Spider-Man 0X

Ch: 189 [Rogue and Spidey]

Ch: 189 [Rogue and Spidey]

I activated the invisible mode and walked inside the academy. I don't want to attract unwanted attention. I wonder what Rogue is doing right now. I walked through the corridors, looking around. Everyone going about their business as usual. Nothing seems out of the ordinary. I guess everything is fine. I made my way to Rogue's room but found it empty. Hmm... Where is she? Maybe taking a class or something. Since I'm here, might as well take a look around the place.

And man, being invisible is awesome! I can peek... Ahem! I mean look around without my fans bothering me. I checked the training grounds. Most of the students were there training under Cyclops and Wolverine. I even spotted Storm teaching some girls. I peeked through the rooms where professors were taking classes. However, Rogue was nowhere to be found. Hmm... Where could she be? I decided to check the library. She might be there.

As I entered the library, I noticed Hank McCoy sitting on one of the tables reading a book. Nope, no Rogue here. Ah! I remember she does gardening in the backyard. I quickly headed there. Upon reaching the backyard, I noticed Rogue tending to the plants. There she is! All alone as always...

She's wearing a white tank top and blue jeans with brown boots. Her hair was tied in a ponytail. She looked gorgeous as always. I looked around and made sure there was no one around. Wait! I got a nice idea. What if I call her in my invisibility mode? That would be fun.

I stepped closer to her and asked, "What are you planting today?"

"Ack!" Rogue jumped hearing my voice. She looked back in panic but found nothing. "Who's there?!" She exclaimed.

I chuckled a little at her reaction.

"Show yourself!" She demanded.

"Alright, alright... It's me," I deactivated the invisible mode and waved my hand.

"Spiderman?!" She looked shocked.

"Yep, that's me. Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. How are you, Rogue?" I greeted cheerfully.

"Oh... It's... Uhhh... I'm fine... How are you?" She asked, her cheeks blushing.

"Pretty fine, can't complain. Mind if I ask something?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"You aren't hurt or anything, right? I heard some cyborgs attacked and wanted to kidnap you. Are you alright?" I asked in concern.

"I'm fine," Rogue placed the water hose aside. "Thank you for asking and for sending Wanda. She took them down before they could reach the academy."

"That's good to hear. I'm glad that you're safe. So, any idea why they wanted you?" I asked curiously.

"Not really," Rogue shook her head.

"Well, you are ok. That's all that matters," I smiled. "By the way, you don't have any classes today?" I asked.

"No, our group went on a trip..." She replied with a lonely smile as she began to arrange her gardening tools.

"Group trip huh? Must be fun," I commented. "What about you? Why aren't you going with them?"

"I decided to stay back," Rogue replied quietly.

Sigh! This girl, seriously. "C'mon, Rogue. You have to live a little. You can't keep living like this."

"It's fine," Rogue shrugged. "I'm used to it."

"No, it's not fine," I grabbed her gloved hands. "How about I take you out today? Wanna go out with me?"

"Huh?" Her eyes widened in surprise. "Wha...?! You aren't serious, are you?"

"I'll show you my real face if you say yes," I declared confidently. "Just you and me."

"Uhhh... I... I..." She hesitated.

"What? Don't tell me you aren't a bit curious to see my face under this mask?" I teased playfully.

"Of course, I am!" Rogue blushed slightly. But I could see a troubled expression on her face as if she wasn't sure what to do or if it would be a good idea to go out. "But, you ok with me? I mean, is this a date?!" Her eyes widened in realization.

"Are you blushing? It's cute." I chuckled. "Yes, it's a date."

"I... Uh... I..." Rogue stuttered as she nervously played with her fingers.

"C'mon, Rogue. Live a little," I encouraged. "It'll be fun!"

"I... Okay, I'll go... But, I have to ask for the Professor's permission first," Rogue relented shyly.

"Great! I'm pretty sure he'll allow you to go out with me. Meet me in front of the academy in 15 minutes. I'll pick you up," I gave her a thumbs up.

"Ok," She nodded.

I opened a portal to my room...

The portal closed behind me as I stood in my room, feeling a surge of excitement. A date with Rogue. After all this time, I was finally going to help her experience something normal, something she deserved. I quickly swapped my Spidey suit for a casual outfit—jeans, a simple blue shirt, and a jacket. I wanted to be comfortable, but I also wanted to look decent for her. After all, this wasn't just any outing; I was planning to reveal my identity.

It was a big deal. I hadn't shown my face to many people, but for Rogue, I wanted to do it. She had lived so long keeping people at a distance, afraid of hurting anyone with her powers. She deserved to be treated like a normal person, someone who could experience life without the fear of her powers getting in the way. And since her power doesn't work on me, maybe we could start a relationship... Well, I have a harem... How do I break it to her if we were to start something between us?

No point thinking about that. We'll deal with it when the time comes.

Checking myself one last time in the mirror, I smiled at my reflection. "Not bad, Parker. Not bad."


.[3rd person POV]. [Rogue's side]

Rogue stood frozen in the garden, her heart still racing after Spider-Man disappeared through his portal. She looked around, half-expecting him to reappear, though the only sound that reached her now was the soft rustling of the wind in the trees. 'A date with Spider-Man... What in the world just happened?'

She was going on a date with Spider-Man!

A date?!

Her face turned red. She couldn't believe it. Spider-Man asked her out.

He asked her out!

It seemed like something out of a dream.

"A date... with Spider-Man?" She mumbled to herself, biting her lip nervously. She felt a strange mix of excitement and a bit of fear. Due to her mutation, no one ever asked her on a date. So, lots of things were going through her mind. For one, it was Spider-Man—a literal superhero. But more than that, he wasn't afraid of her powers. He wasn't keeping his distance like everyone else did.

What will her friends say about this? Kitty will most likely tease her endlessly. And if Jubilee finds out, she'll spread the news all over the academy by tomorrow morning. Rogue groaned inwardly. She didn't want to deal with that. Then again, she felt a glint of happiness in her heart.

"You need to live a little."

His words echoed in her head as she made her way inside. Maybe he was right. Maybe it was time to take a risk, to stop hiding in the shadows. She looked down at her gloved hands. The gloves had always been a part of her—a shield between her and everyone else. But they were also a reminder of the one thing that set her apart: her curse. She could never touch anyone without draining their life, their energy, their memories. It was a lonely existence.

But Spiderman was different. He can touch her without worrying about getting drained means... They could actually hold hands. Maybe even kiss. She blushed even harder at the thought.

Suddenly, Rogue stopped in her tracks. Her heart felt like it was caught in a whirlwind of emotions. She wasn't just nervous; she was scared. What if this date didn't go well? What if he changed his mind about her? What if...

'Stop it, Anna-Marie.' She shook her head, trying to banish the doubt from her mind. 'You've been through worse. It's just a date, not the end of the world. Wait! Since this is a date... Does he like me? Does he want to kiss me? Geez! Stop it!'

She slapped her cheeks lightly. 'What am I thinking?' Rogue sighed heavily. She knew she was overthinking things. She needed to calm down.

She reached the door to Professor Xavier's office and paused, hesitating for a moment before knocking. Rogue wasn't sure why she felt so nervous. Maybe it was because, deep down, this felt like more than just a simple outing. This was a step she hadn't allowed herself to take in years.

"Come in, Rogue," the Professor's calm voice called from inside.

Rogue pushed the door open and stepped into the familiar room. Professor Xavier sat behind his desk, looking up at her with his usual warm, knowing smile. He always had a way of making her feel at ease.

"Professor," she began, closing the door behind her and fidgeting slightly. "I... I need to ask you something."

The Professor folded his hands in front of him, his expression gentle. "Of course, Rogue. What's on your mind?"

"Well..." she hesitated, trying to find the right words. "Spider-Man... asked me to go out with him."

The Professor didn't seem the least bit surprised. In fact, his smile deepened just a little, as if he'd been expecting something like this. "I see. And how do you feel about that?"

Rogue blinked, taken aback by the question. How did she feel about it? Her emotions are jumbled up right now and too many thoughts are rushing through her mind. "I... I don't know. It's not like I don't want to go. I mean, it's Spider-Man, and he's... nice. But... I just don't know if it's a good idea. What if something goes wrong? What if—"

Xavier raised a hand gently, cutting her off. "You've spent so much of your life worrying about what could go wrong, Rogue. But perhaps it's time to focus on what could go right."

"I guess you're right," she admitted softly after a little pause.

"I think you deserve to have moments of happiness, Rogue," Xavier continued, his voice kind and reassuring. "You've been through so much, but that doesn't mean you should stop living your life. If this is an opportunity for you to feel normal, even just for a little while, then I encourage you to take it."

Rogue felt a warm surge of gratitude. "Thanks, Professor. I just... needed to hear that, I guess."

He nodded. "I trust you'll be careful. Enjoy your day, Rogue."


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