Spirit Soul

Chapter 229 Itching For A Beating

Kyle was pretty sure that there was no need for nobles to kick and stomp on the armor-less body of another Lohar.

The nobles had not only double awakened cultivation veins, which was what turned them into nobility, to begin with, but their talent was not bad either.

At least that was what Kyle was able to perceive through the hues he could see.

Additionally, the Lahin kingdom, or the entire Lohar race favored nobles over talented Lohars with only one awoken cultivation vein which made it pointless for them to even consider acting like hoodlums!

After all, the kingdom provided them with wealth, land, cultivation resources and the opportunity to study at the Glory Knight academy even with a bad potential.

Thus, Kyle didn't even think about what he should do as he exerted the Swift Steps movement technique before enveloping his body in wind currents that further accelerated his speed.

Swiftly rushing through the academy's yard, he arrived in a rather secluded area where only a few young men and women were located.

There were a total of six nobles, and only one commoner, while the one who had stopped moving, succumbed to his fate and died at the hands of another noble.

And that was just because he had aced the knowledge exam, earning him praises from the Instructor as nobody had been able to get a full score in the entrance exam's knowledge test for more than half a century!

Even Alice Silvermoon, the most intelligent, and talented student in the Glory Knight academy hadn't been able to achieve this!

Driven by envy that fueled several noble's anger owing to the fact that a random commoner had somehow beaten them all made them want to beat him to a pulp.

And that was despite the fact that their parents had hired the best instructors from all over the Lahin Kingdom to tutor them!

As such, the final result of the knowledge exam clearly indicated that the six nobles were dumb to put it plainly and that the commoner, who had been unable to get any instructors was several times more intelligent than them!

This led to the current situation that Kyle, Yasmine, and Beatrice witnessed.

It was a fact that none of the three considered themselves to be overly kind, let alone that they were saints, who would always put others' interests above their own.

However, even then, they couldn't help but think that the situation that unfolded ahead of them was just too unfair.

Each of the nobles was far more powerful than the Lohar commoner on the ground.

And this had nothing to do with the fact that the nobles had attended combat training since their childhood, or that all of them were in possession of an elemental affinity seed.

Because of that, all of them stepped forward, feeling the need to help him, even if it might cause issues.

Yet, perceiving the flames that enveloped Yasmine's wings, her fierce gaze, and her intention to twist the necks of the young nobles, Kyle quickly intervened before she would do anything as he grasped her arm.

A moment later, without giving her the time to react, Kyle spoke in a loud voice, enhancing it with Soul force in order to allow the bystanders to hear everything clearly!

"What the hell do you think you are doing on the academy's grounds? Six nobles beating up a Commoner, who is unarmed, and at a much lower cultivation base! What a scandal am I witnessing right now?! The authority is exploiting their rights to do evil deeds?! SHOCKING!"

He announced loudly, exaggerating the act he had witnessed. His voice seemed to be overflowing with contempt and ridicule, leading even Beatrice and Yasmine to look at him with squinted eyes.

All of a sudden, they grew confused if Kyle was actually enjoying the current situation or not.

Only when they saw his dead-serious and ice-cold eyes were they convinced that he wanted to attract the attention of other Lohars from the surroundings.

The elemental affinity testing station was not that far away, and both women were pretty sure that someone had heard Kyle's voice.

It was certainly loud enough to have been heard by everyone in the vicinity!

While Beatrice and Yasmine comprehended Kyle's plan, the six nobles had turned around in shock, only to see the small group of beings belonging to three eminent races.

The male Lohar nobles eyed Yasmine and Beatrice for a few seconds as they were mesmerized by their beauty.

On the other hand, the two female Lohars looked at Kyle as both hatred and a glint of excitement shone in their eyes.

They loathed the Aldra race, but Kyle's appearance was certainly attractive, and in multiple senses at that.

However, the six nobles clearly understood the situation at hand as well.

It was even possible for them to figure out what Kyle was planning to do.

Yet, considering that they were in the territory of the Lohar race, everything appeared to be slightly difficult.

If they were to be in the Anadra kingdom, Yasmine would have already beaten the six nobles to a pulp.

And that was the case even if she would not have had any connection to the royalty.

The Lohar nobles knew that as well, and one of the younger male Lohars made use of that fact as he stepped forward, before smiling arrogantly. Flipping his shoulder long hair to his back, he lifted his hand to start talking while using his hands to express himself better, doing all kinds of hand gestures.

"Strangers, what are you doing in our lands? Don't you know that it's rude and dangerous to pry into the business of others? We are just frie-..."

However, that was as far as the young Lohar could speak as Kyle manifested a wind ball in the air, shooting it towards the blabbering idiot.

It was not a strong attack, and by no means something that would injure, let alone kill the young Lohar.

Kyle had simply intended to quiet down the young Lohar, which he achieved with a single move as he said in a cold voice.

"Oh, come on! Can't you just shut up, otherwise, the smell of the shit you spout will spread through the academy ground in no time.

Don't even think about pretending that you guys are just trying to help, or are friends.

What kind of dumbass would believe such bullshit?!"

When Kyle was done lecturing the overconfident students, he just lifted his arms, while shaking his head, making it seem as if he was questioning the young noble's intelligence.

Having heard every single word Kyle had said, Yasmine's anger subsided in an instant.

She looked at him in astonishment, clearly not expecting Kyle to act like this.

On the other hand, Beatrice was questioning herself whether she knew the person, who stood next to her, or if he had been replaced by someone else.

However, what Beatrice and Yasmine didn't know was that he had always held back from saying what had been on his mind.

At least, this had been the case in his past life, when he had been weak and could not afford to say things that were lingering on his mind for the fear of irking those who were stronger than him.

In a way, he had drilled that habit into himself so ask to protect himself from unnecessary trouble.

Yet, in the end, there had been lots of bullying in his past, whether it was him who had been bullied, or later his students.

Cultivators were simply above all mortal existences.

He had always hated it, but without any power, Kyle could never do anything against it.

Fortunately, this was different right now, and with the given circumstances along with his strength, he could even provoke the nobles in front of him.

After all, he was pretty sure that nothing would happen to him.

The youths in front of him were at the Mid and Late Vitae stage, and certainly not as powerful as the strongest prodigies of the Lohar, Nasga, and Aldra race, whom he had fought with and against.

And now he was not even alone, and had Beatrice and Alice by his side, acting as his support system that would spring into action, if needed.

Confidently smiling at the six nobles, he kept looking at them and his smug expression annoyed them severely.

This led the same youth, who had attempted to intimidate and scare him away to growl out as he shouted,

"You piece of shit! Do you even know who we are?! I am the son of the-.."

However, once again, before the youth could finish, Kyle lifted his hand, in the same motion as before.

Instinctively, the young noble quieted down, lifting his guard as he expected another attack to hurtle toward him at any moment.

But this time nothing happened, except the fact that Kyle's smile widened, and he could see ridicule in his eyes,

"Hmm, who do you guys think you are? Probably idiots…if nobility has to rely on their family background and their resources for you to show off and act as if you guys are special.

But most importantly, you guys are weak!"

When he said this, the six nobles had completely forgotten about the anger they had felt towards the Lohar commoner. Instead, it was now directed at Kyle.

The young Commoner was unmoving and simply lying on the ground, barely breathing as the nobles hadn't restricted their strength, kicking and stomping on him with all their might.

This had injured the youth severely, preventing him from even moving, while his breathing became labored and painful.

Kyle could tell this, which was one of the reasons why he had attracted the anger of the six nobles, so as to distract them from landing the finishing blow, whether it would have been intentional or not.

He wanted the six nobles to attack him in the first place. His hands were itching for a fight, and he was ready.

"If we don't kill them, everything else will be fine…" Kyle simply said, completely ignoring the fact that nobles were deemed untouchable inside the Lahin kingdom.

And for this, it didn't matter whether one belonged to a different race, or was an ordinary Lohar!

Thus, Beatrice and Yasmine hesitated for a second, only to see Kyle blasting ahead.

He charged toward the six nobles, clearly understanding what he was doing.

After all, he was pretty sure that the Queen's protection would, at the least, allow him to beat some sense in the stupid minds of the Lohar race's nobility.

With that in mind, he unsheathed the Starbreaker katana, brandishing it once before moving around with a hunter's grace, in order to be ready to attack and kill at any time of the fight.

At this moment, he recalled the words he had spoken out just a second earlier.

'Well I shouldn't kill them either, otherwise, not only Beatrice and Yasmine will lecture me, but I might as well get a scolding from the Queen…' He could only think, and grudgingly enveloped his razor-sharp weapon's blade with Soul force, artificially dulling it.

'Perfect, now I can truly beat some sense into them!'

With such an enjoyable thought, he began to smile lightly once again, when suddenly several elemental attacks were shot at him.


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