SpiderGwen: I have a system?!

Chapter 29: Chapter 29

Chapter 29: Chapter 29

Huge thanks to Doomsdaylover321 for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!

[3rd POV] [Location - Mount Justice]

It was the day after the events with the android invasion, and a bit had happened. For one, Gwen and the rest of the team gave the League their accounts of the events, with Gwen's being more thorough than the others. Gwen was also brought into the Tower to talk with the rest of her team about the androids, and how they could fix them, and even make them members of the League, like Tornado. It was still underway, but the League expected to have the two fixed up and changed for the better, within a month or so.

Besides that, Gwen and M'gann had some more alone time. Mainly snuggling, making out, and relaxing with one another. Which both of them enjoyed every moment of.

Gwen had also ended up competing a few hidden quest during this time.

[Hidden Quests Complete]

Rework Red Inferno and Red Torpedo, for the better, making them potential members of the League. Reuniting the Red's together.

Reward - 2 SL Tickets

Kiss a girl for the first time, one that actually loves you.

Reward - 3 SL Tickets

Foil 10 different plans, ideas, etc, of the Light.

Reward - 3 SL Tickets

The rewards were large, but she expected it was due to the side effects and changes those choices would bring. Mainly the effects of foiling 10 of the Lights plans, and reworking Red Inferno and Red Torpedo. That, and it seemed the system was spoiling her a bit with these rewards, as the last one was definitely not just completed. It might also be because of the amount of power she had now, making street level characters more and more useless to her, besides the knowledge and occasional new powers. Almost like the system takes her personal power into account.

She knew that the system was going to evolve soon, so this was probably some sort of end of Street Level system boost or something along those lines. She was just more worried about what the evolution would be, as there's no way the system would just stay at Street level, not in a world like this one.

Anyways, currently Gwen was sitting in her room, preparing to use her 10 SL tickets.

'System, use the SL tickets' Gwen thought, knowing that there wasn't any reason to wait. Afterall, most of the character she could get, weren't really all that helpful anymore. [Characters chosen]

Karnak Mander-Azur | The Shatterer Earth 616

Karnak, aka the Shatterer. An inhuman of the Marvel universe. He is an immensely skilled martial artist, has the ability to make all his body parts work to optimal efficiency, superhuman physical abilities. His most notable and powerful ability, is his ability to sense the stress point of all objects and persons around him, be it phyiscal or psychological. Includes his knowledge on martial arts, inhuman laws, and everything else that might be helpful to the user.

Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier Earth 616

Bucky Barnes, aka the winter soldier. An incredibly skilled assassin within the Marvel universe. His assassination capabilities are amongst the best in the entire universe. He is also peak human, physically speaking, including regenerative healing, enhanced longevity, enhanced balance, and more. Also includes his masterful knowledge in martial arts, master marksmanship, accelerated development process, masterful knowledge in spying, and all his other helpful and important pieces of knowledge.

Jessica Jones Jewel Earth 616

Jessica Jones, aka Jewel, aka prime. A rather skilled investigator, trained combatant, and knowledgeable individual. She has superhuman strength, superhuman durability, accelerated healing factor, superhuman longevity, and flight. Also includes any other important/helpful pieces of knowledge.

Reed Richards | Mister Fantastic Earth 616

Reed Richards, aka Mister Fantastic. One of the most intelligent characters in the entirety of comics, with masterful knowledge in electrical, mechanical, and aerospace engineering, electronics, chemistry, all levels of physics, and human and alien biology. His knowledge is such that he is a genius in pretty much every science native to Earth. He also has the ability to turn his entire mass of his body into a highly malleable state at will. His plasticity is such that he can contain explosions by enveloping them, redirect projectiles, elongate himself, change his shape in various ways, and more. Also includes all his helpful/important knowledge.

Tim Drake | Red Robin Earth Prime

Tim Drake, aka Red Robin. A skilled martial artist, incredibly skilled investigator, skilled usage in the bo staff, and more. Includes his helpful/important knowledge in various areas.

Sandra Wu-San | Lady Shiva Prime Earth

Sandra Wu-San, aka Lady Shiva. One of the best martial artists in the entirety of DC, and perhaps comics as a whole. She is particularly skilled in Dim Mak, an ancient martial art, that she is a master of. Also includes her helpful/important knowledge of martial arts, swordsmanship, deception, and more.

Anthony Masters | Taskmaster Earth 616

Anthony Masters, aka Taskmaster. A masterful martial artist with the power of photographic reflexes, allowing him to duplicate the physical movements of others, just from seeing them, without any form of training or anything else. He also has superhuman agility, reflexes, and speed. Includes his masterful knowledge on martial arts, weapons, marksmanship, and assassin stuff, and all other helpful/important pieces of knowledge that he possesses.

Laura Kinney | X-23 Earth 616

Laura Kinney, aka X-23. A masterful martial artist, expert tracker, master acrobat, expert tracker, and daughter of Wolverine. She has incredibly potent regenerative capabilities, superhuman acute senses, superhuman agility, superhuman reflexes, durability, stamina, and more superhuman physical abilities. She also has adamantium claws, one on each wrist and one on each foot.

Carnage Earth 616

Carnage, aka a symbiote of the Marvel universe. A symbiote that grants superhuman strength (80 tons), and other superhuman physical powers that are granted. Also grants increased regeneration capabilities, wall crawling, webbing, fangs and claws, and all other powers a symbiote would usually grant. Also grants immunity to spider sense like the


Brock Rumlow | Crossbones Earth 616

Brock Rumlow, aka Crossbones. A master martial artist, with peak physical capabilities, expert markskman, and more. Includes all his helpful/important knowledge, including his master martial art knowledge, expert piloting skills, and more.

[Evolution Quest Received!]

Task - Kill 10 villains [0/10]

Task Absorb 25 databases [0/10]

Task Complete 5 Justice League missions successfully [0/5]

Task - Complete 10 solo missions successfully [0/10]

Task - Destroy 10 criminal groups [0/10]

Reward - System evolves into ??????? System

Looking over the rewards she got, she grinned. Most of the rewards were genuinely quite good, with Reed Richards being by far the best. Bucky, Carnage, Laura, Taskmaster, Karnak, and Jessica Jones were all good too. All of them had some use, with Crossbones and Red Robin being arguably the most useless of the bunch, as her knowledge in martial arts is already the best on the planet. All that knowledge would do, is add more to it, even if it was a small amount, compared to what she already has.

Lady Shiva was pretty decent too, but the knowledge wasn't the best of the bunch. At this point, she wanted actual intelligence and scientific knowledge, rather than knowledge on martial arts and that stuff. As scientific knowledge was worth a lot more to her right now.

'Not bad, Reed Richards is the best by far. That knowledge will be supremely helpful in the future, considering he is one of the smartest characters in Marvel, if not the entirety of comics' Gwen thought with a happy grin.

'The evolution quest isn't that difficult either, it will take a bit, but it won't be too difficult'

Gwen thought with a hum.

'Go ahead and assimilate them' Gwen inwardly thought, preparing herself for the pain that was coming. She had faith in her own ability to assimilate them without too much problems, as she's done it enough by now, plus her powers and knowledge sort of countered it. The second she told the system to assimilate the new characters, a burst of pain hit her. It was not as bad as the last big assimilation, and was over with rather quickly. The knowledge flowing through her head, was even better than what she possibly could have imagined. 'Reed truly is a genius' Gwen thought, grinning at the knowledge and intellect that was now at her disposal. She could also feel the symbiote fusing with her own, becoming a sort of combination between the Carnage and Toxin, improving her strength drastically.

She was probably the smartest person on the planet as of this moment, perhaps even one of the smartest in the universe. She wasn't Braniac level, but she was sure she was in the top 10 or


Getting to her feet, she began to leave her room. The rest of the team were in the mission room, trying to figure out what happened, and trying to get more info out of the League. Which the League didn't really answer those questions, not properly at least.

Walking into the mission room, she noticed the tenseness of the room. That tense atmosphere was cut off as M'gann ran up to Gwen and pecked her on the lips, causing Gwen to

raise an eyebrow in amusement. Gwen ended up shrugging and pecking her back, before

looking to the team.

"So, what's happening?" Gwen asked.

"We're hunting a gorilla" Dick said with a scowl, causing Gwen to grin.

"Sounds fun! When do we begin?"

The team promptly groaned at what was going to be coming.

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That's the end of the chapter

Next chapter will b probably be roughly the same length, if not shorter, but will have some

more happening, and a bit more besides that. This was basically just an inbetween chapter to

cover her gaining her new characters, and a bit more.

She'll be going on some solo missions soon, as well as some other OC stuff that isn't canon at


Anyways, have a good day, see you tomorrow!

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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