Spider-Man 0X

Ch: 20 [Wanda and Pietro]

Ch: 20 [Wanda and Pietro]

{3rd person pov}

[2 Weeks later] 

Norman gathered twenty scientists into his office. Most of them worked in OsCorp's bioengineering division.

"You may wonder why I called you here today," He addressed the group sitting in front of him. Everyone remained silent, listening carefully to him. "Well, I have some good news and some bad. Good news is that I forgive you all for the loss of 0X-Serum. Bad news is that you are going to help me fix it," He explained calmly. Everyone exchanged glances wondering what he meant by that.

Osborn took out a folder containing documents and handed each scientist one copy of the document.

"These documents say that twenty of you are now officially going to become the test subjects for Project SSS," He announced causing gasps of shock among the scientists.

"W-what do you mean test subjects, sir?" One scientist raised his hand nervously, asking the question everyone was thinking about right now.

"Since you destroyed something more worth than all of your and this entire company combined, I need replacements," Norman answered coldly without giving a damn about the consequences of his decision.

"B-but, sir. Your formula will kill us if it doesn't work," Another scientist protested, but Osborn just ignored him and continued explaining the details of Project SSS.

"So, die... You should have thought about it before losing the serum, right? So, it's only fair for you all to pay for your mistakes by becoming human test subjects for Project SSS," He declared leaving no room for negotiation.

Everyone sat there frozen in place unable to believe what was happening.

"Three days should be enough," Norman gave each scientist three days to prepare themselves mentally and physically for the procedure. And if they decide to act smart or try to run away, then he will hunt them down personally and force them to participate in Project SSS whether they like it or not. If that's not sufficient, he will drag their family members into this mess too making sure none of them escapes his wrath.

"Now get the fuck out of my office. I don't have time to waste on worthless trash like yourselves," He dismissed the scientists. Everyone immediately stood up and left him alone in his office.

Once they left, Osborn poured himself another glass of whiskey before heading downstairs to the lab where Project SSS will take place. It's located in an underground level below the main building. There are several rooms used specifically for conducting experiments on humans including the observation room where Norman can observe everything from above via CCTV cameras installed throughout the whole level.

As soon as he arrived, OsCorp scientists greeted him and escorted him into the observation room where Project SSS will commence in three days.

"How's the preparation going?" Norman asked one scientist standing next to him watching everything through the CCTV screens. "Almost ready, sir. We just need to finish installing equipment and calibrate them accordingly," The scientist answered nervously while avoiding eye contact with him afraid that he might notice his fear. "We are working as fast as we can."

Osborn noticed this behavior but decided not to comment on it knowing how terrified these scientists must be after hearing what happened to Subject 0x four years ago.

"Good. Make sure everything goes smoothly this time," He reminded the scientist whose name is Dr. Jayce before making his way to another level below ground level 1. He entered the elevator and scanned his retina on the scanner.

"Access Granted. Level -2," The robotic female voice announced before descending deeper underground level 2. Once the doors opened Norman stepped out into an empty hallway leading directly towards two large steel doors guarded by armed security personnel standing on each side of them.

He scanned his retina again on another scanner located beside those steel doors.

"Access Granted. Norman Osborn," The robotic female voice announced again opening both steel doors, revealing a vast space beyond them containing hundreds of cells lined up neatly along the walls forming rows stretching further than he could see.

Each cell contains a humanoid figure locked inside them wearing nothing but a plain white shirt and shorts. Some cells contained more than one humanoid figure occupying them. All of these figures were mutants captured by OsCorp during missions conducted across the country searching for subjects suitable for his sick projects.

Just in case everything falls apart and Project SSS fails, he will have plenty of backup subjects to continue with his sick experiments. Norman walked past row after row glancing briefly at every cell containing humanoid figures locked inside them.

It was like a prison except instead of inmates serving sentences here, mutants and people with superpowers are imprisoned waiting to be experimented upon. He stopped in front of a particular cell containing two figures occupying it.

They're male and female respectively. Both had pale skin covered in scars caused by previous experiments performed on them. He pressed a button next to their cell activating speakers connected to inside the cell allowing him to communicate with the figures occupying it.

"Wanda Maximoff. Pietro Maximoff," Osborn called out their names causing the figures occupying the cell to turn around, facing him through thick transparent walls separating them.

They stared blankly at him showing no emotion whatsoever. Their eyes are void of any sign indicating life within them. Norman smiled seeing how obedient and docile Wanda Maximoff has become over the years since being brought here years ago after killing her parents and burning her hometown down resulting in massive destruction spreading across Sokovia destroying thousands of lives, leaving nothing behind except ruins scattered everywhere across the land once known as a beautiful peaceful country full of life now turned into graveyard filled only death and despair.

Norman used weaponry stolen from Stark Industries, creating chaos and causing mass casualties among innocent civilians living there unaware that their loved ones would never come back alive anymore because someone decided to play god using weapons designed specifically for killing people rather than saving lives.

The government blamed Tony Stark claiming that he created weapons capable of committing genocide against innocent people, but Osborn knew better than believing such lies spread by fools ignorant of truth, hiding beneath the surface deep underneath layers, covering secrets hidden far away from prying eyes unable to see clearly enough through the illusion created purposefully to deceive whoever tries uncovering mysteries surrounding certain events occurring randomly without warning leaving no trace behind proving its existence even existing at all.

He captured the remaining survivors of that attack.

"How are you two doing today?" Norman greeted them politely pretending concern towards them when in reality he could care less about how they felt or think about anything other than obeying commands given by him willingly without hesitation unlike Subject 0x who refused to cooperate despite constant torture inflicted upon him.

The two teens didn't answer so Norman continued, "I guess, it's pretty cold around here, isn't it? Why must you resist? Follow me and I promise to help you get revenge on Stark. It will not be easy but you have my word that I will keep both of you alive longer if you behave like obedient children and obey every order given by me."

The last time he let them out they almost destroyed the entire facility, almost killing everyone. Since then, he has kept them within the containment cells, specifically designed for them. Wanda has yet to manifest her full potential, so she couldn't help but remain in that cell along with her brother waiting obediently for a chance to escape.

A blast of red energy slammed on the containment wall startling him a bit, making him stumble backward a few inches.

"Haaa..." Norman shook his head in disappointment, "It's sad. Really sad... Well, enjoy your last months together because once Project SSS succeeds, I will show you two what happens to those who don't listen to their elders." He gave a final warning before walking away leaving them alone with nobody else around except themselves and whatever happens in this prison stays in this prison, hidden beneath layers of secrets buried beneath layers covering everything.

After he left, Pietro slammed his fist on the wall making another dent appear, trying desperately to break free. Wanda watched silently as he kept banging on those walls, cracking them ever so slowly while she stood there feeling powerless not knowing how to comfort her twin brother who lost hope long ago...

"You think we should accept his offer?" Wanda finally broke her silence causing Pietro to stop what he was doing and face her directly, staring straight into her eyes without blinking.

"Why are you saying that? You think we should go with him? You know very well it isn't Stark who was responsible for our parent's deaths, sister," His tone changed abruptly, anger creeping into his voice.

She didn't respond immediately afraid of getting angry back because she understands where he gets such feelings coming from.

"But that doesn't change the fact that it was the Stark weapons that caused our suffering," Her voice trembled slightly when she answered back without looking away from him. "We need to survive if we were to have a chance to take our revenge on Stark and Osborn. He is the one who captured us so it is only right that he suffers along with his creations!" She added sharply making her point crystal clear to him.

Her brother seems hesitant to follow up with what she suggested, unsure how far will they succeed once released from this prison where both of them are imprisoned like caged animals. But he realizes they really have no choice but to do what Osborn commands, so he reluctantly agrees to work under Osborn's command. "Alright, I'm in."


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