Spring lovers: We who are inseperable

Chapter 111: Too cruel thing to wish

Chapter 111: Too cruel thing to wish

Time paused

Wang Yu Yan stared at the man in front of her. 

Unlike his usual way, he was looked messed up, as if he was frustrated. 

His hair, his clothes, even his emotions looked messed up. 

She was bewildered to see the happy go lucky Li Wei changed into a man giving monster like aura. 

He was a mess, but his eyes.

His eyes were bloodshot, not even Wang Yu Yan could look into his eyes longer. 

"W-Why are you here?" Wang Yu Yan said in a low voice. 

Before Li Wei or Wang Yu Yan could say anything or even react, Pei Lin stood in between them.

"How is my mother?" he asked hastily. 

Wang Yu Yan widened her eyes in disbelief. She understood everything. 

"Young master Li," said Pei Lin. 

"What happened to her?" Li Wei asked once more. 

"S-She...you see," Pei Lin who was standing in between them, could not find any words to say.

The atmosphere became deadly, too difficult to breathe. 

At that time, he looked no less than a devil. 

A devil capable of killing someone just by his gaze. 

A devil, ruthless, heartless, and unbothered. 

"She is kept in the life-," Wang Yu Yan was going to say, but was cut off by Pei Lin. 

"D-Don't worry, she is just in a life support for some time," Pei Lin answered. 

Li Wei raised an eyebrow. 

The atmosphere reached to its freezing point. 

"She is kept on life support, and you say not to worry," said Li Wei in a low voice. 

The room became silent. 

It was silence before a storm.

"Huh?" Pei Lin was speechless, he could not find any words. 

After a pause, he said, "Young Master Li, l-listen to me-"

Pei Lin broke into a cold sweat. 

That's when all the hell broke loose. 

As if the last chain binding the inner monster of Li Wei was cut. 

"We need to perform surgery on her-," before Pei Lin was could continue, Li Wei gritted his teeth.

And the next moment, he grabbed Pei Lin from his collar by force, and asked in an infuriated voice, "What kind of surgery? What exactly happened to her? Tell me." 

That moment, Pei Lin was looking right into the bloodshot eyes of Li Wei. 

He flinched.

After gathering his courage, he said, "Young...Young Master Li, you should relax. We will give her the best treatment, and we will do our best to make her recover." 

The head doctor was beyond afraid. 

Wang Yu Yan immediately grabbed Li Wei's arms and spoke, "Mr. Li, calm down. Leave him. Please don't do this, in the ward."

On feeling her touch, Li Wei closed his eyes and unclutched Pei Lin's collar. 

"Listen, you!" Li Wei pointed his index finger towards Head Doctor. 

He continued, "By hook or by crook, I want my mother back, like she was. Safe and sound. Did you get it?"

"Y-Yes, Yes. Young Master Li. We will do our best," said Pei Lin, hastily and left. 

Now only Wang Yu Yan and Li Wei were left in the ward. 

Wang Yu Yan looked towards Li Wei and sighed.

She hesitantly raised her arm and pave him a pat on the shoulder. 

"Nothing will happen to your mom. She'll be okay!" 

She spoke in a lowered and gentle manner. 

Li Wei spoke nothing, instead, he punched the wall beside him, and proceeded outside the ward. 

The wall did not have much harm but it wasn't like before either. 

Wang Yu Yan did not say anything anymore. She had nothing to say. 

Wang Yu Yan gazed up at the direction in which he left. 

Somewhere in her heart, a voice spoke up. 

"I never wished to see him in such a condition. She never wished to him in the condition, in which I was before." 

It was too cruel thing to wish. 

A pain rose in her heart. 

"Dr. Su, Dr. Pei wants you in his cabin," said a nurse as she came into the ward. 

Wang Yu Yan nodded and left. 


Head Doctor's cabin

When Wang Yu Yan reached there, the whole head department was gathered there, along with the senior doctors. 

There was a tense atmosphere. No one spoke a word. 

Wang Yu Yan took her seat. 

"About Madam Li's condition, I think we should inform the Li family, that there are many complications in the surgery. The success rate is only 5 %," a senior doctor said. 

"The surgery is is very much impossible to perform," said another doctor. 

The other people in the head department nodded in agreement. 

They were very scared to perform their complicated surgery. 

Moreover, if this was unsuccessful, no one would want to face the Li family's wrath. 

Wang Yu Yan sighed. 

She smirked. 

This really was the same situation as she was in years ago. 

Just because the doctors thought that it was too complicated and they were scared of her family, her mother died. 

She still remembers how she and her father begged the doctors to conduct the surgery. 

How his father was ready to give his all possessions to the one who would perform the surgery. 

How much she cried on seeing her mother's lifeless body on the bed. 

How her father became lifeless like a dead person. 

Had they tried to do the surgery, had they taken the advantage of the only five percent chances, things must have been different. 

What happened if the surgery was not successful?

At least she would not have the regret of 'What if?' 

And if the surgery was successful, things have been entirely different. 

The same situation she was witnessing today. 

And the funny part was, she is a doctor now. 

"I will do the surgery."


Wang Yu Yan's words surprised everyone in the room. 

After a moment of silence, some people smirked in ridicule, so some people shook their heads on seeing her recklessness. 

Wang Yu Yan was not surprised at seeing their response. 

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