Speed Is King

Chapter 413 Lucifer and Lilith

413 Lucifer and Lilith

However, the Devil was one of two at the very top of the food chain in the Realm of Sin.

He did not die easily.

Five powerful beams of light pierced through his massive body, while an ethereal wave of strange but destructive energy swirled around him, seeking to physically break him down from the outside in.

And even so, the Devil was able to continue his furious roaring.



At their command, five powerful demon generals from Lucifer's side charged down towards Lilith, while seven banshee generals swirled out from Lilith to meet them in battle.

Elliot frowned as he studied the development intently.

Each of the twelve generals were as large as the sun, and were unleashing powerful auras that easily rivaled or even exceeded Aleyria's!

Elliot was not able to detect the power of the two devils, but he estimated that they were at least several thousand times stronger than him.

Thankfully that the both treacherous creatures and were constantly scheming against each other, to the point that they were currently throwing everything they had in a life and death fight!


The real Alexander and Aleyria joined Elliot as they held themselves in reserve and observed the ferocious battle unfolding before them.

At the slightest opportunity, they would instantly attack like a King Cobra striking at an opening in its prey.

However, for the moment, they were able to converse for a bit.

Terse conversation, of course, considering that the fate of their lives and that of their entire universe hung in the balance.

"What's that staff Magius is holding?" Elliot asked. "Its power is completely off the charts. Even I could feel a dense sense of danger emanating from it."

Aleyria chuckled very lightly at Elliot's incredible self confidence.

Primal Alexander however, held nothing back.

""Even I could feel a sense of danger?" Ha! Should you not feel any danger whatsoever from anything in the universe?" Primal Alexander barked out a laugh.

"Yes." Elliot said calmly. "Nothing in my own multiverse can cause me to feel such an alarming sense of danger."

Aleyria blinked.

Alexander blinked.

"He's being serious." Aleyria whispered to Alexander loudly.

"I know. Is he a bloated young fool with an overblown sense of his own power? Or is he a bloated young lion with an overly large portion of his universe's luck like you?" Primal Alexander whispered back.

"Are you calling me an overbloated lioness?" Aleyria pouted lightly.

"No, I am calling you an overly hot lioness." Primal Alexander winked at Aleyria and nearly caused Elliot to flinch at his incredible cornyness.

Aleyria rolled her eyes at her husband and then smiled at Elliot.

"That staff is the very ancient Staff of the Almighty. It contains the power of the God who reportedly created the entire Realm." Aleyria explained briefly.

"He disappeared after creating four Gods, and led them to fight and kill each other, leaving only Magius alive. He was able to combine the essence of the Almighty and create a staff using them. To an extent, the light you see coming out of the staff is the power of the Almighty."

"The power of the God who created the Realm? Incredible." Elliot said in awe.

"Incredible? Magius worked his ass off for years to search for the base components of the staff, and spent an incredible amount of precious treasure to forge and then fine tune that staff. He was completely missing for decades just to make a single one of that staff.

But merely spent a few seconds creating a portal and voila! Five more such staffs appeared.

THAT is the real incredible." Primal Alexander said while shaking his head with a helpless sigh.

"And why limit to just five clones? Why not just create a million each of us and the staff?" Aleyria asked curiously.

"It's just a very uncomfortable feeling that I have as soon as too many clones are made. A thousand clones of myself and of Primal Alexander is already the maximum.

Ten of you and five of Magius plus his staff is also the maximum I can tolerate without feeling uncomfortable." Elliot explained.

"What happens if you force it? A thousand of me can definitely do a lot of damage to those two devils. A million will definitely kill them." Aleyria asked as she gazed at the battle which was still raging unabated.

For the moment, they were all at an impasse. Lilith and the five Magiuses were unable to quickly kill Lucifer, and Lucifer was not able to counter attack in the slightest.

"I do not know. But it would not be pretty at all. A Realm rejection, possibly." Elliot said with a slight frown. "I do not want to find out. If we are pushed to utter desperation, then maybe. But not before."

"Realm rejection? Never heard of it. I suggest we try it out sometime later." Primal Alexander suggested carelessly. "Not in both our realms, of course. But we can go to the Realm of Sin and unleash a million Aleyrias and a million mes and a million yous on them. It would be epic! What's the worst thing that could happen?"

Elliot instantly grimaced at his words.

"Famous last words of many dead adventurers and curious cats." Aleyria said with a laugh.

However, Primal Alexander pointed at the battle and then gave an extremely wide grin. "Not a really bad idea. Look!"

We turned to look at the situation.

Lucifer had finally given up on his offensive dreams, and was beating a full retreat!

His generals were covering his escape as he dashed back into the portal from which he came mere minutes ago!

"Let's follow him to the Realm of Sin and do exactly as I said earlier!" Primal Alexander suggested with a gleeful smile.

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