Spaceships and Magic, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Chapter 28: Venad

Chapter 28: Venad

The fingers the alien was pointing at me were nowhere close to touching me, but I still pushed BB down into our Synchro mode instinctively and let my corona shield flare up. I wasn't willing to take any chances with a creature that could put me on the dirt with a single touch.

But there was something I kept forgetting about this universe. The human race wasn't meant to have the amount of manna that I was able to display, and they weren't meant to be as adept at using it.

"Human, but you are able to use manna with such fervour?" Venad pondered aloud, "Maybe I should just put you down now before you become too much of a problem to deal with."

"Look, I don't want any trouble," I said "I'm with the others, and we're on guard business."

"A human in the guard," Venad scoffed, "That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard."

The Fantraxi lashed out with one of its two-handed arms, one of the limbs going low while the other went high. I used my propulsion and anti-gravity fields in tandem to jet a few inches out of the alien's grasp, narrowly avoiding being put down on the ground thanks to their toxins.

"It's true, Venad," Fal said. "He was the one who was with Lara when she passed away last night."

Another swipe, this time with both hands coming at me from the sides like some kind of pincer. I sprung up, using my propulsion and anti-gravity once again to get a little bit of elevation above Venad's reach.

Clearly, that broadcast had gone out to more than just the guard grounds, at this point just about everyone probably knew about what had happened with Lara on the bridge.

"But the Guard Director said that her death was an accident, she lost her footing during an inspection," Venad said, her hands lowered slightly.

So whoever was in charge of the Guard hadn't actually told everyone what the actual truth with Lara was. It had just been ruled some freak accident while she was inspecting the manna core that kept us safe from the planet's tidal forces. A tragic but unforeseeable accident. It would make people sad, sure, but they wouldn't be panicking in the same way as they would if the truth about a Null Space Invader managing to get aboard got out.

"The story the Guard has revealed to the public is a fabrication, she was in fact slain in combat with a Null Space Invader," Yr'Arl explained.

Venad's arm dropped back down to their side. I lowered myself back to the ground cautiously, unwilling to let my guard drop completely. BB had been right, staying on guard around this alien was by far the most sensible thing to do.

"A Null Space Invader? On Prespian City? How is that even possible?" They asked.

"That's what we're here to find out, Venad," I said, "I'm not here to fight. I'm not like the human's you've heard about before. You have to trust me."

Venad looked to my companions, and Fal gave the slender alien a slight nod of agreement.

"Fine, but if you do anything to raise my suspicions then I won't hesitate to put you down."

"Understood," I nodded, and let my corona shield flicker back down, ending the Synchro mode between myself and BB.

<Well that was a close one,> BB muttered,

I tried not to let it show on my face, but relief flooded through my body. That had been a close one, far too close.

"So then, Venad, have there been any movements between the three clans?" Fal asked, clearly more at ease now that the little spat between the grey-skinned alien and myself had come to a close without any bloodshed.

Venad conjured a seat and slumped down into it. My conjuring skills weren't quite up to par yet, so I allowed BB to sink back down into the recesses of our synchro mode so I could use my ability to create small objects and sat on a simple box instead.

"Things have been quiet recently," Venad started, "Too quiet, if I'm going to be honest."

"Things are usually quieter during the times of recruitment, are they not?" Yr'Arl cut in.

"To a degree, they are, yes. But usually, criminal activity just sinks a little bit lower so it can't be detected by the Guard when things are as hyped up as they are now. Other than your supposed story with the Null Space Invader, nothing has happened on any level of the underworld."

"What do you mean by 'supposed' story?" I asked, my anger bristling slightly. I didn't mind them poking at me, I was a human and they were worse than dirt here, but casting doubt on Lara's sacrifice? That rankled me.

"Well, it's your word against the Director of the Guard's, I'm not entirely sold on trusting you yet," Venad replied with a shrug.

I'd had enough. That was it.

I dismissed my chair and jumped up, my corona shield flared back into life, stronger than ever before. My sword was out before Venad had even thought about moving, thanks to my enhanced speed and cognition. The curved black blade seemed to draw the light from the room straight into it, like a moth to a flame, devouring it hungrily. If manna was the lifeblood of this entire galaxy it would make sense that it was carried in light as well.

"You don't believe that I fought against a Null Space Invader? You don't believe that Lara died in the final moments of that battle? Then how do you explain this sword, crafted from one of its talons?"

Venad looked at the blade in disbelief, their small slit mouth agape in wonder.

"But how could your manna I don't understand What are you?"

My corona shield died down as I realised the alien wasn't going to go on the offensive.

I may have just stuck my foot in it completely

I may have just revealed how different I really was.

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