Speed Is King

Chapter 358 System Upgrade

Xyrax The Red had turned completely from the one who objected to Elliot’s demands the most, to become his most fervent follower!

That effect was due to the fact that Elliot’s Red Dragon Bloodline was the most complete, and it had sublimed perfectly into a higher form’s Bloodline.

In Xyrax’s eyes, Elliot had transformed into the Honored and Most Glorious Elder God of the Red Dragons!

“INSOLENT BASTARDS! AM I A PIECE OF PAPER FOR YOU TO IGNORE? HOW DARE YOU LAY YOUR SENSES ON MY DRAGON GOD!! DIEE!!!” Xyrax The Red had completely snapped in anger, and he unleashed his most powerful skill, Red Dawn, upon the Primals!

Red Dawn was the perfect name for the perfect skill.

Like a blood red sun arising from the edge of darkness, an indescribable meteor of extremely dense and pure dragon fire arose from the distance.

All of the fire energy within Primal Alexander’s dimensional world sped towards the meteor and for a brief moment, the surrounding temperature dropped as all the heat was absorbed by it.

“Xyrax you lunatic! That’s Red Dawn you’re casting! Do you want to kill us all?” Primal Baltang screamed.

“Shut up, you have committed blasphemy. You must face the consequences.” Primal Purity growled and unleashed her own ultimate skill, Frozen.

Its effect was exactly like its name.

Every single Primal froze in their places.

“I am immune to ice!! How can I be frozen??”

“Uh, this isn’t going to end well. Elliot, make them stop.” Primal Alexander immediately said as he pointed at the meteor in an attempt to reduce its insanely quick increase in size without causing it to explode.

The only ones not affected by the Dragons’ outburst were of course Elliot, his group, and Saint Dul’Akharat.

“Enough, all of you. Stand down.” Elliot said with a deeply amused voice. He had expected the dragons to immediately react in such a way.

As a dragon himself, he completely understood their reverence. He too felt extremely deeply about things, and he could imagine himself reacting as they did if someone precious to him had been violated.

And as soon as he saw Xyrax The Red bend his knee before him, Elliot knew that his Dragonblood Empire was all but established.

When the other four Chromatic Dragons bent their knees as well, he knew that his Dragonblood Empire had become the most powerful force in the known universe.

One Golden Dragon Empire was already plenty. And even it couldn’t hope to remain as a top power if the five Chromatic Dragons banded together against them.

Even if the Metallic Dragons did not swear their fealties, which was highly unlikely, Elliot was already untouchable.

And for so many senses to violate him that way… truly courting death!

At his words, all ten Dragons waved off their spells and caused them to disappear as though they were never there, and for a brief moment, a stunned silence filled the atmosphere.

A very brief moment.


“Damn you god damned Dragon Primals! You think you own the whole god damn universe? Who died and made you rulers of all of us?”

“Preposterous!! How dare you act with such impudence!!”

“Dragon Primals! You all go too far!!”

“Bastards!!! I merely checked out the boy and you had to try and kill me for that? Are you even my ally anymore??”

“All of my previous alliances are, as of this moment, at an end until the Dragon Lord reinstates them.” Xyrax The Red instantly replied.

“As are mine.”

“And mine.”

As one, the other nine Dragon Primals made the same declaration!

“Why the hell are you suspending your alliances for? You Metallics haven’t even sworn your fealties!” Primal Xyrax glared at the Metallic Dragons.

“A formality. We Metallics have always been our Dragon God’s most loyal followers. But I understand the need for it now. And thus… I, Golden Fire, swear fealty to the Dragon Lord.” Primal Golden Fire dropped to one knee before Elliot.

“I, Silverwing, swear fealty to the Dragon Lord.”

“I, Kiltasar the Bronze, swear fealty to the Dragon Lord.”

“I, Bisi the Copper, swear fealty to the Dragon Lord.”

“I, Farsha the Brass, swear fealty to the Dragon Lord.”

“Arise.” Elliot said calmly.

He had completely allowed his enhanced bloodline to define his mental state, and at that moment, he had embraced his role as a higher being compared to the Dragon Primals as a basic matter of fact.

It truly was a massive departure from the half psychotic mental state he was in mere weeks ago!

The Metallic Dragon Primals stood up and immediately took their places to Elliot’s right while the Chromatics stood at his left.

It was an awe inspiring sight.

Never before in the entire long history of the known universe had all the Dragon Clans been united under one banner… until they did so under Elliot!

Their formation instantly caused a strange atmosphere to descend around them. The auras the Dragon Primals released seemed to resonate with Elliot’s, and fed it to reach a dizzying height that caused every single life form in the room to feel a deep sense of awe and terror at the same time.

“Impressive.” Saint Dul’Akharat murmured.

“Indeed.” Primal Alexander agreed readily.

At that moment, a sound that Elliot had not heard for a very long time suddenly sounded.


[Requirements to upgrade system met.]

[Upgrade system to Dragon Lord Apostle System?]


A surge of excitement coursed through Elliot’s veins like fire.

“Yes.” Elliot immediately replied coolly.

But God knows how quickly his heart pounded then and just how thick the adrenalin that was making its way around his body was!

[System Upgrade Completed.]

[Dragon Apostle System Unlocked.]

[Ten Apostles Detected.]

[Assigning unique skills to the Apostles and to the Host.]

Elliot’s eyes shined.

“Dragon Apostles!!” Elliot exclaimed in his heart. “Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!!”

Elliot was so excited that he couldn’t help but laugh rather maniacally, hyper calm, cool and collected dragon soul be damned.

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