Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 391: Battle

Chapter 391: Battle

Snow continues to rampage on the battlefield while freezing every place he swims to, whilst slaughtering the commanding mermaids and the other races that haven't been able to flee after the minute is over and the mermaid princess is finally unable to remain quiet.


Soon, an enormous body of a Sea Monster surfaces on the ocean, which is larger than the usual Sea Monsters and looks far terrifying and dangerous.

"A Kraken?"

Snow, who watches the appearance of one of the main enemies, gracefully swings his beautiful blue fishtail with calm golden eyes but with a nasty smile on his red lips. At the same time, a transparent panel appears before him, showing the appraisal information of the Sea Monster.

Special Sea Monster: Disastrous Kraken

Nature: Full of Greed

Ability: Increase to an immeasurable level of race power.

Specialty: Seducing the ambition and greed hidden in a person's heart, also allowing the person to accept an unfair and unequal deal in a contract without knowing it.

Consequences and Effect: Can turn into a frenzied person, possibility of losing control, and turning into a puppet.

Information: Disastrous Kraken, one of the special beings with similar levels as the special existence, such as the Mother Tree from the elf race.

Sealed in a special cave by the dragon race in the already forgotten past, and the Forbidden Cave was secretly given to the leader of the mermaid race to safeguard because of the special power that was born in their race once in a while.

Which allowed the Disastrous Kraken to remain in a deep sleep, stopping a disaster from occurring because of its special ability that is equally dangerous to the chosen contractor.

Hint: Deal with the contractor and the Disastrous Kraken would be weakened to the point that even other races can deal with it.

Snow raises his eyebrow at what he just read before he creates an ice throne on the frozen surface of the ocean, similar to the second mission world before sitting upon it while brimming with an overwhelming majestic atmosphere around him.

And then a beautiful crystallized ice slowly forms around Snow's head like an accessory, with a beautiful night pearl dangling in the middle of the gorgeous crimson clam mark between his forehead, which signifies his special power.

"Ah, the mermaid race had forgotten the responsibility given by the dragon race in the past. This creature isn't allowed to be unsealed. The Disastrous Kraken is meant to be sealed for eternity but now, you let it out. Even making a contract with it."

Snow narrows his eyes after seeing that among the people next to the furious mermaid princess, the previous leader in their mermaid race had flinched when he mentioned the responsibility and dragon race of the past.

Hoo There is definitely a hidden story on their side. Probably, some of the previous leaders in their race had gotten a dangerous idea, thus, no one else knows the true story hidden in the Forbidden Cave.

Well, Snow doesn't need to investigate the real story, after all, countless years had passed by since then and what occurred in the past at that time, there is a reason why it is described as the 'Forgotten Past' in the appraisal information.

No one remembers the true story of the Forbidden Cave, aside from the story passed down from generations of leaders in the Mermaid Race.

"Honestly, such a fool. Margaret, do you think that you can control this creature? You are just being played by it."

Snow's eyes narrow after observing the arrogant and derisive emotion that flashes in the enormous Kraken's eyes that is acting well-behaved and tamed by the obviously out-of-it Mermaid Princess who is calmly feeding it with mermaid tears.

This mermaid princess can no longer be saved, the effects and consequences of making a deal with the special being have already affected her a long time ago. Which is obviously more severe and serious than what Snow exchanged in order to get the special power in the Forbidden Island.

Well, it's not like Snow planned to save her, but he needed the mermaid princess to be aware of the entire situation since it's part of the completion of his mission.

"Father, I found what you are looking for."

Suddenly, the childish voice of Flake resounds out, who skilfully and swiftly runs on the frozen ocean without slipping. At the same time, carefully holding a tightly closed black jar that is brimming with a mysterious aura whenever a person lays their eyes upon it.

"Good job."

Snow isn't surprised by the sudden appearance of Flake, after all, he already knows that his system had arrived a while ago.

Mental Communication Link:

'Daddy Claus is suppressing his power from being detected right now. After giving the item Father Snow requested, Daddy Claus, said that he will quickly come when it is safe.'

'Good, you can go protect your baby brother with the baby dragon.'

'Flake will definitely protect brother Kyler!'

Snow gently pats the serious-looking Flake before carefully holding the black jar in his hands.

What he is grasping is an imitation of the Water of Life stored inside that he requested from his lover just a while ago.

After he learned that the water of life is in the body of his lover and is definitely crazily sought after, he already started his preparation to remove the danger of being chosen as the vessel of the Water of Life.

No one will ever know that the Water of Life is being carried in a person's body. At least, until the end of their lives when the Water of Life has chosen another carrier again, Snow has the responsibility to keep his lover safe and sound.

Even though the Water of Life isn't perfect and will never be able to give a person an endless lifespan. People are always greedy and difficult to reason with, so it's better to remove any root of disasters in their future.

Although Snow likes challenges, he prefers to have a sweet loving time with his lover without being disturbed or troubled. Honestly, he is already addicted to rolling in the bed with his lover after having a taste of it.

"Look what I found."

Snow's lips rise up, while silently noticing the increasing greed in the Kraken's eyes, who is gazing at the black jar in his hands.

At the same time, witnessing the quick change of expression on the furious Margaret's face, seemingly being informed by the greedy Kraken as her eyes basically stick to the object he is holding.

"Weren't you desperately looking for this?"

To lengthen the lifespan of your vampire lover.

Snow gently taps the black jar, which seems to be violently knocking the hearts of the people who desperately covet it.

"Come, let's see what you guys have got."

As soon as he finishes speaking, the cloaked figure, who is the enemy male witch, flies while casting a dangerous spell toward him, only for a familiar figure to suddenly appear to block the attack, who is the older brother of Claus.

"It's time for you to give her body back to me."

Snow saw Rafael gently nodding his head toward him, seemingly letting him know that there is a history between them. At the same time, showing his desire to deal with the male witch. 

And Snow has given permission, after all, not only is this person his lover's older brother, there are also other enemies he needs to deal with.

Why make the situation hard and complicated? There is a free coolie! So, there is no need to waste energy.

"What 'give her back? I obviously met her first, but you just have to get in my way! Even after death, she belongs to me and I'll definitely bring her back to life once again! So, don't you dare stop me!"

"I won't allow you to tarnish her dead body. Besides, she had always been tired, so let her be at peace. Honestly, I don't even need to tell you this because you already know how she felt a long time ago, don't you?"

"I won't allow it! She promised to never leave me! She promised! But why did she choose and love you? I knew her first, I am the one who stayed by her side the most! But Why! Why won't she love me the same way I love her?"

Oh, a complicated love trial huh

Snow just silently watches as Rafael and the male witch spout their past with each other, which is obviously related to a woman. And based on what he already knows, it's about the dragon who had been taking care of the unborn Kyler in the past.

While Snow is watching another live drama, similar to the first mission world, suddenly a huge tentacle swings on top of his head.

"Trying to catch me off guard?"

Snow calmly smiles before his golden eyes and gorgeous crimson clam marks glow in extremely bright light. And before the huge tentacle of the Kraken can hit him, there seems to be an invincible shield blocking the sudden attack.

And when the air vibrates from the powerful attack, the huge tentacle wants to slam one more time, only to pause as a bit of ice starts to appear upon it, which is spreading at an alarming rate. 


Although the special night pearl in the Forbidden Island has a different appearance from the dangerous Disastrous Kraken, nonetheless, both of them have a similar existence.

Basically, their power is equal to each other.

So, it isn't surprising when Snow is able to deal with the attack of the Disastrous Kraken.

Of course, certain special powers have their own weaknesses and abilities. So, it isn't surprising when the mermaid princess starts to sing, luring the Sea Monsters that weren't controlled to do her bidding.

Just as Snow is best related to ice ability, the increase of specific rare power it has contracted is what the Greedy Kraken is best for.

"Well, aren't you proud of your special voice?"

Just what Snow had been waiting for, a beautiful instrument made of unknown materials, which looks entirely holy and mythical, suddenly appeared before him.

It is a beautiful piano colored in pure white and pure gold that looks like it came out from a legend, at the same time, there is also a mythical microphone just in reach for the person who would play the instrument.

It's a cheat item that has the ability to suppress the designated enemy's sound power, at the same time, completely destroying it.

Of course, everything depends on the user's ability, skill and firm will. If he loses to the enemy, he will receive a severe backlash from the fight.

And yet, Snow spends a lot of Karma Points just to buy it, and it is also a one-time use item.

But to completely destroy the mermaid princess and make her utterly miserable, then he has to give an absolute blow to what makes her special and where she is getting her confidence.

Which is all related to her special voice that could control and tame a Sea Monster.

So, without hesitation, Snow gently sits down in another crystal chair created in front of the beautiful piano. At the same time, opening the tightly closed lid of the black jar and gently putting it upon the magical rune circle in some of the free space on top of the piano.

"Hey, better stop me or there will be no more of this precious water you had been desperately after. Isn't this the entire reason why you are willing to wage war right now?"

In addition to the cheat piano Snow bought in the black trade shop, he can also increase its effect when playing it by using special objects. And the imitated water of life just fits the condition.

"Hmm it's like I'm performing a solo concert."

While feeling amused, Snow's slender fingers start to fly on the beautiful white and black keys, causing a gentle, beautiful, and soothing melody to resound. Which is completely different from the obviously dangerous and violent but beautiful singing voice from the already crazy Mermaid Princess.

Then, a charming and clear voice soon rings out along with the piano notes. And the words it speaks in the song cannot be understood since it seems to be a language that is out of this world.

Soon, everyone witnessed the unimaginable battle of a contest between the famous creatures of the sea, Siren, and Mermaid, who are known for their beautiful and bewitching singing voice.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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