Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 3: Granter

Chapter 3: Granter

A transparent circular symbol showing the sparkling, delicate sixfold symmetry of a snowflake the size of a basketball was floating in the air.

A young man with an average appearance and beautiful, calm blue eyes stared at the glowing snowflake that was supposedly called a Special Existence.

It was the main reward given when he chose to be a Granter.

A newborn special existence; a soul created just for himself.

The only downside about it was that it is not yet a fully complete soul; he needed to nourish it with a special energy.

Snow also needed to become a successful Granter for this Special Existence to truly belong to him.

He loved this Special Existence; it was the main reason why he chose the Special Reward from the list: this soul would belong to him, it would be loyal to him and never leave him no matter what.

It is existence for Snow alone.

If and after he became a successful Granter and chose to stop doing missions, this special existence would accompany him through every lifetime.

And it is also an existence that could not exist without him- if Snow's soul was destroyed, it would disappear alongside him.

Such a delightful existence gave Snow happiness and joy. 

Snow could not wait any longer and opened his lips to utter a single word that would bind their souls together.


"Flake" would be the name for this special being; 'Snow - flake' such a perfect match for them.

Flake glowed brightly and swayed as it came close to him, and soon a childish but calm voice echoed out.

"Nice to meet you Owner Snow, thank you for the name 'Flake'. Flake will be always with you as you perform your job as a Granter. Flake will work hard to be useful to Owner Snow. Flake will do his best to help you. "

"Nice to meet you too Flake, and there is no need for you to work hard, Flake is already the best just for staying by my side. You can also just call me Snow. No need for the owner thing."

Snow saw the transparent Flake turn slightly pink, and chuckled slightly at how lovely and adorable the child was.

Yes, he saw Flake as a child; it was a newborn soul after all.

"Um... Snow is the best."

Flake swayed again before resting on the hand Snow had offered for him to sit on.

"So Flake, do you know what you have to do?" Snow gently asked the obedient Flake on his hand, watching it bob up and down in a nodding manner. Flake appeared to have blinked as it glowed bright blue which has entered Snow's body.

Information immediately appearing in Snow's mind, with a childish voice following after.

Flake: Special Existence belonging to Snow

"From information gathered through Snow's life, Flake operates similarly to the "system" in your memories. This is the best way to make you more comfortable, as it seems that reading those types of books were some of the most relaxing and comfortable experiences during your previous life."

Snow couldn't help but twitch his lips since he remembered reading those 'Novels' due to Rei's insistence; he had been relaxed and comfortable because it felt like he was living a normal life despite how short the time was, especially when he was around the gentle and understanding Rei.

Snow's lips curved up; well. His current circumstances did feel like the plot of those novels Rei stubbornly made him read in the past.

Snow: A Granter

- granting and fulfilling the wishes or regrets at the time of death of certain special souls in different worlds in exchange for the source of their Karmas, either good or bad, accumulated in their lifetimes and reincarnations.

Current Source of Soul Karma Energies: 300,000 (Middle in the Minimum Balance for Karma Soul Requirement)

Soul Karma Energies: used to exchange for certain abilities, items, skills, and etc in the trading shop.

Other Energy Types: different types of points that may be used.

Mission Success:

100%: Receive all of the soul's source of Karma, split in 3 (Snow, Flake, and Soul Dimension)

30-80%: Receive less soul energy

[ 30%: Mission failed

Under certain circumstances, Host may be granted addition Special Reward: Soul's Good and Bad Blessing

Soul Title: Host is affected in the following world by the title received from the original soul after the failure or successful completion of missions

Mission Failure: Owner *Snow* will pay Client half the energy that Client would have paid if the mission was successful with his own Karma Source Energy

Snow couldn't help nodding his head; he knew that there always had to be equivalent exchanges.

However, he couldn't help frowning at the main punishment of mission failure- it was complicated and could be an easy or hard punishment depending on the client.

Snow wouldn't be able to know the exact amount of soul energies that would be given as rewards for completing the missions, but he could start calculating and planning after more experience.

However, there was a high chance that he could get into a big accident, causing him to lose all his soul energies by failing one of the mission worlds since he wouldn't know if he was given one on "hard mode" for his 2nd or 3rd missions- every world he would travel to was a random selection.

Snow really has to work hard- not because he was afraid to disappear or to lose the chance for rewards, but because it was rather disappointing if he stopped being a Granter after only traveling to a few worlds.

He wouldn't be able to have enough time to play around the world if he failed so early on!

Isn't it exciting?

So many different worlds to experience!

It was a once in a lifetime opportunity for Snow to experience. If he lost it, even if his soul had another chance to balance his Karma, he would not be Snow anymore.

As he thought about the consequences of failing as a Granter, Snow's calm blue eyes darkened dangerously. While he was pleased that Flake would disappear if he ceased to exist, he would rather prefer for Flake to follow him through every life and every reincarnation if he gives up as a Granter.

Snow was unwilling and dissatisfied at the thought of losing Flake.

Flake was his, an existence born from his soul.

It can only be his; it could only exist for himself.

Soon, Flake's voice echoed in his mind, comforting him regarding his worries, causing Snow to smile because this meant they were truly bound to each other.

He rather liked the connection they had: he wasn't worried about his privacy or if Flake would be scared from horrible thoughts that would surely pass his mind.

There was a reason why Flake was very special: no matter what happened, good or bad, Flake would forever remain loyal towards Snow.

"Flake also wants to be with Snow forever! Flake will do his very best to help Snow be successful!" a childish voice echoed with determination, before continuing,

"And as for Mission Failures, the punishment seems to be a little harsh, but this is because once a mission fails, the souls' wishes or regrets won't have another chance to be fulfilled. They will have to go to their next reincarnation no matter how unwilling they feel. So the Karma Core can only compensate them with Karma Energies while helping them balance their karma."

Calm blue eyes flashed a smile after hearing Flake words, "How about those additional rewards or punishments? Blessings and Titles?"

"'Additional Reward' is granted when a branch mission, hidden mission, world mission, or very rare task given by the Karma Soul Dimension Core Existence to fulfill for certain other special souls belonging to your mission world is completed.

"As for Blessings, it depends on the outcome of how you have done with the main missions, but the original soul client is unable to discriminate against you just because they may be against how you completed their wishes or regrets. It just depends on how strong their resistance and feelings were about certain circumstances after the missions are completed."

"And because it is very rare to give blessings and titles to the Granter since it will only work for the next world mission, clients also have to pay the price for giving you Blessings and Titles. This is especially true for bad ones since it will affect their next reincarnations."

Snow frowned. The complication for using a client's body was that he was also bound to not act in a way overly different from their personality or other characteristic reactions. However, he was also deeply excited because this made things more interesting and challenging.

"After all, that life is still theirs during the mission time, but don't worry Snow! You can act as you truly wish after the successful completion of a mission. The body will truly belong to you then, and it will be your life to live as part of the special privileges of being a Granter!"

Flake spoke with a comforting tone, trying to cheer up his owner, who in turn smiled and used his hand to poke the blue-glowing Flake in his right hand.

Flake shook timidly before continuing its explanation, "Titles work similarly; the clients might give you a random title based on how you performed. For example, if they were extremely touched by you, they may give you an "Angle" title, which would turn into an aura of kindness and gentleness."

"Good Title can be turned on and off which will not affect your current body. Bad Title will only forcefully affect you once to the next world after it was given to you before it can be the same as the Good Title."

Nodding his head, Snow knew that it would not be easy. Everything has regulations and was very challenging, but that was what made it so interesting.

What he lacked in his life was excitement; it was the only thing that made him feel alive since it was his only source of entertainment.

It was finally time for Snow to live his life the way he really wanted to.

"Go on, you can continue." Snow teased the flake in his hand, causing it to shake shyly.


Granter: Snow Ciel

Age: 20 years old

Sex: Male

Appearance: Short black hair, ivory skin with average appearance but with beautiful calm blue eyes.

Physical Abilities: Trained in fighting (Hand to Hand and Weapon Use)

High pain resistance, Endurance

Spiritual: 50/100 Awakened by being a Granter; has 50% spiritual power, thus easier to bind and integrate client body.

Intelligence: 90/100 (High IQ) Extremely good at being a Planner and Strategist, will use anything that is useful.

Luck: 60/100 Can be lucky with abilities but unlucky regarding his interactions with other people.

Charm: 60/100 A Charismatic leader among his subordinates.

Special Ability: Able to remove and completely delete attachments and emotions; able to think calmly in a logical way no matter the situation or personal emotions. However, this can be affected by physical reactions or problems that could affect the physical mind.

Calm blue eyes blinked when he saw his status; well there was nothing he could complain about he was just surprised that his intelligence wasn't in full value. He couldn't help but wonder how terrifying a person with full intelligence values, a person far smarter than he currently was, would be 

Just like they say, there is always someone more talented. It helped as a reminder to never become conceited no matter how talented he was; after all, as the saying goes, even an ant can bite.

Everyone has their weaknesses and strength.

Snow didn't want to fail somewhere because he was being arrogant.

"Snow don't worry, there will be important reward points later on; you can use them to upgrade your attributes! You will be the best Snow!" Flake cheerfully said as it swayed left and right on Snow's hand before another blue light entered Snow's body.


"Snow can exchange your own Soul Karma Energy anything and everything in the Trading Shop. There may be special conditions for what you exchange. Sometimes, everything you buy can be either used temporarily or permanently and some can be restricted in some Worlds due to their Rules."

"There are also conditions and rules because of the client's body affinity which the object you bought in the Trade Shop wouldn't work at all, especially when the body doesn't have a talent for it, so you can't force it. Lastly, there are some items that can only be used under specific circumstances and have time limits, special requirements and regulations, and are one-time use only."

Snow nodded his head; following the world rules would be like not bringing things related to cultivation or ancient- like worlds to a futuristic world or vice versa. For example, modern and futuristic-like items such as guns or cannons could not appear in certain timelines because it might affect the World Era.

So, even if he has a very "cheat system"-like existence, he could not be a truly omnipotent person due to the world restrictions, regulations, and limitations that will be imparted to him as a traveler.

Flake glowed twice like he was blinking his eyes, "Sorry Snow, time's up, we have to start the mission right now since rules dictate that we can't stay in the Soul Karma Dimension for too long. Snow can ask me for other related details later; Flakes will inform and notify you as part of my job as Snow's partner!"

Calm blue eyes blinking, "What about the mission world?"

"Well, Snow already knows that there are different world levels from D, C, B, A, and S, low to high depending on how difficult the missions are and how dangerous the worlds are. Missions can also be upgraded as you go through them since anything can happen- life is very unpredictable after all. Snow will be randomly assigned missions- whether they are easy or hard will depend on luck."

Luck huh? He was been Lucky and Unlucky during his past life.

He has experienced good and bad things in his lifetime as Snow Ciel.

Watching the death of his family only to survive by himself.

Meeting someone special like Rei but never getting the chance to be together.

Successfully completing his revenge only to die in the end.

He couldn't help but wonder, how will being a Granter will turn out?

Well, everything Snow has heard so far was making him extremely excited. Snow poked Flake in a teasing manner, staring with bright blue eyes at the swaying soul in his hand, "Well, let's begin my adventure, Flake."

"Um!" Flake bobbed in a shy manner before glowing bright blue, the light entirely covering Snow's transparent body, before disappearing from the Dimension of Karma Souls.

Scanning... Randomly Selected....

Beep... Beep... Beep...

Detected... a Soul complimenting with Host Soul...

Transferring Start... Beep... Beep...

Host Body Detected... Start Binding.... 3... 2... 1...




Warning... Warning... Warning...

Snow swiftly opened his eyes wide with alertness when he heard Flake's loud warning in his mind the moment he regained consciousness, then an emotionless voice echoed in his mind.

Special Mission:

"Survive the current situation or else the first mission world will be deemed a Failure."

Oh... Snow can only think composedly in his mind over the special mission he just received, conveniently feeling the pain wracking his current body, and noting how he was being surrounded by dangerous auras filled with killing intent.

Oh... that's right.

What else could Snow say about his current situation?

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