Spider-Man 0X

Ch: 173 [Victor Von Doom]

Ch: 173 [Victor Von Doom]

AN: I'm back. Enjoy a big chapter with over 2k words.


[Victor Von Doom's Mansion]

Reed finally gathered enough evidence against Victor to put him down for good. Starting from hacking into Baxter Building, to selling out sensitive information from Shield's database, Victor had committed many crimes. Reed was sitting at his desk with the evidence laid out in front of him. Ben had found some evidence as well which they were going to use against Victor. It was a long time coming, but now that Reed knew he could put Victor behind bars for good. He wanted to inform Sue about this, but after their break up, Reed didn't have the courage to meet her.

He wanted to call Johnny, but he was with the Avengers in Siberia, dealing with a group of mutant terrorists.

So, Reed and Ben decided to confront Victor, but not without preparation. Last time, he almost killed every, but not this time. Reed knows very well how Victor's power to absorb and manipulate electricity works. So, he prepared countermeasures against it. His new suits were designed specifically to handle Victor's powers. Reed wore the suit and asked Ben to accompany him.

"You sure about this?" Ben asked while getting inside his car.

"Yeah, I'm sure," Reed answered as he started the engine.

"We should have let Fury in on this," Ben said worriedly.

Reed sighed and replied, "Victor is no fool, Ben. He has his informers in SHIELD and you already control their information network. If we tell SHIELD about our plan, he will find out. Then this whole operation will go down the drain."

"Well, hope your new suit works against him because last time we faced Doom, he nearly fried us alive," Ben said remembering the fight between them.

"Don't worry, this suit is specifically made to handle his powers. Once we get close enough, I can take away his powers." Reed reassured Ben.

Soon they reached Victor's Mansion. They both got out of the car and walked towards the mansion gate. A few guards greeted them on their way in. The butler opened the door and led Reed and Ben towards Victor's office.

Reed knocked on the door before entering. He saw Victor sitting by the desk working on something. He turned around to face Reed and smiled devilishly at him.

"Ah, Reed! It's been a long time since we've met," Victor stood up and welcomed him with open arms. "What brings you here today?" he asked while pouring a glass of scotch for himself.

"Cut the crap, Doom! We know what you've done!" Ben said angrily as he stepped forward.

Victor looked at Ben with disdain and said, "I expected better from you, Grimm. But you still don't know how things work in this city."

Ben growled and was about to attack Victor when Reed stopped him. He then turned to face Victor and said, "Enough games, Victor! We know everything. You're finished!" Reed showed Victor all the evidence they collected against him.

Victor smirked as he took a sip from his glass, "So? What are you going to do now? Turn me over to the authorities? You know, what would happen if certain sensitive information about SHIELD gets leaked into the public domain." He threatened them before sipping some more from his glass.

"You bastard!" Ben cursed under his breath.

"Now, now, no need to get aggressive. I'm just saying. Besides, what do you think people would say if they learned about your little experiments on the prisoners? You know, cybernetics stuff and all. You are doing that, right?" Victor said with a sly smirk.

"What?!" Reed exclaimed in shock.

Ben who was unaware of it looked toward Reed with a baffled expression.

Victor laughed maniacally before saying, "Oh yes! I know everything! I have proof! Proofs that could destroy your career, Richards!"

"You..." Reed gritted his teeth in anger as he stared daggers at Victor.

"Now, why don't we forget this whole thing ever happened? You keep living with your experiments while I continue my business. Sounds good?" Victor asked as he poured another glass for himself.

"No!" Reed refused and pulled out a customized gun from his jacket pocket. He aimed it at Victor's head and said, "Today, I'm putting an end to this madness! For good!"

Victor raised an eyebrow at Reed before chuckling softly, "Really? A gun?! What? You have customized it with some kind of power dampener or something? Come on, Reed! I thought you were smarter than that!" he taunted while finishing his drink and stood up.

[Zing!] Reed fired the gun without hesitation.

"Hahaha! Did you really think—ARGHHH!" Victor screamed in agony as an energy blast hit him straight in the chest, sending him crashing into the wall behind him.

Reed quickly fired five more shots at Victor, each hitting him straight in the chest. The energy waves didn't cause any damage to the floor or other properties and only affected Victor. He then took out a round device and threw it at Victor who was lying on the floor. Multiple glowing chains erupted from the device, binding him tightly.

"WHAT IS THIS?!" Victor struggled to break free from the chains.

Reed walked towards him and said, "This is my new invention. It isolates the mutated DNA and all traces of cosmic radiation within your body, rendering them inert." He explained with a cold tone before adding, "Basically, it shuts down your powers."

"NO! YOU CAN'T DO THIS! I AM VICTOR VON DOOM! NO ONE CAN DEFEAT ME!" Victor screamed hysterically as he tried desperately to break free from the chains.

"Sorry, old friend... but I'm not letting you get away this time."

"Hahahahaha!" Victor suddenly burst into laughter, startling Reed. He then glared at Reed and said, "Oh, Reed... shut down my power?" He stood up from the floor, ripping apart the energy chains with his bare hands.

"Stretch! Something isn't right," Ben warned Reed who was staring dumbfoundedly at Victor.

"Impossible! That device should have nullified his powers completely!" Reed exclaimed as he fired multiple shots at Victor. But before the energy blasts could even reach Victor, they vanished into thin air. He looked at Victor in utter disbelief.

"Hahaha! How was my act? Pretty good, right?" Victor threw a bolt of green energy at Ben, trapping him in a magic cage. Ben tried to break free, but he couldn't even move his body. He tried to curse, but his mouth won't move. "Shut up! Insignificant creature." Victor then turned towards Reed and said, "You fool! Your habit of relying on technology always backfires! Magic is superior to science! Always!" He threw another bolt of green energy at Reed.

Reed used his flexibility to dodge the attack while firing energy blasts at Victor. But Victor easily deflected them using his magic shield. He then formed a green spear with his hand and hurled it towards Reed. Reed dodged it, but the spear changed its trajectory and chased after him. He continued to dodge it while firing energy blasts at Victor.

Ben, who was unable to do anything, watched helplessly as Reed fought against Victor.

Meanwhile, Reed threw his gun away and switched to the next device. It's a metal bracelet with three buttons on it. Reed pressed the first button which released a magnetic pulse. Victor, who was in the middle of casting a spell, was caught off guard by the sudden pulse. He staggered backward slightly.

"Another one of your gadgets? How very disappointing, Reed! I expected more from you!" Victor taunted Reed while throwing bolts of green energy at him.

Reed used his stretchy limbs to avoid the attacks and pressed the second button on the bracelet. A beam of red light shot out from the bracelet and hit Victor in the chest. But was deflected upon coming in contact with his armor.

"Ah! I should have mentioned this," Victor ripped apart his clothes, revealing a set of mystical armor underneath it. He summoned his signature mask and wore it. "This armor was forged in the flames of the netherworld, Reed! No mortal weapon can harm me while I'm wearing this!" He taunted before erecting a square barrier around Reed to prevent him from jumping around like a ping-pong ball.

"Crap!" Reed cursed under his breath and pressed the third button. Another beam of red light shot out from the bracelet, but this time it went through Victor's barrier and hit him straight in the eyes. "Well, it might not affect your armor, but what about the gap in your mask?" The beam pierced through his head, damaging his brain tissue and eyeballs. Victor screamed in pain before collapsing on the ground.

The energy barrier disappeared.

"Without your cosmic power, your body is just like a regular human. Well, your armor protects you from all attacks and that magic caught me off-guard, but even you need eyes to see." Reed approached Victor who wasn't even moving anymore. Blood was spewing out of his eyes which were charred black. "I'm sorry, Victor. But this needs to be done." Reed aimed his bracelet at Victor and prepared to fire.

"Reed! Behind you!" Ben yelled.

As soon as he turned back, Ben grabbed his throat and squeezed hard.

"Oh, Reed. Look what you have done to me." Victor's voice echoed around the room.

"Wait! Ben! It's me! Reed!" Reed struggled to break free from Ben's grip, but Ben was too strong.

"STOP IT, STRETCH! He's in my head! CONTROLLING MY BODY!" Ben gritted his teeth in agony as Victor used his body to choke Reed.

"Argh! This is bad! Really bad!" Reed stretched his neck away from Ben's grip before twisting his arms. With the help of his elasticity, Reed somehow squeezed out of Ben's grip and wrapped his arms around him.

Suddenly, Reed's body went limp as he fell to the floor and so was Ben.

"Aahhh!" Reed sat up on the floor with a loud groan. He looked around and saw Ben's unconscious body and Victor's dead body. "Finally!" He stood up and waved his hand, conjuring a mirror before checking his face. "Well, Reed. Good knowing you. Starting today, your body belongs to me and so is everything you have. Hahahahaha!" Victor laughed maniacally. He took over Reed's body and banished his soul to the underworld.

He then turned towards Ben and said, "Well, Grimm. I would have killed you a long time ago. But you still have your uses. So, I'm keeping you alive." Victor then cast a spell on Ben, manipulating his memories and making him believe that Victor is dead. "Now, where should we start? Oh, yeah. That alien artifact Carol brought you from another planet. I heard it was powerful enough to destroy an entire planet. Hmmm, let's check that out first. But, we better take care of this mess first, shall we?"


[Back to Peter's house] [30 minutes earlier]

"What's interesting?" Felicia asked curiously as she came closer to Peter. She glanced at the file Peter was currently looking at and her eyes widened in shock. She grabbed his shoulder and gave it a tight squeeze, "You... You alright?"

"Yeah. Haha..." Peter let out a dry laugh before leaning back on his chair. "Damn! I didn't expect this at all! This is worse than I thought!"


"I now know which path I took for them to come after me to kill me... Michelle... Fucker killed Michelle... She was pregnant with my child..." Peter gritted his teeth in anger as he clenched his fists tightly. He tried his best to control his anger, but it was proving to be very difficult.

Felicia could only sigh helplessly as she stood there watching him.

"He went after Gwen... She was also pregnant with my child... He killed the baby and left her to live with guilt..." Peter's hands trembled uncontrollably as his mind replayed the scenes from his dreams. "Reed Richards... That motherfucking son of a bitch! I'm gonna skin him alive, Felicia. Do you think skinning a flexible rubber man alive is possible? Hahaha!" Peter laughed maniacally as tears flowed down his cheeks.

Felicia hugged Peter from behind and gently caressed his head to comfort him.

"I'm gonna find that out... I'm gonna skin him alive..." Peter felt intense pain as his emotions overwhelmed him. He felt a weird sensation on his back. He pushed Felicia away and crouched down on the floor as an intense pain shot through his body. He felt as if his spinal cord was being twisted around. "ARRRGGGG!!" He felt something moving inside his body, trying to burst out.

Felicia tried to come closer.

"Don't... Just Arggg! Just, stay back..." Peter groaned in pain.

[SPRRUUTTT!] Six bony legs erupted from his back. They were covered in blood and had a metallic texture to them. They were shaped like spider legs but were very sharp and jagged. "ARRGGGGG!!!!" Blood and flesh were torn apart as six large appendages emerged from Peter's back.

Felicia gasped in horror as she saw Peter's transformation.

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