Spirit Soul

Chapter 238 Choice Of Lessons

One week passed, and the final exams for the enrollment of all students had finally finished.

Kyle and the others returned to the Glory Knight academy the night before and decided to sleep soundly to recuperate from the exhaustion of the last week.

Until he stepped in his room, Kyle had no idea who his roommates were.

There were three more beds in his room, but only two seemed to have been slept in occasionally, but that was the only clue he got about his roommates.

On the other hand, Kyle figured out that Yasmine, Selene, and Beatrice had swapped their rooms in order to stay together in one room.

This made many things easier for them, and also for him as he could simply barge into their room if he had to speak to either of them.

Waking up early in the morning, he took a quick shower and put on the academy's uniform.

It looked similar to a dark blue, almost black suit.

A special emblem was embedded on the right side of his chest, denoting Kyle's class and the number of years he attended the Glory Knight academy.

Contrary to ordinary schools, where one enrolled for a specific number of years, the Glory Knight academy didn't have this restriction and allowed anyone to enroll for an infinite duration.

That was under the condition that they met the requirements to continue staying at the academy, and earn the necessary number of points a student required every single year.

If a student was unable to meet the requirements one would be punished, or directly expelled.

There were many reasons to avoid these scenarios, using isolated cultivation for several years as an excuse, for example.

But that was not something Kyle and the others were interested in.

They had spoken a lot to each other in the last week and had arrived at the conclusion that they should make use of the academy's resources as long as they could gain something from it.

Many pieces of information could be gained through the channels of the academy, and it was finally time for Kyle, Beatrice and Yasmine to focus on cultivating, and reinforcing their combat prowess!

Meanwhile, Selene's cultivation veins had to be nurtured at a slow pace, preventing anyone from noticing that Kyle's arrival was the reason for her cultivation to accelerate all of a sudden.

This was also the reason for Kyle not to use the Soul energy of more than 2000 Vitae stage beasts he had accumulated earlier on nurturing Selene's cultivation paths!

Arashi's energy absorption and conversion hues had already been fully nurtured, leaving Kyle with the task of nourishing the wind affinity seed, a few paths he had yet to figure out, and the mutation path!

But before Jason would focus on nourishing his Spirit Soul's mutation path, he would rather focus on accumulating more Soul energy.

During the Brawl, Kyle had noticed that the devouring tree's seedling was far more valuable to him than he had initially thought.

Nourishing it might as well allow him to become far stronger, just in terms of aspects other than cultivation.

It might even save his life again just like it had saved him twice earlier during the Brawl.

With that in mind, Kyle had set aside the Soul energy of 1800 Vitae stage beasts, while using the rest in order to nurture Selene's cultivation paths, and bridge the gap between all of them to reach an equal standard.

The morning started early for all students of the Glory Knight academy as the first day of new entrants began.

Thus, once he and the rest of his group met up, they decided to take a look at all subjects that were taught this term.

Numerous stalls were erected all over the academy's grounds, and Kyle couldn't help but feel that it looked like his university's days, when clubs tried to attract the interest of newly enrolled students.

This time, the only difference was that the attraction was the different courses that the academy offered.

Because this was more interesting to Kyle than the clubs from his past life, he spent his time looking at everything with a distinct gaze.

The number of courses that interested him were not many, but as he required quite a few points to successfully pass the term, he made a mental note about the courses that interested him only a little bit as well.

Hours passed in the blink of an eye, and the four of them compared the courses that interested them.

"I picked the courses [Basic Elemental Control], [Intermediate Elemental Control], [Survival(practical)], [Advanced Combat training], and all Blacksmithing courses that I could find.

How about all of you guys?"

Selene and the others shared their courses as well, only to figure out that their common choices were barely one or two.

Each of them had chosen something else to focus on, but that was pretty good in Kyle's opinion.

It made things much easier in various ways, but the three women didn't seem to be pleased about this.

Noticing this, Kyle could only smile.

He didn't say anything as he thought that they would only be moodier if he were to reveal his honest opinion.

As such, he decided to refrain from commenting for now, thinking that he should take a look at the other courses at a later point of the day.

Yet, it was just at this moment that the voice of a young man suddenly resounded behind them.

"Hello…are you possibly Kyle?"

Upon hearing his name, Kyle turned around at once, confused why someone would call for him.

But when he saw the face of the familiar brown-furred Lohar, he simply smiled.

"Yes I'm Kyle. Looks like you were able to pass the remaining exams. Good Job!"

Relieved to have finally found the person he had been looking for, he took a few steps ahead, only to smile brightly.

A moment later, he bowed down in an angle of more than 90 degrees, and the brown-furred Lohar, shouted out,

"Thank you very much!! Without your help, not only would it have been impossible for me to enroll at the academy, but I might have even died!"

Astonished that the young Lohar was suddenly shouting so loud, Kyle raised an eyebrow and quickly glanced around.

The Lohar attracted the attention of the surrounding, which lead Kyle to wave his hand, asking the young man to take a step closer to him.

This was something which the young Lohar did readily with a bright smile on his face.

"Yes, what can I do for you?" He asked, almost as if he had just become Kyle's personal butler.

A frown appeared on Kyle's face after this, only for him to shake his head as he said.

"I just helped you because I felt that it was unfair. Don't think too much about it, and be a good student."

Afterward, he remembered something only to ask,

"By the way, what's your name?"

It was almost as if the brown-furred Lohar had been waiting for this question, which was why he straightened his back in an instant before introducing himself.

"My name is Jaden Loan, I am 16 years old, a commoner, and a man who always repays his debts!!"

Listening to the short introduction, the three women next to Kyle couldn't help but smile brightly.

The young Lohar, called Jaden Loan, was quite cute in the way he was submissive to Kyle.

However, that was not something Kyle liked, and his thoughts were different from that of his partners.

'Loan…really?!' Kyle thought, shaking his head lightly.

With such a family name, one could almost say that he was destined to be indebted to someone.

But Kyle didn't want to be the creditor.

Thus, he wished that Jaden would have a nice life, without the need to be close to someone, who seemed to be a magnet for chaos and trouble.

And that was exactly what he was, a trouble magnet.

With that in mind, he distanced himself from the overly ambiguous Lohar.

Unfortunately, Jaden didn't seem to realize that Kyle was trying to reject anything he would do.

As such, he took another step forward with an unwavering smile and added politely.

"If you ever need help, I will definitely come and save you!!"

His hand clenched in a fist, and Jaden lifted it into the air, as if swearing loyalty to Kyle.

This was certainly not something Kyle wanted, but he simply nodded his head and accepted Jaden's genuine proposal.

'I just won't need any help, so I don't have to ask him. Otherwise, he will grow close to me, and I might accidentally drag him in some trouble!'

Kyle knew that Old Souls were somehow extremely good at attracting trouble.

This was something he had figured out when he had first found the book, Karnias' heritage.

Earlier, he had simply presumed that it was his weird luck that he ran into troubles over and over again.

But that was apparently something every single Old Soul had to face.

And in the past, this seemed to have led to far more bloodbaths as numerous Old Souls encountered one another while searching for natural treasures.

Kyle was quite happy that he had reincarnated much later than the other Old Souls because his condition required him to take much longer to become powerful.

Nurturing his Spirit Soul to a high degree was bound to take its time, and if he were to be forcefully matched against other Old Souls that owed more powerful traits in a face-off, Kyle would just die.

As such, the given situation and era was quite useful for him.

However, that didn't give him the right to drag others into his mess, which was something he felt bad about as the three women by his side would have to face everything with him.

But they, at least, knew about the dangers that lurked around him.

And it was exactly because they knew about all of this that the three women had discussed a lot about their fighting style in their dorm room.

They wanted to find ways to help Kyle, to stay by his side, and not be a burden.

The fact that other women in the academy also wanted to be with him was only obvious.

But to them, it was clear that Kyle was currently not searching for the love of his life.

Instead, he was striving towards power, and helping himself and the three women to become a better team, that was perfectly synced, balanced, and ready to face all issues at hand.

With that in mind, they handed in the list of courses they chose, only for the oblivious Kyle, to do exactly the same.

Afterward, they returned to the dorms, while Kyle threw a single glance in a particular direction, where someone had concealed himself and taking a glance at the courses he chose.

A faint smile appeared on Kyle's face as he could already tell what the noble instructor was thinking about his choice.

'You, are really something, brat. So, you dare to choose my course even though you know that I will be your teacher?! Great, okay…it seems as if someone doesn't take me seriously!

Let's see who wins at the end of the day!!"


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