Spider-Man 0X

Ch: 179 [System Overload]

Ch: 179 [System Overload]

Miles' body lay in a broken heap, sparking and leaking the blue nanite fluid that had once given him the edge. Gwen's energy cannon remained locked on him, her targeting systems tracking his every movement. Her cybernetic sensors registered that he was still functional, but only barely. She knew she should finish him off—neutralize the threat for good—but something inside her hesitated. Perhaps it was the memory of who Miles used to be, or maybe the guilt from everything she had done. Whatever it was, it gave him the moment he needed.

Without warning, Miles' eyes snapped open, glowing with yellow electricity. Gwen's sensors went haywire for a moment. Before she could react, a surge of electricity erupted from Miles' body, a blinding burst of bio-electric energy that sent her systems into chaos. The force of the blast overloaded her circuits, causing her internal mechanisms to sputter and spark. Her body was thrown backward, crashing into the remnants of a crumbling wall.

As Gwen tried to stabilize, her systems were still reeling from the shock. Error messages flooded her HUD, her cybernetics struggling to recover from the overloaded electricity. She tried to move, but her limbs responded sluggishly as if submerged in molasses. Her processors struggled to reboot her combat protocols, but the damage was more severe than she had anticipated.

Miles slowly rose to his feet, the nanites already hard at work repairing his damaged body. His exoskeleton was gone, the massive suit that had nearly crushed Gwen now scattered in pieces around the ruined warehouse. What stood in its place was the lean, sinewy form of Miles Morales, stripped down to his core. His body crackled with power, the venomous electricity crackling around his body as the nanites fixed the gaping wound in his chest.

"You really thought it was over, Gwen?" Miles' voice was filled with a menacing calm, the smugness returning to his tone. "You should've known better. I'm only 50% cyborg, you know. Thanks to that, I was able to retain my Spider powers." He stared at her with a dark, sinister smile. "Who would have thought, you'd force me to use my trump card so soon."

Gwen's systems finally rebooted, but not without significant glitches. Her vision flickered, the HUD displaying error messages and warnings. She initiated a diagnostic scan, but it was slow, her systems struggling to respond to her commands. The damage from Miles' blast had compromised her cybernetics, leaving her vulnerable in a way she hadn't anticipated.

Miles didn't give her a chance to recover.

He lunged at her with lightning speed. Gwen's sensors registered the incoming threat, but her body was too slow to respond. Miles was on her in an instant, his fists crackling with yellow electricity as he landed a blow squarely on her chest. The force of the impact sent another surge of electricity through her systems, causing them to glitch even more violently.

[Crackle] Gwen's body flew in the air, crashing on the ground a few yards away.

[System Overloaded.] The Cyber-Suit's interface in her head was giving error messages. 'Damn it. Why now?!' Gwen cursed in her mind, but the damage to her circuits had left her in no shape to fight, her limbs were slow and unresponsive, her senses dull, her tactical interfaces corrupted, and her processing speeds significantly reduced. All of which was the result of Miles' surprise attack with his electrical abilities.

Miles was relentless. He struck again and again, each blow infused with bioelectricity that further scrambled her circuits. Sparks flew from her body as her systems began to shut down one by one, leaving her movements erratic and uncontrolled.

"You see, Gwen," Miles said, his voice dripping with satisfaction as he landed another blow, "It was so fun to see you think you won."

He grabbed her by the neck, lifting her off the ground with ease. His eyes glowed with electric fury as he tightened his grip, his nanites humming with power. Gwen's sensors flared, indicating critical system failures across multiple subsystems. She tried to break free, but her limbs wouldn't obey her commands. Her cybernetics were failing her at the worst possible moment.

"I could end you right here, right now," Miles hissed, his grip tightening further. "But where's the fun in that? I'm gonna fix that emotion sensor of yours and then strip you part by part, you bitch. Oh, the pain and screams... I can fucking imagine it. That's the best part of being a cyborg. No matter how much you want to die or break your sensor to feel emotions...it's not possible when I can fix it over and over again and watch you scream in pain... Hahahahaha!"

With a cold glare, he ripped Gwen's mask away from her face. Sparks of electricity exploded from her cybernetic socket and her somewhat organic face contorted in agony. Her vision flickered. Pain surged through her, both physical and emotional, as she stared into Miles' twisted expression, his once-familiar eyes now glowing with the madness of power. She felt the cold metal of his grip tighten around her neck.

But amid the chaos, Gwen's mind raced, her remaining human instincts clashing with the cold logic of her failing AI. She knew she had no chance of overpowering Miles physically, not in her current state. But there was something else—a final, desperate option.

Miles was too consumed by his own sadistic pleasure to notice the subtle changes in Gwen's posture. As he lifted her higher, enjoying her helplessness, she made a quick decision. Her fingers, trembling with effort, brushed against a hidden compartment in her armor. With a simple press, she accessed the manual override.

A flood of warnings and error messages flashed before her eyes, but she ignored them.

Her internal systems began to shut down, one by one, as she shut down the AI. The nanites now responded to her direct commands, sluggishly at first, but she somehow managed to control them.

Gwen could feel the strain on her body, the physical toll of controlling the nanites without AI assistance. Although she was a cyborg, 30% of her body was still human, including her brain and heart, so the strain was critical and thanks to the original neural implant, she was able to control the nanites. She divided them into two parts, one to sustain her life and the other to attack Miles.

Miles noticed the change too late. His sadistic grin faltered as Gwen's eyes, once filled with pain and fear, now glinted with something far more dangerous—determination. Before he could react, she unleashed the nanites in her body, directing them toward a single, desperate objective. The tiny machines, designed for repair and enhancement, now had a new purpose: sabotage.

Miles' grip weakened as he felt the nanites enter his body, slipping through the cracks in his exoskeleton, and infiltrating his systems. His eyes widened in shock, the yellow electricity that crackled around him faltering. He tried to pull back, but Gwen held on with what little strength she had left, her voice barely a whisper.

"Where the fuck do you think you are going?" She rasped, forcing herself to smirk despite the strain of maintaining her own life. "Why aren't you laughing?"

The conflicting nanites clashed within Miles' body, their programming at odds with each other. Gwen's nanites sought to disable and disrupt, while Miles' own fought to maintain control. The internal battle sent violent spasms through Miles' frame as the two forces warred for dominance. Sparks flew from his body as systems began to short-circuit, unable to handle the conflicting commands.

"You think that 50% of your organic body will be able to withstand this?" She smirked.

Miles staggered back, releasing Gwen as he tried to regain control. But the damage was done. His body, once so powerful and invincible, was now a battleground of conflicting energies. He could feel his nanites losing ground, his control slipping as Gwen's sabotage spread like a virus through his systems. He was forced to withdraw the nanites from his organic part to stop the foreign nanites, but the overheating was damaging his organic body, and without the healing nanites... He was pretty much fried.

"Crap!!" Miles shouted as he tried to use his bioelectricity, but it backfired as the nanites went into overdrive unable to decide what to do─ Stop the foreign nanites, stop the virus, heal his organic body, repair his cybernetics, cool down the overheating, maintain the balance of his bioelectricity or drop everything and maintain life support.

In the end, the machine has its limitations, and they crash in all directions.

"You… you bitch!" Miles snarled, his voice laced with desperation as he staggered. But Gwen was no longer listening. Her systems were on the verge of total shutdown, her vision blurring...

'This is the end!' Gwen was about to activate self-destruction when a familiar voice came to her ears. It was faint, but her hearing cybernetics allowed her to make out the words.

<You did well. I'll take it from here since the big boss is about to appear now. Thanks to you, I was able to teleport out my Gwen without him noticing. So, I'll forgive you for punching a hole in my chest, obviously for a kiss.>

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