Speed Is King

Chapter 366 I will join

“Hey! Keep broadcasting! It was just getting good!” A Primal yelled in irritation at Primal Alexander’s pause.

“Alright, alright. Keep your pants on.” Primal Alexander grumbled.

“I will need to talk to you about that hidden God thing later.” He said to Primal Lilian.

And with that, he continued his live broadcast of the fight that was going on in his secondary dimension.

But he barely got to thirty more seconds of broadcast when suddenly…




“Uh oh. My secondary dimension is approaching its energy limit! Elliot! Get them to stop fighting NOW!!” Primal Alexander roared urgently.

“Too late. Golden Fire’s last spell just caused the fabric of spacetime to rip. We’re on our way out now. Shut down that dimension immediately as soon as we’re out.” Elliot said calmly.

“Spacetime rip??” Primal Alexander winced visibly. Spacetime tips would eventually lead to a spacetime displacement that would completely cause the dimension to be inhabitable.

In effect, Elliot’s words literally meant: “We just broke your secondary dimension. Oops.”

“We’re out! Close it before the spacetime displacement spreads!” Saint Dul’Akharat said loudly as the four of them stepped out of a portal.

He would let it float away into the vast nothingness of space and where it would probably implode within a few days.

“You guys owe me a new seconda- HOLY! How the hell are you both still alive??” Primal Alexander gasped in shock at Saint Dul’Akharat and Dragon Apostle Golden Fire.

The other Primals were already gaping and discussing among themselves, pointing out the different wounds that covered the two from head to toe and guessing which wound came from which part of the fight which Primal Alexander broadcasted.

Both of them were truly in a pitiful state. Thankfully, as extremely high level beings, their horrendous wounds were already healing rapidly.

A hideous gash on Saint Dul’Akharat’s neck which was so bad that it revealed his spine, was already halfway healed.

Elsewhere, his guts which were hanging out had somehow wriggled their way back into their rightful place in his body, and the gaping hole on his right chest which completely pulverized his right lung was on it way to complete recovery.

The physical regeneration speed of Saint level powerhouses were simply too overpowered.

However, Saint Dul’Akharat was cursing loudly at that moment.

“What sort of cheat code are you using? How in all of heavens can you regenerate faster than me?” He groused loudly. “I distinctly remember almost severing your neck! In fact, I was worried for a second that I had accidentally killed you. But what the heck? Your neck is completely healed already? And what is with that stupid regrowth speed for both your arms!”

“I am a Golden Dragon with an abundance of Darklight Energy within me.” Dragon Apostle Golden Fire chuckled as he retracted his Seraphic Descent transformation and returned to his original form with nary a blemish on his skin. “I am the embodiment of life. I am either fully dead, or I am at my full strength.”

“And by merit of my superior state, I claim victory.” He added with a triumphant smile.

“Bullshit. I would have killed you in another ten seconds.” Saint Dul’Akharat shook his head in disagreement.

“Exactly. You needed another ten seconds, which you don’t have. I would have killed you in three seconds as soon as my skill landed on you.”

“Your skill would not have killed me, even if ten such skills landed on me at the same time.”

“So you say.”

“So I know.”

Like two kids squabbling after their parents broke them apart from a fight in a playground, the top two warriors of the known universe continued their fight verbally.

But it was a casual and lighthearted banter.

Both had earned each other’s deep respect in the course of their minutes long exchange where they had unleashed their full strengths and despite their best efforts, their opponent still managed to somehow thwart them and deny them the victory they sought so desperately.

In their minds, there was no serious need to determine the winner at that point in time.

They were glad that there was another being as powerful as them to share the burden of defending their known universe! It was especially true for Saint Dul’Akharat who had personally taken the safety and the fate of the known universe as his own personal burden to bear.

Within a quick minute, they were both fully recovered.

At that time, Saint Dul’Akharat made a startling announcement.

“We are all facing an unprecedented emergency here in our known universe. The Shadow Realm have the strength to destroy us, or worse, enslave us, and they have arrived at our door. To make it worse, we also know that the new universe also has an interest in us, and have sent their scouts to check us out.

It is in our best interest to assume that they are hostile, and their invasion would also be imminent.

We need to set up a defense committee to drive our defensive efforts, as well as an offensive committee to bring the fight to the enemy as much as possible.

To that end, I propose the following.

I will lead the defensive committee, and all of the Primals here and those who have departed.

Primal Golden Fire will lead the offensive committee, and his committee will include the Dragon Primals, Primal Lilian and Primal Alexander. I believe that they have sufficient firepower to wreak havoc behind enemy lines.

What say you?”


“What choice do we have?”

“I agree.”

“I disagree. Their strength would be better utilized in defense. Espe-“

“Shut up you old coot. The best defense is offense. The more damage they deal to the enemy, the less we have to worry about defense. In fact, I think we need to send more Primals to attack!”

“Yes! Send more Primals to attack!”

“Sure. Any volunteers?” Saint Dul’Akharat asked with a smile.

The Primals fell silent. It wasn’t that they feared death. But if they went to join the offensive team, who would defend their empires? They didn’t have powerful underlings like the Dragons!

“I will join the offensive committee.” A soft voice rang out from nowhere.

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