Spaceships and Magic, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Chapter 108: Celebration Chapter Four (Alternate Timeline) - My Wreck?

Chapter 108: Celebration Chapter Four (Alternate Timeline) - My Wreck?

"Computer, bring up a... " I started, before thinking better of the question, "Actually no. Computer, can you search for individual planets?"

"If individual planets are known to the Combined Federation of Planets then said planet will be present in my data-banks," The Computer chirped, there was nothing that annoyed me more than an artificially happy artificial intelligence. 

"Do a search for a planet called Earth," I ordered the machine, digging my nails into the palms of my hands. It was a long shot, a last ditch effort to be connected to something that might resemble my home universe. If there was an Earth in this universe, then that meant there could be humans as well. Although I wouldn't be from the same universe as them, at least I could feel some sort of kinship them. I wouldn't be alone. 

"Planet with designation 'Earth' is not in the Combined Federation of Planets Data-Banks," The Computer chirped again, its happiness at direct odds with my own deepening sorrow. 

"Okay, well what about the Human race?" I asked, my breathing becoming short and shallow. I couldn't be the only one. 

"Species with designation 'Human' is not in the Combined Federation of Planets Data-Banks," It chirped once more. 

I felt as if the universe had opened up and swallowed me whole. As if a big gaping crack and ripped its way through the wooden floors of the space station and cast me out to the depths, where I would surely choke and die. Alone. The only human in the entire universe. Or at least the only human in close proximity to this Federation of Planets the computer kept talking about, which probably may as well be alone for all the good it was worth. I took what felt like the thousandth deep breath of the day and tried to slow my thoughts down. 

"Wait, if the Federation has never encountered my species before, how are you speaking English?" I asked, pouncing on the first coherent thought that sprung out of the chaos. 

"Please place your hand on the skin behind your right ear," The computer instructed, which was a strange response to the question I had asked. Nevertheless, I felt a very small bump in the area. "What you are feeling is the slight scar from a cranial implant. The implant intercepts your brain waves and converts both visual and auditory data into a form you will understand!" 

The knowledge that something had been planted directly into my skull worried me for a moment, but considering it hadn't killed me yet I had to assume it was both safe and doing its job. Not only that, it suggested that whatever alien creatures were on this ship knew of my existence and I hadn't just been dropped here by the Reaper without warning. A set of circumstances had led me to being almost completely naked in this very luxurious bedroom. I intended to find out what those circumstances were. 

"Computer, what is the function of this station, and where is it located?" I asked. 

"You are currently located on the Etax Prime Star Base, a station orbiting the third, and only habitable, planet in the Etax System. This base functions as a trading outpost and living quarters for over thirty different species in the Combined Federation of Planets. It acts as a central hub to the rest of this sector!" The Computer said. 

The computers explanation had helped calm some of my worries. There was a relatively high chance that this could have been some sort of military outpost, and considering this Federation had never encountered the Human race before they may have wanted to interrogate, or perhaps even experiment on, me. What with this being a civilian trading outpost I likely had very little to worry about on that front. 

"Does the governing body of this station know that I am on board?" 

"Yes, of course they do, they brought in your wreck after all," The Computer said, a hint of amusement in its modulated tone. 

"My wreck?" 

"Your ship was found drifting and battered. Hull integrity was at 5% and your life support was fading fast, luckily for you our stations long range sensors picked up your ships beacons and a rescue team was sent out immediately. The current hypothesis is that you were attacked by pirates or some other form of vandal. I have informed the captain of the station that you have woken, he will want to speak with you as soon as possible," The Computer explained. 

I suppose that was something to do with the Reaper then. It had likely found some old junker in a scrap yard somewhere, put me in it, and then set me off to drift near a fairly populated space station. It would stop me from having to answer too many awkward questions, and if I were lucky the people on this station would pity the poor and lonely nomad of a long lost species enough to fix the ship up or get me a new one entirely. The Reaper seemed to have thought of everything, dropping me into a highly populated area with absolutely no backstory would have raised far too many questions. Though the creature had torn me away from everything I had ever known and left me in a new world with no instruction on what I was meant to do next, I couldn't help but feel a little grateful that he hadn't cast me out with absolutely nothing. 

I pushed my fingers against themselves until they gave a loud and satisfying pop. If the reaper wanted me to lead a successful and fulfilling life in this world I could only assume that he had set me up with some advantages. It was then that I noticed the neatly folded bundle of clothes and a pair of sturdy looking combat boots at the foot of my bed, as well as a small sealed envelope with my name written on the front in elegant writing. I picked up the envelope first and opened it, I already knew it was the last words from the Reaper. The dark beings final instructions. 

"As I explained to you in our encounter after your untimely demise, you have been sent to a universe that closely aligns with that of your dreams. This universe is filled with spacefaring races that have mastery over technology so advanced that it will likely seem impossible to you. Upon the opening of this letter an enchantment was placed upon you that has made your weak human brain more malleable to new ideas and scenarios. It is a more potent and direct form of what made you feel calm and serene when you entered the Void. You are likely already noticing the feelings of panic begin to recede from your mind, this does not mean that you will never be panicked or scared again, only that the new universe you find yourself in will be automatically accepted as your new reality. 

The point of you existing in this new universe is simple, become the best version of yourself that you can possibly be. Explore the universe. Help those that you can. Become a beacon of light and hope. I have left you a ship, the Zietriss, as you become more in tune with this new universe more and more of her powers will open themselves up to you. Never allow yourself to become separated from this ship, she will protect you from anything that is yet to come." 

I folded the letter back up and placed it back into its envelope. To be told that you had been enchanted by a paranormal being to not be worried about things would normally bring on waves of worry and panic, yet the creature's words held true. Though I knew I should be worried and that I should be panicking over the thought it had messed with my brain I was not. It was as if every time I thought about the Reaper or the Void or even the fact I had been transported to this new universe a wave of artificial calm swept over me and kept me from freaking out. In honesty, it was a new mental function that would probably end up being pretty useful. Though I had never been one to unduly panic, this had been a pretty stressful situation, and to have that taken away in one fell swoop was rather relaxing. 

I dressed myself with the clothes on the floor, a simple pair of jeans, a black t-shirt and a three quarter length jacket that didn't actually do up. It was a simple look, but with my new and improved body I imagined it would come across as rather striking. Good, I had no idea what awaited me on the other side of these bedroom doors. Whatever type of alien was waiting out there to meet me, I wanted to make a lasting impression from the off. 

"So then Computer," I said,plunging my hands into my jeans pockets and allowing my jacket to flow back behind them. "How do I get to the captain's office?"

"Engaging teleport beam now!" The Computer announced, and the world faded away in a swirl of colour. 

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