Spring lovers: We who are inseperable

Chapter 163: The Woman in red

Chapter 163: The Woman in red

The next morning,

Li Wei woke up with a throbbing headache. He could feel his whole body aching right now. He frustratedly lifted up the duvet from him and sat up.

He rubbed his temples while scanning his surroundings carefully.

This was not his home but the presidential suite of the hotel where his banquet was held last night.

He let out an annoyed sigh. What the hell !?

He turned his head towards the nightstand. Got it. He picked up his phone quickly and dialed his secretary's number.

"C.E.O. Li!" the phone was picked up in a ring.

"Where are you?" Li Wei asked.

"I had some matters to attend to at the company, C.E.O. Li. Now, on the way to the hotel in which you're staying." Mu Shufen e quickly."

"Got it, C.E.O," Mu Shufen said then, hung up.


Li Wei picked up the small mineral water bottle from the nightstand and gulped down the water.

He tried to remember the bits from last night but, everything seemed to be hazy.

Furthermore, he was in a bathrobe. He could not dare think anything ridiculous.

He could only wait for Mu Shufen to explain the situation to him.

He was somewhat relieved when he did not find anything fishy in the room. It was dangerous to think that he slept with any random woman.

Suddenly, his thoughts drifted to the woman who came with Ethan last night, Miss Elaina.

A balloon popped out in his mind. He felt relieved and peaceful just at a single thought of her.

Knock. Knock.

Hearing the knock on his door, he came out of his thoughts and walked towards the door to open it.

"C.E.O. Li" Mu Shufen greeted him immediately.

"Come in."

"C.E.O. Li, these are a new pair of clothes for you. And here are some immunity medicines that the doctor prescribed for you as you were drugged last night. You can take them after breakfast." Mu Shufen placed all the things on a small coffee table in the room while he said this.

"Mhmm," Li Wei nodded. Then he proceeded to ask, "What happened last night?"

He felt slightly nervous asking this.

"C.E.O. Li, that....." Mu Shufen felt awkward answering this.

"What?" Li Wei glared at him coldly.

Mu Shufen felt weird answering him this. What would happen if he told him that he was not with a woman but a man?

"Uhm...Last night I received Mr. Song's message, telling me quickly to come to this room. When I came here, he.....was here with you. He said he had given you the antidote to the aphrodisiac. Then he left." Mu Shufen weirdly answered him.

Li Wei eyed him confusedly. Was his assistant thinking that he was gay?

Li Wei glared at him angrily.

"He was just trying to help me. Don't cook up things in your head!" he warned him.

Mu Shufen nodded at him vigorously and said, "Certainly, C.E.O. Li."

Li Wei thought hard. He didn't remember having to contact Ethan last night, so from where did he get here from?

He started to remember from the beginning. He had ordered Mu Shufen to lock Yang Sying in the other room and then he entered the elevator. Elevator!

Blur memories of him kissing a girl in the elevator popped up.

"Did you not see any woman in my room last night?" he inquired.

Mu Shufen recalled hard. Certainly, he didn't see any woman in the CEO's room last night. But there was someone in the corridor...

"No, I didn't find any woman in your room last night besides Mr. Song. But I can remember a woman in a black casual outfit, wearing a black mask and a black baseball cap coming from the direction of your room. But, I can't configure anything since I caught only a glimpse of that mysterious woman." Mu Shufen answered truthfully.

A light flashed through Li Wei's eyes. He smirked.

"Get me the surveillance video of last night," he ordered.

"Yes, C.E.O. Li, right away," Mu Shufen said respectfully as he left the room. 

After he left, Li Wei slammed his fist on the side table. What happened last night?!

Li Wei groaned in pain, and so rubbed his head, massaging it. He had no idea what happened yesterday night. The memories regarding the last night were a blur, only some bits of him going into the elevator, and then meeting a woman in it was something that he was sure of. 

Except for it, everything was a complete mess. He sat on the bed again, and with his head buried in his palm, he tried to recall the incident yesterday night. 

He was at the bar counter, then Yang Sying came to him and asked him to dance, after this she asked the bartender to give him a drink, and then she went away. The bartender seemed to be the one who was with Yang Sying in this plan. 

Li Wei made a mental note, to dig out that bartender even from the bottoms of hell. 

He went to pick up a call, where he realized that he was drugged, so he asked Mu Shufen to keep watching Yang Sying's movements. 

He then went to the elevator.in the elevator...there was someone with him, and he was sure of it. 

Suddenly he realized something. It was a woman...a woman in red, with a red mask. 

Someone with a red dress and red-...Eliana! The person who came with Ethan...she was also wearing a red dress and a red mask. 

She also was the person who had some resemblance to Wang Yu Yan.could she be the one?

Li Wei was confused, till now he was sure that he had met some women in red, and he was aligning towards the fact that it was Eliana. 

But he was still not sure, that she was the one. 

"Mu Shufen said he saw a woman in black in the corridor, could she be the person?" Li Wei mumbled. 

No, she can't be the one, the one who he saw was a woman in red. Then it can Eliana. 

Also, he was in his bathrobe. Could it be

Li Wei checked the pillow on which he was lying, and yes according to his thoughts, the pillow was wet, which meant he was taken into the shower.

It would be impossible to go to the bathroom to take a shower, by himself, so it must be someone, and that someone was not Ethan because he had surely been with a woman. 

Li Wei looked towards the bathroom and decided to change into clothes first. 

In the bathroom, the opening of the shower knob was heard, and the sound of the water hitting the floor. 

Li Wei stood under the shower as the water touched his body, and went down to the floor. The steams raised upwards and created a foggy atmosphere in the bath. 

Li Wei supported his aching body with a hand on the wall, and another hand ruffling his wet hair. 

Standing there, he tried to recall, and suddenly like a flash, a small scene of yesterday night came into his mind. 

In the fragment, a woman wearing a red dress was with him in the shower here, and they hugged each other. This was enough to make Li Wei believe that he was right. He was with a girl, and with a red dress. 

Closing the shower, he came out of the shower, and while dressing he could remember the whole scene what happened in the elevator. 

How he kissed a woman and that woman helped him to the room here. But the only thing that bothered him was the face that still could not be recalled. 


A knock on the door was heard, "Enter," Li Wei said. 

Mu Shufen entered the room, followed by a person in a doctor's coat. 

"You are ready, C.E.O. I have brought the doctor with me," Mu Shufen said as he instructed the doctor to check Li Wei. 

Li Wei made an irritated face, but soon changed it to his expressionless self, and sat on the bed, where the doctor started to check him up. 

After a few moments, the doctor said, "Young Master Li, you were given a strong dose of aphrodisiac, I am sure you are aware of it. I assume that are not able to recall some memories of last night. It is completely normal, just the side effect of the strong dose. I suggest not to strain your mind, it will slowly retrieve the information. Other than that you are completely fine."

Li Wei nodded, the doctor bowed and went away. 

"Where is the CCTV recording?" Li Wei asked as he brought forward his hand towards Mu Shufen. 

Mu Shufen nodded and then gave him the tablet in with the recording. 

But something was wrong, the recording only showed Li Wei getting in the elevator, and after that everything was blank. 

"Where is the rest of the recording?" Li Wei asked with a raised eyebrow. 

"T-That, C.E.O. Li, was erased somehow." 

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