Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 23: Huh!? Li Chen...?

Chapter 23: Huh!? Li Chen...?

Sound of gasps echoed out in the whole room before the sound of splash can be heard a second later before a disorder breathing of a person was the only noise that can be heard after.

In a large room, one can see a delicate and slender figure of a youthful beautiful young man, his body leaning a bit forward while his left hand was place on the ground in order to steady his body while behind his back was a figure of much taller of a handsome young man with deep dark ink eyes.

"Little Xen, are you alright?" a worried voice with a young man smooth voice asked as the person before him let out a gasps of pain, while touching over the delicate figure small and thin back, his hand feeling the heat coming from the slightly damp green royal robe of the delicate person.

Snow who heard Li Chen worried voice, let out a gasp of pain one more time while a sweats drop down his slightly flush cheeks before opening his pink lip to answer him back.

"I'm alright... continue on... don't stop..."

Troubled Dark Ink eyes gaze at the obviously in pain Xen before gritting his teeth as he continue on, knowing full well that he has to do this, his large hand sending warmth energy inside his little Xen body, flushing out all those poison that has stayed deep within Xen entire body before another noise of splash sound echoed out again, then the sound of little Xen coughing softly came next which seemed specially loud on Li Chen ears.

Seeing the black blood that his little Xen has cough out cause his heart to ache while at the same time feeling a great relief because it will be the last time that they will be doing this and after this, the Cold Poison will no longer exist and all he has to do is to slowly heal those damage that has been done on his little Xen body before he is completely better.

After a few minutes, Snow finally sighed in relief, although he felt fatigue all over his body but it never felt so light than ever, then a moment later he suddenly stood up however his body swayed a bit while his legs seemed to have lost its strength as he started to fall forward before an arm has quickly wrap around his slim waist, pulling his entire body backward as he felt the warmth broad chest of Li Chen behind his back.

Snow face suddenly flushed, specially when he saw that his entire clothes was wet by the sweats that he let out when Li Chen has been transferring energy within him as he flush all the poison inside his body.

"Thank you Li Chen." Snow calm voice echoid out, amber eyes turning half lidded as it glimmer with bright lights.

Li Chen look down, immediately seeing the red tip of the tender white earlobe of little Xen while feeling the delicate and soft body, he couldn't help but let out a chuckle, his voice sounding so low and deep on Snow ears which has quickly cause his heart to skip and beating faster when Snow has suddenly found that Li Chen voice pleasing to hear.

"I'm alright now." Snow mumble softly as he tried to move away but he soon heard the voice of Li Chen again while he felt his entire body was raise up high before finding himself being carried on Li Chen arm again.

Snow couldn't help but notice about the fact that he has been always being carried by Li Chen arms repeatedly.

"Here, let me do it."

Amber eyes looking up, pink lip opening up to tell him that he has already gotten his strength back but only to close it quickly when he saw Li Chen extraordinary gentleness on his dark ink eyes as he gaze right at him.

It was the kind of gaze of someone seemingly looking at the most precious treasure that the whole world has to offer.

Snow felt warmth all over, his entire body relaxing on Li Chen arms as he let himself be carried by his lover.

Its really felt nice.

Snow was then gently place down in a very comfortable couch, "I'll be back, wait for a bit alright?"

Li Chen bend down and cares Snow soft black hair, not minding the fact that it was a bit wet from all his sweats before straightening up as he walk out the room to prepare and take care of what his little Xen needed while deep down inside him, entirely feeling that it was what he was meant to do the moment he has set his dark ink eyes on that calm amber eyes of his.

It was like, Li Chen exist to do it for him, Li Chen found the idea pleasing, not having even a tiny bit of doubt and a hint of being against about the idea of existing to take care of his little Xen.

Snow only silently watch, amber eyes softly watching as his lover, prepare the bath for him before choosing a royal purple robe for him to change into, while not forgetting to place a washed s fresh and juicy fruits and a cup warm water with a lemon flavor on it before him while Snow patiently waited for him to finish everything that he needed to do to take care of by himself.

Such a very gentle and thoughtful lover, Snow like it very much!

"Little Xen, I'll go prepare our meal while you take a bath and change your clothes into a much more comfortable one, just ring this bell if you needed something and I'll come quickly."

Li Chen gently place a exquisite circle black bell before his little Xen.

The item came from Li Chen system, no matter how far away he was at, the sounds of the bell will always reach his ears and he was the only one that will be able to hear the sounds.

It was a connection between his little Xen and him alone, so no matter what, it was an item that exist for the both of them.

Snow gaze at this gentle Li Chen before amber eyes stare deeply at the exquisite black bell that was place on his hand while mentally sighing in wonder about how Li Chen really doesn't look like a cold blooded killer and a person that has survive and live in a very doom world at the moment.

Anyway, he smile gently to Li Chen, "You don't have to do all of this. Just order the servants to do all the work."

"But I wanted to take care of you." Li Chen smile tenderly, dark ink eyes flashing a spoil look as he gaze at him causing Snow pink cheeks to flush into a crimson red, looking entirely appetizing as dark ink eyes deepened a bit before he heard the soft and calm voice of the person before him.

"Ok... This King will permit you to continue to take care of I."

"Yes, its this young man greatest honored to take care of you, my highness." Li Chen said seriously but with a slightly teasing voice causing Snow to become a bit embarrassed before quickly standing up as he walk to take a bath, ignoring the magnetic chuckle of the man behind him.

As the figure of Snow disappear in the vision of Li Chen, he turned around and left to prepare the meal since he was sure that his little Xen is hungry from the last healing that they has just finish doing, as for feeling tired also?

Li Chen Xen is far more important than himself.

Wearing a royal purple robe with a jade crown on top of his head, Snow watch as the blossom of the peach tree sways with the wind in the wide open window of the Moon Palace Dining Hall, suddenly remembering the moment when Li Chen and he met for the first time after waking up from his unconciousness.

It felt like it has been a long time but for it to have only happen for a short time.

Snow suddenly felt nonstalgic as he remember from the time that he met Li Chen, before going further when he was still living as Snow Ciel as he wait for Li Chen to finish cooking their foods.

"Quite a nice sight isn't it? When this is all over, I'll take you out to see more of the beautiful scenery that this world has to offer. How about it, little Xen?"

A smooth voice carrying hint of tenderness echoed out and reach Snow ears causing his head to turn around, amber eyes flashing a bit as he saw the tall and slender figure of Li Chen, the white robe on his body fluttering as he walk toward him, a very handsome face with dark ink eyes that make it feel like drowning you in a deep dark abyss, specially when it contain instence deep love while he gaze at you which has cause Snow to be in a daze, his heart skipping.

It took a bit of a while for Snow to answer before smiling toward Li Chen along with a hopeful expression,"Yes I would very much like that."

"Its a promise, alright?" Li Chen smiled after finally arriving near Snow as he place down all those foods on the table, before sitting down next to him.

As always Snow amber eyes light up when he saw his favorite dishes that was place on the table, before a thoughtful expression appeared on his attractive small face, dense eyelashes fluttering as he think for a bit before finally returning his attention on the food before him as he started eating.

After having a wonderful meal, this time without any interruption, Snow turned his attention at the person sitting next to him, watching as Li Chen gracefully drink a cup of hot tea.

"Hey Li Chen, you only wanted to stay by my side, that was what you said to me before. But I feel bad with all the troubles and protection that you have been doing, its hard right?"

Li Chen blink his eyes, as he stare at his little Xen with a bit of puzzle look, but before he could speak the next words spoken by his little Xen has cause his dark ink eyes to brighten up exceptionally.

"You have been very helpful. Is there anything else that you would like? I promise to fulfill it as long as I can do it."

Snow look deeply at the currently silent Li Chen sitting right next to him, calmly and patiently waiting for what Li Chen will asked him for while feeling a bit of excitement inside.

After a long while, Li Chen suddenly move as he got closer and lean down before him, his lip slightly grazing Snow white ear lobe, causing it to redden while he felt the suddenly deep and wamrth breath of Li Chen on his ears.

Amber eyes widen a bit, before his body turn a bit tense at the sudden closeness and actions of Li Chen, well even he was surprise about it.

"Since I'm already the future son in law, May I kiss you?" deep magnetic low voice, carrying a bit of fervor suddenly sounded on Snow ears, the sound of Li Chen voice causing his mind to blank a bit before it took a second as Snow pink lip open up and answer a very simple but important one word, his voice carrying a bit of shyness into it, "Yes."

Though somewhere on his mind, Snow couldn't help but think about how Li Chen was acting like a bit of a gentleman when even Snow know deep down that Li Chen wasn't like that, a beast more like it.

But as Li Chen lean backward in order to face him, while his large warmth hands was a bit shaky when Li Chen reach out and cup his small face, well this nervous Li Chen was a bit adorable too while feeling touch that Li Chen reaction just meant that he was really being treasured.

As Li Chen slowly lean forward, handsome face getting closer and closer causing Snow amber eyes to slightly close slowly when he can almost feel the warmth breath of Li Chen over his slightly open pink lip.

"Your Highness, the son of the Right Prime Minister, Wang Lou, is currently asking for an audience for you at the moment, also a friends of Jun Chen wanted to meet him, it was the daugther and nephew of the Great General that are asking to seek audience your Highness."

Silence remain as the two of them stop moving, their lips only inchest apart when suddenly another voice loudly has spoken behind the close door of the dining hall, entirely stopping their movements.

After a while, Snow suddenly move out of the way a second later, amber eyes dark as he turned around to face the door, ignorant about the fact that the moment he turned around, Li Chen dark ink eyes turn a bit stormy.

"Tell that this King is busy with important matters and currently have no time to meet The Right Prime Minister son this moment. As for Jun Chen visitors, guide them to one of the guest hall and tell them that Jun Chen will meet them soon."

Snow then turn toward Li Chen that has already hidden the stormy emotion on his dark ink eyes, "Um... Li Chen, I'll go meet with the Emperor while you handle your visitors, alright?"

Without waiting for his reply, Snow stroke his wide long sleeves before walking out quickly, all the way out, Snow heart was still thundering loudly in his ear, unaware that in Li Chen dark ink eyes that it entirely look different and the reason was something else.

A moment later as Li Chen remain silent and still sitted in the chair, he suddenly couldn't help but let out a deep and dark chuckles, which contain intense chill and murderous intention on his voice.

"... Wang Lou... right?"


Snow was currently sitting silently as he read a book on his hand while sitting in a very comfortable chair as he waited for Li Chen to appear in the study room. He has been very busy discussing important matter with the Young Emperor that it was already time for dinner soon.

He knew that Li Chen will definitely come with the foods like he has always done after they have met again, he was quite looking forward for it and as small face turned a bit red in a bit shyness, amber eyes lighting up in eagerness as he remember the close handsome face of Li Chen.

Snow heart thundering loudly on his ears, as he thought of Li Chen appearing before him.

"Your Highness! Something bad happen, Young Master Jun Chen is currently unconcious!" a shadow dark has suddenly appeared and has utter a shocking words to the silently reading Snow, causing him to show a very surprised and astonished expression about from what he just heard.


The sound of the book dropping in the ground resound trough out the entire room, while the shadows in the corner sways as the candle light flicker.

"What do you mean that Jun Chen is unconcious?"

Snow amber eyes widen a bit as he asked with bitting cold voice with a bit flustered feeling within it toward the shadow guard that has given the report before him, because that is the most unlikely thing that will happen to Li Chen.

In this world, the only one that has the capability to entire hurt Li Chen that will make him unconcious was himself, unless something else has cause Li Chen unconcious condition.

After hearing the questioning voice of Snow, the shadow guard devoid of emotion continue to give his report, "Your highness, Jun Chen went to change his clothes after spending time with his visitors then when he was walking out of his room, he suddenly stop and went right back in. After that, we shadow guards has heard the sound of the familiar sound of a body dropping in the ground and we quickly went to check it as your highness has ordered us to protect the young master Jun life, we just saw him lying unconcious on the ground when we went inside."

Snow pupil turn sharp, his body emitting chill, "How is he?"

"Your Highness, we already invited the Imperial Physicians, specially Imperial Physician Bai Fu, but all of them was unable to tell what is wrong with the Young Master Jun Chen since all of them examined that there was really nothing anything wrong with his health and no danger currently on his life. It was just that the Young Master Jun was unable to wake up from his unconciousness no matter what they did leaving all of them bewildered."

Snow remain silent, amber eyes deepening as he think about what is currently wrong with his lover causing a frown on his beautiful small face, making it look pitiful.

"Leave, this King will handle it."

With a swish of his wide long sleeves, the candle light in the room extinguish as Snow figured disappeard in the study room.

"Imperial Uncle, nothing bad will happen to him."

A worried Rong Nie comfortly speak to the person who was standing by side, as the two of them stood up at the bedside of the currently unconcious Li Chen that was lying in the huge bed.

The silent Snow turned his head around at the thoughtful Young Emperor before he smile with confidense ,"Yeah I know, no need to be worried little Nie, Jun Chen will wake up soon, nothing bad will happen to him."

I'll make sure of it.

And as he turn to gaze at the open window, and seeing that it was already night time, he raise his hand and gently touch the top head of the Young Emperor with a gentle amber eyes, "Now, go take a rest and sleep, I know that you are tired from handling all those memorials. Tomorrow you have to wake up early to attend the Royal Courts."

Rong Nie relax a bit before staring at his Imperial Uncle with a bit worried look still glinting on his red eyes, "How about you Imperial Uncle? You have to rest as well, the Young Jun has just finish curing your Cold Poison. He and I will worry about you if something bad happen because you were not properly resting well."

Chuckling a bit at the mature Young Emperor with that little bit of a mother hen nature, "Um... I'll definitely take my rest, besides I'm planning to stay here for the night so I can also look after Li Chen more."

Rong Nie wanted to open his mouth to tell his concern about how inapproriate it will look to other people before shutting his mouth close, knowing full well about how stubborn his Imperial Uncle can get, and besides the Rong Dynasty is much more open about relationships.

As long as it isnt something so degenerate, that the common people and everyone will start talking.

Besides, sooner or later, Nie Imperial Uncle and the Young Jun will definitely get married from the look of it, so there is really nothing wrong with his Imperail Uncle staying at the Young Jun place.

And as he stare at the servants standing outsides, red eyes glinting coldly, if these people dare to babble and unable to close their mouth then don't blame him for being ruthless toward them.

Nie Imperial Uncle has already sacrifice so much for him and the Rong Dynasty, there was no way that he will let Rong Xen to suffer any longer!

"Alright, Imperial Uncle. I am here if you need me."

Snow hearing the young voice said his goodbye, along with that mature aura around him, he couldn't help but bent down and gently touch his head again one last time before nodding his head toward him.

"Um, I know and rest well."

Watching at the disappearing back of the Young Emperor, the smile on his face slowly fade, as it turn emotionless, amber eyes glancing around, before waving his hand as he gave his order to the Imperial Guards on the door.

"Leave us. Starting today beside the Young Emperor and Imperial Physician Bai Fu, none is allowed to enter the door, anyone who come inside, no matter what reason, Kill!"

"Yes, Your Highness." the two Imperial Guard bow his head respectfully, before closing the door and standing straight and still before it.

Before a thin and slender small hand raise up in the air, "Leave the room, and keep a look out around outsides, from these moment on no matter what happen, no one of you can enter the room without my permission otherwise Die! And those who will secretly come to visit uninvited, Kill!"

"Yes Your Highness!" Voices of the Shadow Guards hiding in the shadow answered back, Snow immediately sense their presence disappearing in the entire room, seeing that he was the only one left, the cold chill and murderous intent he just release while giving the orders disappear entirely as he walked to the bedside of the unconcious Li Chen.

"Sigh... What happen Li Chen?"

A small frown form on his small beautiful and delicate small face, worried amber eyes as he gaze at the peaceful sleeping Li Chen, eyes tracing the handsome feature of his, before letting out a sigh again as small hand gently trace Li Chen handsome face with tenderness.

"Wake up soon."

Suddenly the worried amber eyes become dark and stormy as he quickly reach out in the thin air with a great speed, small hand seemingly gripping something.

"Ah Ah Ah! Let go of Black! Black didnt do anything wrong! Ahh!" the sound of voice resound, much more older than the sound of Snow Flake System young childish voice, as it suddenly scream in panic.

Snow stormy amber eyes stare at the wriggling orbs that he was currently gripping tightly, if one were to look more closely, once can see a layer of thin white light currently around Snow slender and thin small hands as it hold an orb shapes.

It was another permanent skill that Snow bought in the Black Trade Shop called spiritual hand, a skill to grasp a non-object being, anything that has certain power or aura on it that was not human and unexplained by science, for example this Black System at the moment.

Of course, if Black was much stronger than him, Snow would have trouble grasping this being at the moment but Snow was strong enough and his 50/100 Spiritual was also higher while the skill level of Spiritual Hand is good enough, that he can now take a hold of the currently panic System before him.

Snow never really on his planned that he will be using this skill to grasp Li Chen system because from the moment that Li Chen become his lover, he decided not to grasp what belong to his lover even if Li Chen doesn't entirely needed Black help.

Because Black can be use as an energy for Flake to absord in order to make him stronger.

This Spiritual hand was something he planned to use if he ever face and meet another person that has another type of System, because he was entirely sure that this will not be the last time that he will be meeting a person that has a cheat with them.

"You... tell me what happen to Li Chen or else, I'll let Flake absord you."

"Ah Ah! Please calm down! Host is just currently in the process from getting a reward from the World Rule! He will soon wake up safe and healthy in the coming days! Please don't worry!"

Black cry out in pain and fear when he suddenly felt like the energy that he has been trying to save has been drain down for a bit.

Ah, Host! Wake up soon! Your Lover is really scary! Black is terrified!

Raising his eyebrow, stormy amber eyes suddenly calm down but it still retain coldness within it, so that was the reason why his Appraisal skill wasn't working when he tried to use it on Li Chen to find a clue about why he was suddenly unconscious.

Snow has his suspicious a  it but now it confirm it, sighing softly, "Alright, if something bad happen to him, then don't hope about running away."

"Black promise it! You can believe in Black!" the immediate reply of Black as soon as he heard Snow words as he secretly cry inside.

Logically, Snow mind remain calm despite what he was really feeling inside, it even has those one suggestion that he should just go and leave to take a comfortable and proper rest since Li Chen will be alright soon.

For one of those thoughts that has grace his mind, Snow ignored it because although its good to have a proper rest, but there was really nothing wrong with staying by his lover side too.

This was the person Snow will live with his entire life, the person he has chosen, his lover.

When he make a plan, Snow lover will have to be considered and be part of it, it will no longer be by himself like he did in his past life.

It cannot have the same ending as Rei, so, as Snow place a gentle kiss on his lover forehead, amber eyes gentle with possessiveness brimming deep within it.

As long as you don't betray me, I'll remain loyal to you.


A figure who has been fuming as he wrecked and storm in some part of a forest suddenly stop and pants but the green eyes that has just been fuming in rage has suddenly lit up brightly after hearing the report that was given to him from one of the important spy hidden in the Palace.

"Oh? Something bad happen and that person cannot wake up at all even when all the Imperial Physicians has examine him?"the man with green eyes that has spoken that last word with an utter disgust and murderous intention when mention a certain someone fate has suddenly showed a happy expression.

"Good! Good!" the man laughed in joy, as he found the supposed Bad new as something Good!

"Xen! Didn't I tell you? I can only be the person that can protect you! You have always been mine!"

Even if he, Wang Lou, has married, he doesn't allow that person to be with someone else, because Xen has been always his and he will become his own after Wang Lou father succeed in taking over the throne.

What about being the Regent King? Xen only need to stay quietly by his side as he does the protecting while fulfilling the engagement that the two of them that was set up when the two of them were still a children!

And as for the shame he took when Xen canceled their engagement, Xen has to face the punishment later on, as the green eyes of Wang Lou glimmer a bit coldly.

The servant suddenly sweat coldly, as he hesitated a bit before forging on, knowing full well that he couldn't really hide it as he further need to speak the report he heard.

"MiLord! I also heard that Rong Xen has stayed at the place of that person."

The joy brimming on Wang Lou eyes suddenly disappear, his body going stiff as he heard the words of the servant before him.

"What did you say?" he gritted as green eyes starting to burn with rage again.

The servant hesitated before speaking the words again, cold chill immediately run down his spine, before letting out a loud scream of pain as he was suddenly sent flying by the person before him.

"Xen! You are really making me angry! Xen!" roared Wang Lou a second later as he quickly gaze at the Majestic Palace in the far distance.

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