Spirit Soul

Chapter 210 Finally

While everybody outside the dome soon learned about the commotion Kyle had caused, the other Brawl participants, and even more so Kyle, were completely oblivious to what was going on.

Most had only heard loud noises coming from the direction in which Kyle was, followed by strong wind currents that were suctioned towards the same place.

Yet, even after taking several glances in that direction, there was not a single treasure that they could sense.

In fact, the area in which Kyle fought was void of any treasures.

This made it even more obvious that the three Aldra prodigies had been ordered to specifically kill him, and only nobody else.

That made him feel like he should never return their belongings.

However, that shouldn't be much of an issue, either way, as the only treasures they had in their spatial rings were the copies of the techniques they were familiar with, followed by a few cultivation stones, and the bows and high-graded arrows they could have used to kill him.

With one bow in his hand, and a quiver strapped over his back, Kyle was ready to depart once again.

His Soul force was fully replenished too, while the Starbreaker Katana was sheathed in its scabbard.

Jumping from the tree he had been resting on for some time to the ground, Kyle sighed deeply, not sure whether it was great that the young prodigies didn't have many treasures, or if it would pose a problem.

'At least the Elders of the Aldra race's kingdoms shouldn't be adamant in retrieving the bow. After all, it would tarnish their reputation if they were to kill me just for the sake of taking revenge for killing three young Aldra.

They could barely be considered prodigies, and the bows are the only true treasures they owned if I exclude the special arrows!'

Kyle figured out that the bows could be replicated as each of the three unique-looking bows were near identical replicas of each other.

In fact, even the runes inscribed on them were exactly the same.

This made Kyle wonder whether the bows had been produced by a machine or not.

Given the fact that the surrounding kingdoms were comparable to the era of the middle age, it was unlikely for a machine that could produce runed weapons to exist.

'So they simply ordered someone to manufacture similar bows, over and over again?'

Kyle's conclusion was quite simple, and it even seemed to be the truth.

All kinds of places with a large population require people that pursue all kinds of occupations.

Because of that, he was only astonished about the precision of the spots on the arrows at which the runes had been inscribed.

'Now I can see minute differences. But they're almost untraceable for someone without prior knowledge about the differences!'

Kyle was interested in the manufacturing process of all kinds of weapons.

That was also why he had learned forging, to begin with.

His other agenda was to earn a fortune from forging various equipment, primarily weapons.

However, mostly owing to the existences like the Starbreaker Katana and Nitran's scythe, Kyle clearly understood that powerful weapons with great abilities were far more mightier than initially expected.

'Once I'm in the Lahin kingdom, I will start forging once again!'

When he thought about forging, Kyle recalled the time with the Jars, and Selene causing him to smile bitterly as he took the first few steps through the forest.

The strength with which the runic bowstring had to be pulled backward was not high.

Only by activating a specific rune would the required pulling force increase, which was quite interesting as everyone, right from the Initial Vitae stage up to the Krysal stage would be able to make use of the bow.

It was exactly what Kyle required as he didn't have many means to fight an opponent from a long distance.

His control over the crescent wind blades reached only up to fifty meters, and even that was already quite difficult.

As such, making use of a bow, and the arrows he had earned by killing the three Aldra prodigies, it should be possible for him to turn into a lethal force.

This was even more so the case as his wind affinity could further strengthen the arrows he had shot out.

After giving it a deeper thought, Kyle began to wonder why he had never really focused on his archery training since he had awoken the wind affinity.

It would have been extremely intelligent, considering that it was possible for him to increase the velocity of his attacks, and make the impact more destructive.

Even changing the trajectory of the arrows he shot by using some tricks wouldn't be impossible.

Smiling lightly at the thought of learning archery in-depth, Kyle could only be glad that his memories of the training he had received about the most basic things were still as good as new.

Furthermore, there was a short period of time in which he and Selene had learned archery.

A dry chuckle escaped his lips when he noticed that he had been thinking about Selene more and more, the closer he inched to the goal of reuniting with her.

On one hand, it was weird, but on the other hand, his resolve to lay his hands on a mutated Licara flower seed intensified.

His steps became firmer, and with the use of his Nurture ability, he picked out the weakest holder of a mutated Licara flower seed, ignoring the countdowns on them.

Adding the beings that surrounded them as well as their own combat prowess, Kyle quickly found his designated target.

A single Nasga was striving through the forest as his primordial energy leaked from his body.

His body was riddled with countless grave injuries, which made Kyle quickly figure out that the Nasga would succumb to his injuries if he were to be forced to fight one more intense battle.

It was a great chance for him to easily procure a mutated Licara flower seed, even more so because the countdown before the Nasga was allowed to leave was more than two days.

This meant that he had multiple treasures, and he was still unwilling to leave behind one or two items.

Even after his condition had worsened to the extent that the Nasga could barely run through the forest, he never gave up.

Seeing this, Kyle couldn't help but feel respect for the brave warrior.

But upon thinking about the given situation, the Nasga must be holding at least three items, and considering that his countdown was barely at 49 hours indicated that he had been in possession of an item for nearly 24 hours.

If he were to be intelligent, which Kyle presumed the Nasga to be, he would leave behind two treasures, and exit the dome with only one.

That would be the most logical and intelligent solution, allowing the Nasga to possibly take a mutated Licara flower seed with him!

Because of this thought, Kyle's respect for the Nasga increased even further.

However, this didn't mean that he would hold back from taking away the mutated Licara flower seed from him!

'If he wants to take something with him outside the dome, fighting for it is the bare minimum he can do… I will only take the Licara flower seed, either way, so he might as well leave with a different item later!'

Kyle was not thinking too much about the Nasga because he had his own predicaments to consider.

Unable to fight against a group of the strongest prodigies, Kyle felt that he would probably run away, and evade powerful opponents than fight them head-on.

It should also be possible for him to force different groups to fight against each other.

After all, given his wind affinity, the fact that he cultivated with Soul force, and that he used it to enhance himself by circulating it through his body, Kyle shouldn't be any slower than the agility oriented Cultivators that were still present in the Brawl.

Furthermore, his Soul force would replenish much faster than anyone's cultivation energy because he had Arashi in his body, working tirelessly to absorb the surrounding energy and to convert it to Soul force!

With that in mind, Kyle climbed up one of broad trees that was had a huge canopy made of little branches and leaves, giving him the advantage to see everything in a nearly perfect manner.

His position could also be detected quite easily, but that was not that much of a risk, owing to the fact that he was already nocking an arrow on his bowstring before pulling it back.

'I hope the three test shots I made earlier will be enough!' He could only think while smiling lightly as he recalled the three arrows he shot at a specific tree when he had still been testing the equipment of the three Aldra prodigies.

Focusing on the Nasga that was around a hundred meters away, Kyle knew that he had to act quickly.

Trees and overgrown bushes would obstruct his sight soon, and there was no time for him to hesitate.

However, that was not what Kyle aimed for, to begin with.

His breath was calm, and his mind focused only on the Nasga ahead as he activated his wind affinity.

At this moment, the winds around him surrounded the arrow before Kyle activated the rune that increased the pulling force of the bow.

Reaching the limit at which he could barely hold on the bowstring he had pulled back, Kyle's pupils seemed to shrink as he let go of the bowstring.

When the arrow was released, the wind that enveloped the arrow catapulted it ahead while enveloping it tightly, and prevented the surrounding winds from obstructing its path.

Shooting straight towards the Nasga, whose fur began to frizz, Kyle's arrow pierced into the hide of the Nasga's leg without any resistance.

In a matter of seconds, the Peak Vitae stage Nasga slumped to the ground as a puddle of blood formed around him, soaking in the dry soil.

Yet, in the end, the arrow remained stuck in the Nasga, which caused Kyle to lift his right eyebrow as he disappeared from his earlier position.

Seconds later he had already appeared in front of the Nasga who gritted his teeth, and gave him no chance to attract the attention of other beings and seek their help.

He barely noticed a masked guy bending down, taking something out of his pockets before stuffing it inside his own robe.

It was the mutated Licara flower seed which Kyle had taken from the dying Nasga.

Ignoring the pained cries of the Nasga, Kyle tore the arrow out of his leg and used his Nurture ability to barely seal the wound, and prevented the Nasga's death.

"I don't see the need or point in killing you. Just leave the dome, and ask yourself if the Brawl is worth sacrificing your life for!"

Kyle might have said this in a serious tone with cold eyes, but after thinking about it for some time, his words were applicable to himself too.

'Am I being too nice, right now?' He wondered for a moment, only to shake his head.

'The moment I kill one of the strongest Nasga prodigies of the newer generations, I will be targeted by the Nasga race too…'

He would have to face numerous dangerous situations in order to procure the mutated Licara flower seed.

In fact, he had just gotten his hands on one of them, and the next 24 hours were bound to become even more dangerous than it had already been before.

Taking this into consideration, it looked like he was also sacrificing his life for worldly treasures.

However, his goal was completely different from that of the Nasga's.

Kyle didn't want to procure the mutated Licara flower seed for his own sake, but to enter the Lahin kingdom to reunite with Selene.

And to take the others with him inside the Lahin kingdom without causing any problems, he had to procure the mutated Licara flower seed by all means…or so Kyle thought.

If he were to known that Alice Silvermoon had already started preparations for his arrival in the Glory Knight academy, using the political power she, and her family had at their disposal, Kyle might have even considered leaving the dome as of this moment.

Unfortunately, Kyle was oblivious to the things that happened outside the Brawl, and he would have to fight with his life on the line for the following hours, only to figure out that his endeavor had been for naught.

Or…maybe it was not for naught, but something that would play straight into Kyle's hands, providing him with opportunities he would have never dreamed of!

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