Speed Is King

Chapter 379 Twenty four!

“It’s just a name we gave to those damned spirit life forms.” Elise Sands said dourly. “A fitting name for all the disgusting sound-based attacks they like to use. But the last time I checked, they didn’t have any God level beings in their realm. Their strongest fighter was barely at Primal level a few thousand years ago. To think that a God had appeared in such a short amount of time… Something fishy is happening. They must have outside help.”

“Outside help? A power that is capable of making Gods from Primals?” Elliot asked incredulously.

“No other explanation. Luck is absolutely out of the question. There is no way a Primal can achieve Godhood in such a short amount of time by just “luck”.” Elise Sands said firmly. “Their realm also probably didn’t have enough resources to support the ascension of a God.”

“I see. So I ripped open the barrier between the Realm of Banshees and the Shadow Realm. That Banshee God is probably a new God, so…”

“So, despite everything, this is actually a good development.” A small smile escaped Elise Sands’ lips. “The Banshees aren’t strong enough to defeat the Shadow Realm. All they would do is become a very irritating thorn in the Shadow Realm’s side, which is exactly what we need. Let’s watch the battle for as long as we can, and then go and destroy a few more Shadow Realm production facilities.”

“Agreed.” Elliot said with great relief.

Red’s many drones continued to spy on the spectacular battle that was about to erupt.

“ALL OF YOU. BRING ALL YOUR TROOPS AND COME TO ME. AT ONCE!” Blytoros rumbled loudly as he called for reinforcements.

He waved his hand lightly at the billions of ethereal octopusses that had managed to cross the crack, and just like that, a huge chunk of the gathered octopusses disappeared!

“Huh? What did he just do?” Elliot stared at the gaping hole that was quickly being refilled by more ethereal octopusses in shock.

“He merely transported them into a different dimension. Probably one that is highly harmful to those spirit-form banshees. A powerful move, but one which he cannot do continuously. The God of Banshees would not allow it.” Elise Sands replied.

True enough, after waving his hands for two more times and causing two more huge chunks of the octopus army to disappear, the God of Banshees finally made her move.


She let out a horrible scream and pushed her underlings in front of her away. An utterly massive octopus tentacle the length of planet Earth stepped out of the massive crack and fired a wave of aural attack on Blytoros.


An ugly look appeared on Blytoros’ face as he failed to adequately defend against the unexpected aural attack type and took partial damage from it.

“SOUND ATTACK? WEAK!” Blytoros rumbled and erected powerful sound barriers to protect himself and his soldiers. “BAGO BLOODBANE. TAKE COMMAND AND DEFEAT THE ENEMY. I WILL TAKE ON THAT PUNY GOD.”

With that, God of Tricks Blytoros erupted into action and unleashed thousands of spiritual blades upon the wriggling giant tentacle.

At the same time, he also weaved and injected copious amounts of space energy at the edges of the crack in an attempt to close it.


The Banshee God let out a horrific scream as she squeezed another tentacle into the crack.

With two massive tentacles, her attack power doubled and it smashed against the sound barriers Blytoros had erected with tremendous force.

Rumble. Rumble. Rumble.

Her powerful sound attack smashed into the sound barriers and quickly dissipated.

Thankfully for Blytoros, his sound barriers stood intact without even shaking in the slightest.

“WEAK.” Blytoros sneered and released even more spiritual blades that cut and slashed and pierced and sliced at the two tentacles furiously.


The Banshee God shrieked in pain and immediately squeezed in two more tentacles!

Blytoros raised both his hands and almost immediately, a massive spiritual blade that was twice as long as the tentacles were wide appeared.

He wanted to slice the four tentacles apart!


The Banshee God screamed uncontrollably and forced yet another two tentacles to enter through the crack! The six tentacles looked absolutely squashed at that moment. But the pressure that the tentacles were putting on the crack increased substantially, and started to widen it.

Not even Blytoros’ space energy could stop the sheer power that the six tentacles were emitting!

“HMPH. DAMNED OCTOPUS. TAKE THIS GOD SLAYING SLASH!” Blytoros shouted and sent his massive blade swinging down towards the tentacles!



With blinding speed, the massive spiritual blade slashed down and sliced all six tentacles off cleanly!


A strange screech sounded from the Banshee God.

“Hmmmm? How come she sounded as though she is laughing?” Elliot asked nervously.

“Indeed. Look at the tentacles.” Elise Sands said.

True enough, the six tentacles that were sliced off started to wriggle and writhe disgustingly and within a split second, six smaller but definitely just as creepy Banshee Gods appeared!

“CLONES. VERY GOOD. THEY WILL BE FOOD FOR MY OWN CLONES! COME OUT!!” Blytoros roared. In an instant, twelve other smaller Blytoros appeared around him and they all burst out to take on the six Banshee Gods in a high speed, heavy hitting battle!



The eighteen powerful God level clones were instantly embroiled in a powerful and chaotic battle!

“Look at the Banshee God. This isn’t good at all.” Elise Sands said grimly.

Elliot grimaced slightly as he took in the incredible sight of twelve NEW and extremely long tentacles wriggling out of the crack!

In a massive twist, the six sliced off tentacles had turned into six clones of the Banshee God, and the six stumps had regrown into twelve new tentacles! What a cheater!

“No, that’s not the worst part. The six clones… Have multiplied! They are now twenty four!” Elliot cried out in horror.

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