Speed Is King

Chapter 370 Ascendant Realm

“A God level powerhouse…” Saint Dul’Akharat said grimly. He had already suspected as much, but secretly, he was fervently hoping that he was wrong, and that the God level shield Primal Golden Dragon Soul had earlier was merely an ancient artifact with the remnant power of a dead God.

But apparently not.

The other remaining Primals could only gulp and swallow their salivas.

There was absolutely nothing they could do or contribute.

In a discussion involving Saints and Gods, they were pushed all the way down to become mere soldiers.

Elite soldiers, maybe, but soldiers, nonetheless.

“Yes. I suspect that the Shadow Overlord that Primal Golden Dragon Soul mentioned is Blytoros, God of Tricks.” Primal Alexander said.

“This Blytoros, just how powerful is he?” Saint Dul’Akharat asked directly.

In any major war, the main battle would always be between their top fighters. If their top fighters could tie each other up, the war’s outcome would depend on their armies and the ability of their commanders.

But if one side had a stronger combatant at the top level, then the war would be as good as over before it even began.

There was no mercy in war, and top level powerhouses had no qualms entering a low level battle field and laying waste to every single enemy soldier.

All is fair in love and war.

Saint Dul’Akharat’s question was effectively, do we even need to fight?

Primal Alexander looked at Saint Dul’Akharat seriously and sighed.

“You’re not even asking the right question.” He said softly.

“What should I be asking?” Saint Dul’Akharat said with a heavy heart.

“You should be asking… How many Gods does the Shadow Realm have.” Primal Alexander said.

Saint Dul’Akharat and Elise Sands exchanged a serious glance.

“How many?” Saint Dul’Akharat asked in an emotionless voice.

“Three.” Primal Alexander said. “And the other two are stronger than Blytoros. And yes, Blytoros can kill you with a single strike.”

Saint Dul’Akharat let out a long, hollow breath.

“You mentioned that their ambitions are the same. In your multiverse, did you defeat them?” Elise Sands asked Primal Alexander sharply.

“Yes and no.” It was Primal Alexander’s turn to sigh. “Like you, we too sent a strike team to the Realm of Darkness, which was what we called the Shadow Realm. We succeeded in striking down Blytoros, and Hisa, their Elder God of Spirits. But before she died, Hisa that incorrigible bitch, ripped open the barriers between the Realm of Darkness, which was a lower Realm in comparison to ours, with the one beneath it.”

“Another Realm? What Realm is that? And how many Gods do they have?” Saint Dul’Akharat asked. He had learnt his lesson, and had immediately asked the most important question.

“We call it the Realm of Sin. And there are… Seven Gods within it.” Primal Alexander said grimly.

“Seven.” Saint Dul’Akharat grimaced.

“Yes. All seven Gods crossed over to the Realm of Darkness, and even now, the three way war between the forces from my Realm, the Realm of Darkness and the Realm of Sin still rages on in a very, very bloody stalemate.

For some time, researchers from my Realm conducted extensive exploration and research on how to defeat the Gods of Sin, and preliminary results points that the key to defeating them lies in the runes that you use.

Frankly speaking, I am here to master the power system from this part of the universe.” Primal Alexander explained.

“Really? So we have the potential to defeat them?” Saint Dul’Akharat asked hopefully.

“No.” Primal Alexander shook his head. “After staying here for sometime, I realize that the runes you are using, though powerful, are extremely crude and seemed to merely be a shadow of what could be. I was about to conclude that our research was wrong until…”

At that, Primal Alexander glanced at Elliot.

Saint Dul’Akharat and Elise Sands turned to look at Elliot with wide eyes of surprise.

“Why did you cross the multiverse just to learn the Runes? Why didn’t you learn it from the ‘us’ in your own universe?”

Primal Alexander smiled grimly at them even as the others held their breaths in dreadful anticipation.

“In my multiverse, this “known universe” is actually an extremely remote area of the main universe, separated by massive wild space that could not be traversed by simple means. In my universe, this remote area is called Universe Empire Symphonia. And Universe Empire Symphonia was… destroyed.”

“Destroyed? Didn’t you say that yout Earth was fine?” Elliot asked with a start.

“Earth is fine. And so are a few of the planets that are important to me. Destroying an entire Universe Empire doesn’t mean the destruction of every single life planet.

But by and large, the main power of the Universe Empire had been smashed to pieces. And along with it, the secret of Runes.” Primal Alexander said ruefully.

“So in your universe, this area which we call our “known universe” is destroyed. By the Shadow Realm?” Elliot pressed on.

“Yes. Like you, by the time we were aware of their invasion plans, they had already massed their troops and were ready to invade. But unlike you, we were caught out of position.

By the time our top fighters reached their entrance portals, their Invasion Force had dispersed and they managed to deal a death blow to the entire Universe Empire before we were able to clean them up.” Primal Alexander explained.

“I see. So in order for my brand new Empire to avoid suffering from a similar fate, I need to embark on my mission as soon as possible.” Elliot nodded.

“That’s just the short term solution to avoid immediate chaos. The long term issue remains. We need advanced runes to fight against the Seven Demon Gods of Sin. And not just that, when I left, the realm above us, the Ascendant Realm, was also preparing to invade.” Primal Alexander sighed.

“What? Ascendant Realm??” Elliot’s eyes widened in surprise.

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