That is the World Rule Blessing!

The World itself has given its approval of the person sitting before them as befitting as this Dynasty Emperor, he, Rong Nie, is the true ruler of the Rong Dynasty!

On this very day, there is no doubt that he is the really fated Emperor of this Dynasty.

He has the power and authority to decide about everyone else fate.

He doesn't need any explanation at all.

They can't go against the World Blessing!

That is the terror of having the World Blessing approval!

Wang Lau face paled, the hand hidden on his sleeves shivering, something has change, everything that he has planned from the beginning is crumbling before his very eyes, before determination flash on his blue eyes a few seconds as the beautiful figure of the woman he love emerge on his mind.

There is no way he is giving up, as long as they are dead, then everything can still be the same as what he planned.

Nothing is impossible in this world, even a person bless by a World Rule are not really perfect, in the past even the one who was bless, can disappear and lost against their enemies!

It was a proven fact!

Besides, this Emperor is still young and has just gotten the World approval, he wasn't perfect and capable yet!

So, Wang Lau could only bow his head, hand gripping tightly as he stayed silent patiently.

"Dong Lou has not only tried to harm the life of the Regent King during one of his journey in observing my people living situations, Dong Lou, along with the Dou Family, has also tried to frame the Jun family for being disloyal, harming this Majesty life at the same time. I hereby declared Dong Lou, along with the entire Dong Family to be executed in public for the sin they committed."

Rong Nie watch with cold red eyes at the pale face man of the Dong Family in court, this person is damn, he almost lost his Imperial Uncle because of them.

Anyone who has gotten in their way and wanted their lives, has to disappear!

He will not leave even a single person around, since they dared to betrayed and remain disloyal then don't blame him for being ruthless!

Waving his arm in the air, an eunuch carrying a golden decree on his hand began to read what it was written loudly, the hand holding his hand was shaking a bit, with a cold sweat on his forehead.

This time the Emperor has changed, the young Emperor has turn into such a ruthless and decisive person!

That pressure that the Young Emperor was emitting made him nothing but want to kneel down and bow his head in reverence.

Red eyes just coldly watch everyone as the eunuch finish what he has decreed.

"We will not punish anyone unfairly, whoever have done wrong thing will be punish according to their crimes, we don't want to be called a ruthless Emperor to the common people. So we will allowed it to be presented all in public, all my people will know why this Majesty is punishing My Royal Courtiers."

Watching the resign and panic expression of the everyone before him, Rong Nie coldly snort, he won't let anyone use his people to goes against him.

Even he knows how important his image was to the people in the Dynasty, even with the World Blessing, if the people goes against him, then even he could end up dead because of it.

"Shao Feng, We will give you this important duties. Imperial Uncle praised your abilities and talents. We have great expectation from you."

A man with black hair and light blue eyes with a powerful bearing suddenly appeared in everyone sight, a complex emotion flash on his light blue eyes when he take a look at this Young Emperor, so different from before, the naivety has disappeared and only the ruthlessness of a ruler should have finally appear on the young figure.

Shao Feng has remember the condition and vow he made to the Regent King, causing him to lower his head in respect toward the Young Emperor, this time, the respect he was showing was because of the ability that the Young Emperor has shown and no longer because of the promise he made to the Regent King.

"This humble official will do his very best to fulfill your order Your Majesty."

It took everything Wang Lau has to calm himself as he saw the person reaction toward the Young Emperor, this person should be on their side, what happened!?

Rong Nie eyes look with a bit complicated expression on his face at the man before him, before it return to normal quickly, as he remember the scroll that was given to him by one of the dark shadow, by his Imperial Uncle order.

This person can no longer give them any harm, right this instance he was on their side, Rong Nie could only sigh in admiration at his Imperial Uncle ability.

It seemed that meeting Jun Chen has finally given his Imperial Uncle determination to finally finish all this fighting one and for all and to goes all out with everything they got.

Waving his hand for dismissal, Rong Nie stood up and left the Royal Courts, back straight and head high up.

Such a corrupt and disloyal courtiers has to be remove completely, as for what will happen to the Dynasty losing too many important people, everything has been said in the scroll written left by his Imperial Uncle.

All Rong Nie has to do is follow along, and will never falter ever again.

This time, it was time to finally end it all.



An older women yelled in disbelief, her old body shivering as she stare at the glowing basin filled with water on it as the brown stone that has been glowing with purple aura on it suddenly dim down and disappearing entirely, as it turn into an ordinary looking brown stone.

The bad premonition she felt after learning the Young Emperor extraordinary move suddenly come true.

The future has change, the Emperor light shone brightly than ever while the purple aura that meant the Imperial power become dense than ever, all of it meant was that the Young Emperor, Rong Nie, is the true ruler meant to be in the Rong Dynasty.

"What happened? The future cannot be change that so easily!!! Who was it? Who has enough power and capability to even do it!?"

The old woman mumble crazily as she stare with wide eyes at the magical artifact basin, before a pure ice blue stone that was emitting a weak light that might disappear any second began to glow brightly, slowly regaining its former glory as an aura of pure purple aura began to surround the entire stone causing the old woman eyes to panic.

She knew who that stone of fate belong to, that was the Regent King destiny!

The Regent King was definitely dying! Now its glowing brightly, meant that Rong Xen was being save, she has to tell his Lord about it.

"No no no! This is not good! Hong Tai!"

The old woman immediately rush, before stopping at a study room, breathing heavily with a sweat dropping on her forehead.

"Elderly Yin? What's wrong?"

A man suddenly open the door in the study room, it was a tall middle age man with a scar over his cheeks with a strong body, as he watch with a worried expression at the tired and panic looking older women before him.

"Hong Tai! Its not good! Our young lady fate has change! Everything is entirely different, its not the same anymore!"

Hong Tai expression become grim after hearing the older women words, quickly glancing around, he let the old woman enter the study room before immediately starting the rune spell inside in order to stop people from hearing about what they are about to talk about.

"What did you see?"

"Lord, the purple aura around the young lady has disappeared completely. Her fate of becoming the Empress of the Dynasty was gone! It meant she wasn't destined for it anymore!"

Hong Tai eyes widened in disbelief, "That's impossible! We have known that Hong Tan is destined to be the Empress in the future! How could it just change suddenly? What happened?"

That was his precious daughter, the one he treasure the most in his entire life, the only one that his late wife has left him.

The old woman then began to explain what she has saw in the magical artifact that belong to their Hong Family, the one that keep them safe in every generation, even if there was an ongoing fighting going on for the throne, their military family has always remain safe because of it.

Someone with the power over the military has always been dangerous of being targeted, specially the Emperor.

At first they only thought that the young lady Hong Tan will be married in the Royal family in the future and destined to be the Empress by the Crown Prince but then after the Emperor died, the first and second Prince died one another, and only the young child of the Second Prince has become the Emperor.

They then figure it out that the Rong Family is destined to disappear in this generation, when even the Regent King was weakening and dying, meaning that there will be no more people to protect the vulnerable Young Emperor when Rong Xen died!

All of it meant that another person who is destined to become the Emperor will someday appear in the future and that person is destined to be together with their young lady, making her be the Future Empress!

But now everything has change, the Young Emperor that was supposed to disappear later on, somehow got the World Rule Acceptance and Blessing!

The dying Regent King, was being cured at the moment!

Even she was confused about what to do from this moment on, so all Elder Yin can do was to look at the complicated expression of her Lord because right now, Hong Tai need to make a decision later on.

Generation after generation of being safe from the ongoing fight in the Royal Family is completely gone in this generation!

One wrong move and everything will be gone!

Elder Yin can only wait with a cold sweat on the decision of her Lord.

"I appreciate for all the thing you have done Elder Yin, Please go and rest. I'll think deeply about it."

Hong Tai dismiss the person before him, he need a quiet time to think about what to do from this moment on.

He didn't know how long he has been thinking before a knock suddenly echoed on his ears, looking at the time and knowing about one person capable enough to bother him during this time, Hong Tai smiled as he let the person come inside.

A beautiful young lady entered the room, a smile showing his way, causing the usually stern man to smile gently at the person before him.

This was his precious daughter, the one he treasured the most.

"Whats wrong Tan? Its quite late already."

Hong Tai glance at the darkness in the window, he has been thinking deeply that he didn't even know that its already nighttime.

Hong Tan tried to smile only to fail as she thought about what she was about to tell her father but remembering that handsome face filled with gentleness cause her heart to beat fast.

Even she knew that she has been acting stubborn as everyone else can tell how the two people have feeling on each other but that was the man who cause her heart to beat!

Never before did she meet a person who has move her heart.

Being resign and giving up was not something she, Hong Tan, does, so she could only go and look at her father with a stubborn glint on her eyes.

So what if its the Regent King? Everyone knows that he was fighting a losing battle, sooner or later he will be defeated and Jun Chen will have to look at her.

Hong Tan is far more powerful than the Regent King, she has the Greatest General on her side, Jun Chen will definitely look at her sight and choose her than the defeated Regent King!


Snow stirred as he slowly regain his consciousness, amber eyes slowly opening up before feeling the lightness of his body, he has never felt so relax in a moment, even though there are still some pain lingering over his body, it doesn't change the fact that he has never felt lighter than ever.

The moment he has arrive in this world, wrecking pain all over the broken body he was residing was all the thing he has felt from the beginning but now its almost gone.

Then a second later, he felt warmth wrapped all around him, the sound of a strong and steady beat of a heartbeat echoing near his ear.

"My little Red are you awake?"

Snow raised his head up and saw the handsome face of Li Chen smiling gently causing him to be in a daze for a moment before the pale cheeks flush with pink color, amber eyes dodging sideways as the heart of his skip a beat.

Never has he found himself in a rather embarrassing situation before as he saw himself sitting sideways on Li Chen lap, his head resting over Li Chen warmth chest close enough that he could hear the young man steady heartbeat that became a bit faster over his ear, so for the first time ever Snow blushed.

It was a first for him and something that he doesn't really resist, quite frankly, Snow felt amazed.

Seeing the figure of his lover the moment he open his eyes feel really extraordinary goods.

Never before has he felt like this, so this is the feeling of finally having someone in your heart.

Snow doesn't mind feeling this way in every world that he will be traveling later on.

Li Chen chuckles with delight and joy brimming all over his handsome face, dark ink eyes become half lidded as he stare at the currently shy person over his arms, finding little Xen adorable, he was unable to stop himself from leaning down and placing a chaste kiss over the flush cheeks of his little Xen, watching as the already pink color turning a bright red while it spread all over the root to his white earlobe and slender neck.

Dark ink eyes flashing in happiness, when he saw that there was no negative reaction about what he has just done specially not receiving any rejections, his voice turning soft and kind as he place his hand over Xen head, touching the silky hair gently.

"You'll get well soon... just wait for a bit more longer and I'll be able able to fully cure you."

Snow nod his head shyly, amber eyes looking deeply at the person holding himself.

This person was his, and the person he is falling in love with, as his heart beat faster than ever.

"As for the Emperor, its going according to the plan that you have left us. Everything will be over soon. Don't worry and just relax alright? You'll have to take care of yourself more. I won't let anything bad happen, like I promise, I will protect everyone you hold dear."

Li Chen who saw the person who has been relaxing on his arms suddenly flash a worried look over his amber eyes, immediately spoke, knowing about what he was about to say without speaking a single words.

Amber eyes brimming with gratitude and with a bit of love as Snow lock eyes with Li Chen dark ink eyes.

"Thank you Li Chen."

Snow meant it, although it was his plan to let him make it easier to fulfill his mission all along, it doesn't change the fact that he was grateful to this person before him.

Any emotion that he felt has always been true and never a fake one.

Someone like himself that wasn't afraid to show emotions and feelings, will always be the only thing that he will never have to fake.

"No need, I'm doing all of this because I wanted to, besides... you already know... why I am like this to you right? Little Xen?"

Li Chen lean down and place his forehead against him, both eyes staring on each other.

Thump Thump Thump

The sound of Snow heart has never been so fast and loud at this moment on, his entire face reddening, before nodding his head shyly, but amber eyes never shying away as he stare straight at Li Chen as he answer a simple word.

"... Yes..."

Li Chen handsome face smiled so brightly, dark ink eyes lighting up in a beautiful way so much that it cause Snow to be in a daze, before Li Chen lean back a little bit, large and slender hand cup his face before placing a kiss over the red tear mark under Snow eye.

Snow couldn't help but close one of his amber eyes when he felt a bit hot over the place that Li Chen lip has touch, as it felt like a warmth current just went by.

"I know that we just met and everything was moving so fast... so I'll let my action speaks for themselves. We have a great deal of time ahead of us anyway and I will always stay by your side. Little Xen, you gave your acceptance and has already promise me. I won't be leaving you for the rest of your life."

Snow just stayed quiet, paying no attention when the gentle and touching words turn specially possessive at the end of Li Chen sentence but the small hand that has reach over and touch the young man sleeves was enough answer that give Li Chen exultation.


"Green! What's wrong? Are you alright?"

A loud voice immediately asked worriedly along with panic when the other person she has just speaking normally a few minutes ago, swayed and has fallen on the ground, the beautiful face expressing worry while amber eyes was flashing with a bit of panic at the fallen figure.

It was none other than the Queen Mother, Wei Lei Shan, Mother of the Regent King and the Grandmother of the current Emperor.

Green that has fallen in the ground, has a very pale face as she suddenly felt the weakening of her body with a bit of sharp pain over her heart as she reach out to grasp over her chest.

She stayed silent for a few seconds before finally getting her bearing as she turned her attention at the currently panicking Queen, her voice trembling with trepidation as she utter the impossible news that she was about to say.

"... My poison is being counter... Your highness someone was saving Rong Xen from the Cold Poison I have given!"

"What do you mean that Xen poison is being cured? That's Impossible!"

Wei Lei Shan amber eyes widened with disbelief, the cold poison is basically impossible to cure because what they have given was not just an ordinary poison.

Someone has to be extraordinary and powerful in both martial arts and able to feel and guide the world aura has to exist first in order to start curing the Cold Poison.

Not only that, the person has to also be knowledgeable in medicine and skillful at the same time.

Then another three conditions has to be fulfilled to be able to cure the Cold Poison and each one of the conditions was extraordinary hard enough, because the first conditions have to be someone who was powerful, knowledgeable in medicine and among else, has to be the same as the current Regent King, a person who have the ability in using the internal and mystic art energy at the same time.

In the history of the Rong Dynasty, only Rong Xen was the only one born in this generation that has the double ability, a mystic art user and a martial artist!

And Rong Xen, was unable to cure his own poison since it has to be another person that has to do it, and even if that person really exist, there was no telling if that person will do it to someone else because curing the one who has the Cold Poison will give a danger to their life.

No one will do that to a mere stranger, specially if they treasure their life.

There was a reason why the Cold Poison has been deemed a taboo and have tried to erase it from existing, it was so dangerous that it even cause Green parents to be removed and exiled from their family!

Green eyes filled with unwillingness and hatred continue to speak, knowing that there is no denying it anymore, as the person that has made and cast the Cold Poison itself can tell the person situation, and that pain she felt over her heart only mean one thing!

"Your highness... only one condition left needed to truly cure Rong Xen from the Cold Poison."

A person that shouldn't exist has appeared and it even appeared and has become close to the Regent King, enough that the person didn't even mind trying to heal Rong Xen despite the fact that it was also dangerous to its own life!

They have to do something fast before its too late!

Rong Xen is dangerous and fearful enough when he was already weakened to such extent and now that he was being cured, they couldn't help but pale at such a thought because that person could be ruthless no matter how much he really felt.

That person is ruthless to his own self, enough that he can even throw and let go of the person that he has great affection with, the Regent King was so decisive, strong willed and stubborn on his responsibility that he can basically do anything as long as it something that goes against what he was trying to protect, so thinking about what he might do to another person, specially to his enemies can be chilling itself!

And not only that, even the Young Emperor became like the Regent King, from what they heard about what happened to the Royal Court a few days ago, Rong Nie has already shown that he was not harmless as he seemed to be and one could even say that he was far more merciless than the Regent King itself!

For a person with a young age to have that ruthlessness and decisiveness has cause those that has stayed neutral to feel fear but mostly admiration and respect toward the Young Emperor.

Rong Nie has already showing to have the enlightenment of what a ruler should have, and added to the fact that the World Rule has accepted him as the true ruler of the Rong Dynasty and has given its blessing, has already given him enough reputation that even the common people are starting to worship their Young Emperor.

No longer do the common people see the Young Emperor as an incompetent ruler, the puppet of the Regent King!

Now they started to revere the Young Emperor as a ruler while also starting to respect the Regent King that supposed to be ambitious, cruel and ruthless to everyone eyes.

Everything is in complete disorder as their situation is becoming more dangerous as time pass by, they have to make a move, the sooner is better, or else they will lose this fight and end up losing their lives!

The Queen Mother and Green stare on each other, as they thought about the same thing.

Wei Lei Shan close her amber eyes as cold chill emit her entire body, after staying quiet for a while, she open her mouth and spoke to the still pale face Green before her.

"From this morning, it seemed that child has left the Jun Family and already entered the Palace. I heard that a young man called Jun Chen has also come along with him and is currently staying in the Moon Palace of the Regent King and the Young Emperor has approve of it."

Green eyes emit a chill as only one thought came into her mind at the meaning of that person appearance and being near the Regent King meant to them.

"Green... I won't be indecisive this time. I should have done this from the very start and should has never shown even a tiny bit of hesitation when dealing with that child. Among my children, that child has always been my favorite and the one that has truly has make me love with all my heart despite the fact that he wasn't born from the person that I love... just let's end this one and for all."

She should have known better, no matter what, that child has that person blood on him after all.

Green worriedly looked at the sorrowful Queen Mother, remembering that among the children she birthed, only one child has truly gotten her love, before determination brimming on Green eyes because like Wei Lei Shan said, its time to truly end this one and for all.

"Yes! Your Highness, please don't be sad. I will try to give that child a painless death as I can."



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