Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 6: If You Do Well, I Won't Mind About It.

Chapter 6: If You Do Well, I Won't Mind About It.

"Snow its time to wake up!"

Flake echoing voice has caused Snow to instantly wake up as his amber eyes snapping open wide which has a glint of an alert on it, before glancing around the surrounding area a second later.

Snow found himself laying on a rather simple but soft bed in an extremely unfamiliar room which has a large and wide window that is currently open slightly just enough to let the sunlight outside the room to shine inside, while his nose smelled the lingering medicines in the air.

He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows in confusion and question after observing that he was definitely staying inside Li Cheng room and using the man bed, unlike what he predicted that he should be using at least another room for a stranger to stay with.

Snow couldn't help but wonder about what happens that Li Chen was allowing him to use his personal bedroom because he was entirely sure that base on the man's true work in his life, the man should be against sharing his territory.

Was it because Li Chen was being kind?

Snow has quickly let out a chuckle, there was no way that he would believe that thought, it was not enough reason for a person like Li Chen who tends to be defensive and secretive to let others get close toward themselves, especially if it was someone they have just met.

Even if it was because Li Chen was saving him, Snow was entirely sure that there should be other room to better stay at, rather than using Li Chen's personal bedroom.

People like Li Chen have already ingrained deep in their body and soul that their instinct should have been against others rather than getting close toward what was theirs, at least not until they got used to them or when they have something they wanted or was planning about something.

So, the question now was, does Li Chen want something from him?

And if so, what was it that Li Chen wanted that he was doing all of this?

"It's been 4 hours since Snow has lost consciousness. Li Chen is currently out looking for more important herbs in the mountain need to cure Snow injuries! However, you don't need to worry Snow! You are now currently out of danger."

Flakes happily shake before a prompt appears on Snow's mind, stopping him from thinking more deeply about Li Chen's certain actions.

Later on, Snow will surely know about what the man wants, there was no need to trouble himself since as long as Li Chen doesn't go against his mission and become a threat then Snow will basically become open-minded with whatever the man was planning.

Mission Completion! Mission Completion!

- 20 %

- 20 %

40 % out of 100% of completely successful!

Snow smiled, amber eyes still calm looking, in the memory that he has inherited, Snow fully knows well how very special and important the original owner in this world was.

No matter what, he has to survive, Xen was not allowed to die because the original Xen death was the catalyst of everything getting out of order and now that he has survived the whole ordeal, all things are currently walking down the right path, direction and order that the World has wanted to happen.

In this mission world, Snow has to follow an important objective, at least Snow doesn't need to go against the World Rule which is making everything completely easier to handle for his task.

Besides, Snow doesn't have to worry about anything even if he failed the other important mission because of that 40% Completion of Mission that Flake has informed him.

The Karma Core has deemed his tasked completed, and that was what matters the most because rather than the World Rule, it was the Karma Core that he works with.

And that 40% was already in the minimum requirement of completion of successful of the task, especially when Snow was able to complete one of the soul tasks when the original owner was dying.

At least Snow has fulfilled the mission given to him.

After all, Snow was prompted twice with a Mission Complete, 20% Completion came into the World Rule Mission while the other prompt was a 20% Mission Complete as one of the original soul tasks.

It was the thought of the Original soul, about Xen regret of wanting to survive on that fateful day when he died.

That was one of Xen regret, and yes, most of the Task that a Granter was given to fulfill was the strong emotions, regret or wish they have during their time of death.

And the Karma Core will choose among those lists of wishes and regrets base on the accumulation of their Karma's.

Basically, this time Mission that was given to Snow was a Danger lurking with a Blessing type, if Snow has failed the 1st task then he doesn't have any more chance to stay in this world to be a Granter and he will also completely fail his First Mission World ever.

It will be quite a shameful thing if that were to happen, but Snow will feel more regrettable about it.

After all, this world was quite interesting!

If Snow could, he want to stay a little bit longer.

A moment later, Snow lip curve up with great interest, there was basically no stopping him for doing what he wanted at this moment on.

How about the Original Soul reaction base on his certain action or changing his temperament later on?

Snow just turned indifferent about it, as long as the Karma Core has not given him certain limits, regulations, and rules to follow during the task then Snow basically doesn't care about the Original Soul feeling about the way he will work and use his body.

As for going to get a Bad title for it?

To Snow, it doesn't matter one bit, besides, he could use soul energies point to easily remove it if it is really making it hard for him to do the next world mission after receiving it.

Although, it was definitely interesting since it added more to his challenge.

Besides, there was a reason why Clients will not be living their life anymore despite being granted a chance to fulfill their regret and wishes.

Snow is a Granter that performed to fulfill whatever they wish and regret for, it was a job that he was doing and something that was not completely free, so how could Snow let the clients choose how he will live his life after he was done?

Aren't they being self-important?

It was basically an equivalent of exchange, he fulfills their wants in exchange for their Soul Karma Energies with the use of their physical body.

Although Snow will live his new life with some of their original temperament while removing what he dislikes about since he wants to experience a different lifestyle.

So right now, since there is no more stopping him, Snow could move and decide anything without any problem with his actions.

He got more choices on how much he will act in this World now, although Snow will continue to do his best to complete all his mission since he wanted to get all the Soul Karma Energies since there is really nothing wrong with wanting more of it.

However, right now, there is an extremely important matter that Snow needed to do, it was especially the reason why he has task Flake to wake him up early on because it was part of his mission.

So Snow moves and quickly sat up before a groan of pain let out on his small lip, accidentally pulling open some of his rather deep injuries that weren't able to heal completely properly despite how Li Chen has done his very best to patch him up.

Turning indifferent toward his injuries, Snow has stood up, while unconsciously analyzing about how refreshing and comfortable his body felt despite how he was still severely injured, well the man has done a good job.

After all, the original Li Chen is extremely talented when it comes to medicines that the Earth Li Cheng has inherited after transmigration into this world, which just added to the extremely talented Li Chen to become more terrifyingly skilled and proficient.

It was one of the reasons why Snow has chosen to meet the younger man during the danger on his life, well, aside from refusing to waste his points in buying an item to the Trade Shop when there is an extremely convenient person around to do all the work for him.

Besides, As Snow glimpse on the Trade Shop, his lip twitch, it was definitely a Black Shop because the amount of price became entirely different from what he saw after checking on it from before.

Somehow the number of points needing to buy an item in the Trade Shop has changed, and it has become more pricy because Snow needed 'Medicine' which is definitely a black shop that scammed Granter more of their points.

Snow couldn't help but rolled his amber eyes, before promptly scanning over his entire body and he was currently wearing a simple silk long green robe that greatly highlights his slender body that causes Snow to raise his eyebrows in amusement.

He was kind of figuring out where was this coming from.

Snow couldn't help but hum a little before his lip curving up, well he seemed to really have left a great impression on the young man, before starting to look around the place for the items that he needed, his eyebrows wrinkling adorably when he was unable to find what he was looking for.

"Snow there is a peach tree currently in bloom at the backyard." Flake helpfully reminder has cause Snow amber eyes to light up in joy, "Good Job Flake!"

With that Snow has quickly left the house by using the currently open window, leaping out and rushing into the back yard while Flake twirling happily from the praise he just received before following Snow a few seconds later.

And because Flake was extremely pleased that he completely forgot to remind Snow that Li Chen will arrive any minute now.

Li Chen that has finally arrive and saw an empty bed couldn't help but narrowed his eyes dangerously while his tall and lithe body emitting a terrifying atmosphere causing a certain cheat system to tremble in fear.

As Black watched the darkening aura of his Host, he smartly checks the surrounding area before jumping in joy as he detected the missing young man's presence and has let his Host know where the person's location is.

In which Li Chen has immediately disappeared as soon as Black finish his words, rushing up ahead toward the location of the young man that he has thought in that single moment that has left him while he was gone.

A minute later Li Chen has stopped and stood still, his deep dark eyes staring at the young beautiful man that was currently facing a rather large piece of a blossoming branch of a peach tree.

Eyes not blinking as he watched as the pink flowers of the peach trees fluttering around the slender figure of the young man that was currently kneeled while his black ink long hair reaching the ground and spreading all over a small thin back while the green long silk robe on his slender body swayed and flutter gently while highlighting a white pale skin.

Li Chen's throat couldn't help but rolled up and down, suddenly feeling so thirsty, his black eyes deepening as certain emotion started stirring up inside him which was entirely new and something that he has fully embrace.

However, his heart has skipped a bit, appearing loud on his ears as it goes thump thump thump when a beautiful amber eye has glance on his directions and seemingly being bound by a spell as he stood still, Li Cheng has seen the glimpse of the surprise but grateful emotion that quickly flashes by on the young man amber eyes when he looks at him.

The young man figuring out that it was him that has saved his life causing Li Cheng to become extremely happy, excited and delighted while a certain hope brim within him.

Snow that has sensed the young man's arrival couldn't help but secretly observed his appearance in that split seconds, Li Chen is definitely tall with a lithe body along with ink-black hair and eyes, looking extremely handsome while having a temperament of a very kind gentleman atmosphere around him.

Completely unlike his real nature, but Snow still felt the dangerous aura around him, no matter how much Li Chen tried to hide it from him, that was something that was already been ingrained deep within the man.

Li Chen might hide it extremely well but it was not something that the man could change, Li Chen will forever be the person who has taken numerous life on his hands.

But Snow doesn't really care about it, no matter who or what Li Chen was, as long as the man remains harmless to his mission, although he can perceive the way the young man seemed to want to give him a rather good impression.

So Snow has replied back as he showed a gentle and grateful smile, this person isn't a danger at the moment so, he can act nicely and kindly to him.

Besides Snow has to treat Li Chen really well as his 'savior', especially when they will be working together for a long time later on.

Unless Li Chen decided to go against him, then everything will change.

So flashing him with another quick smile, Snow has soon ignored him and returning to what he was currently doing as he quickly places the slender forefinger on his mouth, his white teeth bitting on the skin without any hesitation.

Soon Snow has raised his small hand, forefinger gracefully moving with a certain rhythm in the air while it flashes a red light with every stroke of writing he made, the light appearing and disappearing, which presents a completely mysterious rune emerge in the air as soon as he stops his movement.

The mysterious runes have soon started to revolve around before rushing toward the branch of the peach tree and quickly integrates upon it.

Snow was currently using the branch of the peach tree as some sort of a medium since it contains a special characteristic that was a greatly complementing in using certain mystic art spell, added with the use of his own blood being causing the spell he made to work completely.

Soon a bright light flashes by, telling Snow that he was successful in connecting toward the other end that he was trying to contact with a very important person.

Snow instantly opening his small pink lip, letting out a clear melodious voice filled with urgency along with slight gentle coax as he speaks on the other end, "Little Nie... Little Nie... listen well. Don't worry about me... Uncle is alright, I am just injured right now but I am definitely still alive."

Li Chen who was silently listening and watching was greatly surprise about the skill of the mystic art that the young man has shown, after all, it was extremely rare for a person to be talented in both the arts of martial and mystic skills.

This kind of talent, the young man definitely doesn't have a very simple background.

What should he do, Li Chen really wants to keep the young man tight on his control while keeping him around all the time, but at the same time, Li Chen doesn't want to really lock him up.

The young man deserves to be free and show his dazzling figure to the entire world, no matter how it makes him feel uncomfortable.

Li Chen really needed to handle all of this with careful attention, he doesn't want to force the young man, after all, he still has his own set of moral and bottom lines despite what kind of a person he really was, which abruptly an idea instantly flashes on his mind causing his lip to curve up gently.

He has all the time he needed, especially when he wanted to slowly treasure and experience these new emotions that he was currently feeling.

So be it, let try that one, Li Chen is a very patient person.

However, his eyes have instantly darkened deeply as he remembers the extremely gentle action of the young man just now.

If Li Chen didn't know that the other side was just a child and was a relative to this young man based on what he had observed so far, even he doesn't know what he would have done if it was someone extremely 'special'.

The young man belongs to him, Li Chen won't allow anyone to obstruct about what he wants.

He finally found someone that could move his heart.

He is extremely unwilling to let go of it, but he also doesn't really won't hurt the young man... so Li Chen decided to just remove those who go against him if he has to which is extremely easy to do.

And the entire time Snow remains ignorant at the currently darkening thought of Li Chen, however, even if he knows about it, Snow will surely just turn indifferent and will just start planning out about how to appropriately handle or use it for his need.

For those dangerous and darkening thoughts, it was not different from how Snow usually think so he could easily handle and accept it completely without feeling unease and uncomfortable.

Besides, Snow has a safe guarantee, Flake is far stronger than the System that Li Chen currently has, so the man wouldn't be a threat toward him, although he will continue to watch out over him.

Furthermore, Li Chen also exists for another reason, it was easier to have him around when handling a certain important matter, it was the main reason why Snow was doing all of these actions after all.

Allies or enemies, that was all Snow needed to know.

However, Snow has stopped thinking more deeply about it when a rather young voice has echoed in Snow's mind, "Imperial Uncle! Imperial Uncle! How are you? I was so worried Imperial Uncle! Where are you right now? Are you alright Imperial Uncle?"

Um, yeah, Snow is currently an Imperial Uncle, meaning he belongs in a Royal family of the current Rong Dynasty, it was the reason why the original owner death was the Catalyst of the Dynasty breaking apart from the original event that would have happened in the later future, as for why, well all of it will be explained later on.

Snow was just glad that he chooses to contact the other person this way where he will receive the other side words into his mind, unable for other people to hear what was being said.

At the moment, Snow doesn't really like to let the young man standing a few distances away from him to know about his current identity since it isn't the right time to reveal it.

Despite how the man seemed to have been showing a great attachment toward him at the moment, but this man was not truly his True Allies yet since Li Chen is still currently undecided if he wanted to get mix with his problem.

It seemed that being free from the troublesome and dangerous problem has caused the young man to be against to mix with those troublesome matters for now.

The only good thing was that this man was a decisive person once he decided on what to do.

Besides, Snow will not allow the man to refuse to get mix with his problem.

Li Chen was unable to stop himself from getting mix in the supposed another path of his life but this time Snow appeared, there is no chance that he will let Li Chen not get entangled with his problem.

Snow secretly chuckled, finding the situation quite fun, everyone has a weakness, even Li Chen has his own.

Even Snow has his own weakness, didn't he still die on his original past life despite how talented he was?

Doesn't Li Chen secretly envy those deep feelings? Wishing and wanting to experience that warm feeling in his life but somehow unable to?

Snow has decided to let him experience it, he has long chosen to do so after knowing Li Chen's life experience.

Although it seemed that it was quite different emotion from what he planned about, it was supposed to be about being a true 'Friends' and 'Allies', but from the look of it, something deeper from what Snow has planned if his suspicion turned out to be true.

inwardly shaking his head, later on, Snow will think more about it, he still has something important to do for now.

"Little Nie, take care of yourself alright? I can't use this art for a long time, so listen well! Don't trust Dong Lou from this moment on." Snow voice was strong but his amber eyes slightly dimming down, long eyelashes fluttering, looking quite pitiful as he tried to act like he was alright with the betrayal of the person he trusted.

"Try not to be alone with someone else but remember that the Shadows can be trusted! They will definitely protect you! I'll clean up all those 'Mess' after I come back. Be strong little Nie! Uncle will come back in 14 days, I promise!" amber eyes glinting coldly as he spoke in a determined voice, he will definitely make those people pay.

Such disloyal people and traitors was something that Snow loathes very much.

"Imperial Uncle... Dong Lou... he..." the disappointed voice of the young boy echoed out but there was no sadness on his young voice and only expressing a few helplessness about their situations, it seemed that the young boy has been numbed and was used from being betrayed by the people around them.

"Its alright Little Nie! Remember you are not alone!... As long as I'm still alive... they wouldn't be able to touch you." Snow amber eyes lighting up brilliantly, it was so dazzling and fierce with an unprecedented unyielding will, as it contains the promise of protection for a lifetime even at the cost with his own life.

It was so brilliant that Li Chen couldn't help but grasp his chest which his usually calm heart started beating loudly and fiercely!




I want it... I really want it, that was the only thought that was running on Li Chen's mind, as he watches with a hidden burning gaze at the charmingly young man, before his entire complexion abruptly changes when he saw the young man bod swayed and started falling sideways.

Not good!

Li Chen quickly rushed forward, catching the young man gently on his arm while noting the way the body on his arms seemed to stiffened from his touch - still retaining a little bit of suspicious but trusting him enough to let a stranger hold him, just based from the way it relaxes soon after- was a quick observation that flash on Li Chen mind.

"You are still injured! You needed to rest properly in order to get well fast."

A few silent seconds later, Snow nodded his head slightly, while secretly noting over the fact that he has retained the body instinctive reaction, definitely something to watch out for since there will be other new body that he will be using in every mission.

Well then, for now, Snow will let his body adjust toward the man touch, it will definitely give Li Chen a good 'impression' toward himself before glancing sideways, knowing that the man was currently watching his every move as he let out a soft, weak and pitiful voice but containing a sincerity on it.

"... Thank you... for saving my life..."

Li Chen eyes lighting up and curving in a gentle arc before a magnetic low voice echoed out which was filled with such gentleness "There was no need to express gratitude, I save you... because I wanted to."

Snow adorable earlobe seemed to turn little pinkish, such a nice sounding voice, he couldn't help but wonder how it will be like when the man's voice wasn't unrestrained before he quickly turned quiet.

That idea was rather unlike him, was it the effect of using this body?

"Come, let us go back. I have to check over your injuries once again."

Li Chen then stood up, still holding the young man on his arm as he slowly walks back toward his house with gentle movement, seemingly afraid of letting him feel even a tiny bit of pain.

Unbeknown to Li Chen, Snow lip curving upward in delight but his large amber eyes still remain calm and waveless as he silently lays and stays obediently on the man's arms.

Well... Snow seemed to like this man more slightly.

If his guess was right, then he will see how everything will turn out later on.

Snow will watch Li Chen's performance since he isn't against this man to perform what 'Rei' was unable to do in his original life.

Li Chen also has a certain charm that causes Snow interest.

This person is extremely talented and skilled, there was a reason why he was chosen by the World Rule as a Substitute Protagonist, he was also attractively handsome while Snow especially likes the certain part where Li Chen was unable to let go of someone once that person becomes important, that kind of nature was something that Snow would not be against with.

Especially when Li Chen was very "Useful" for Snow, it was the main reason why he will think about what Li Chen wanted since Snow doesn't feel uncomfortable by the mere idea of it.

Snow also believes in equal exchange and since that was what Li Chen wanted, maybe, then Snow will give it in exchange.

As long as Snow will not feel very disappointed about him though.

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