Speed Is King

Chapter 343 A million years too early!

“My oh my, Saint Dul’Akharat, that’s a mighty spell you’re weaving. Is that fate, soul and elemental energy I detect? Is that your ultimate spell? Hahahaha! I can’t wait to see how strong a saint’s ultimate spell is!! Come! Come at me, quick!” Primal Golden Dragon Soul shrieked like a crazy beast.

Saint Dul’Akharat ignored her and focused on his spell. His mood was extremely, extremely heavy.

He had done a fate reading for his fellow Primals a few seconds ago, and he found that at least another fifty of them would die before the day was over.

The battle was destined to be a massacre for the Primals!

It was a crushing piece of fate reading for Saint Dul’Akharat.

And a confusing one.

Things written in a person’s fate were more or less fixed.

Saint Dul’Akharat could roughly read the fates of lifeforms in the near future, and he had done so prior to the start of the Primal meeting.

Within that reading, nothing massive could be seen in the fates of all the Primals.

He had thought that he had the future of the known universe more or less figured out, and that there wouldn’t be massive events happening anytime soon.

Apparently he was very, very wrong.

Two Primals had died, and he completely missed it.

For a manipulator of fate such as he to fail to see such a glaringly massive event that could impact the known universe so adversely, simply meant that there are workings of fate that was still completely beyond him.

Truly fate was a mysterious thing.

And bewildering.

It was as though the fate of the universe had abruptly changed mere minutes before and pushed the invasion forward, bypassing all the readings of fate which Saint Dul’Akharat had taken previously.

“Wait a minute. Changing the fate of the universe that was beyond my ability to see? So events instigated by powers beyond the known universe such as the Shadow Realm are virtually undetectable by me. And holds the power to change whatever fate I read. That means…” Saint Dul’Akharat fought back the urge to turn around to look at the dome that still contained Primal Lilian and the rest.

“Primal Alexander. How are the three kids?” Saint Dul’Akharat said telepathically to him.

“They are almost done with their advancements. You wouldn’t believe how insane-” Primal Alexander began.

“Good. Let me interrupt you here. The Shadow Realm is invading. Primal Golden Dragon Soul had defected. Two Primals had already died. Fifty more will die before the day is over. We need power from outside the known universe to change their fates. Do you understand what I am saying?” Saint Dul’Akharat said seriously and extremely concisely.

“I see. So the situation had deteriorated to such an extent. Very well. I assume you already have your suspicions prior to this?” Primal Alexander said as he appeared next to Saint Dul’Akharat.


“Suspicions, yes. And I have never been more glad that I am right.” Saint Dul’Akharat said with a wide smile.

He had hoped that Elliot and his strange power would be able to change the fate of the Primals.

But even if he couldn’t, Saint Dul’Akharat was hoping that Primal Alexander would be the extra-universal being that he suspected he was.

And apparently, he was right.

“Our only hope is to break the portal, and then save the Primals before the Shadow Needles, the things that are sneakily killing them, could succeed. Let’s attack that bitch of a dragon together.” Saint Dul’Akharat suggested.

“No.” Primal Alexander shook his head. “I am not a stranger to the Shadow Realm. I alone am enough to deal with her. You go and save your Primals.”

Saint Dul’Akharat did not waste time refuting him. He simply nodded and dispelled his spell which was almost at the zenith of its power.

Like a balloon losing air, all the power he had gathered dissipated.

He split into several clones of himself and in a blink of an eye, they all disappeared into the swirling battle that was ever expanding into the distance in all directions.

“Well, well, well. A tag team event? So you’re stronger than Saint Dul’Akharat, is that what you’re saying?” Primal Golden Dragon Soul sneered at Primal Alexander.

“Huh? I didn’t say anything. Are you hallucinating? Here, let me give you a head check up. For free, of course.” Primal Alexander chuckled at his own joke as he drew out his Crystal Sword.

A strange golden glow appeared around him and dots of bright lights appeared within the golden glow.

Primal Golden Dragon Soul looked at Primal Alexander’s sword with alarm.

Unlike Saint Dul’Akharat’s ultimate skill earlier which had not caused any bells to ring in her soul, Primal Alexander’s Crystal Sword was causing her very fibre of being to tremble in fear!

Her instincts blared loudly and screamed for her to run!

“Here is a power that could kill you! Run! Run now!” They seemed to say.

“What? You are not going to listen to your instincts? You think you can survive this coming strike of mine?” Primal Alexander grinned handsomely.

“You…” Primal Golden Dragon Soul’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. How did he know about her instincts blaring? Was it just an illusory effect? So it was fake? He was just trying to scare her into abandoning the portal and dooming the invasion to fail mere minutes after it started?

Or… was it real? And he held the power to kill her? And he was trying to get her to stay and fight by saying such words?

Primal Golden Dragon Soul finally decided that Primal Alexander was bluffing.

“Not even a Saint could damage this God level shield. You think a mere Primal like you can do anything against me? Ha! Come at me with everything you got!” Primal Golden Dragon Soul sneered.

“Very well. But I wouldn’t be coming at you with everything I have, though. Pooh. You’re a million years too early for that.” Primal Alexander chuckled.

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