Spring lovers: We who are inseperable

Chapter 172: MaskedSnippers (2)

Chapter 172: MaskedSnippers (2)

"You ready, Elly?" Ethan said as he knocked on Elaina's bedroom door.

A faint 'coming' could be heard from inside. 

After a few seconds, Elaina opened the door and emerged out.

Ethan took a good look at her, and damn, she looked like a true boss! A black leather coat draped over her shoulder like a cape, white shirt underneath, black trousers beneath, and finally, donned with black, knee-length boots. She looked so sassy and badass. 

"Cool!" Ethan raised a brow. Elaina smirked.

"Well, well, I don't even know why are you so eager to attend this meeting. I mean we, MaskedSnippers, don't need anybody's help to rise," Ethan questioned.

"Haa, You sure are an idiot," Elaina commented sarcastically.

"Explain," he scoffed.

"Have you ever heard of the Violet Devils clan? They are the ones who rule over China! They emerged out nine years ago, and in five years they took over the underworld completely. 

In the next four years, they gained support from almost all the gangs in almost the whole of China. Its leader, a mysterious man, was then called The sole king of the dark world. Nobody knows, who he is, what he is, only his name, Aiden, is able to render havoc in the underworld. And, this meeting will be graced by his heavenly presence." Elaina explained to him, a hint of excitedness in her voice. 

"It's true that I look up to him!" she said in low voice, narrowing her eyes at him.

"That's new," he chuckled.

"Besides, the rulers of the Shadow and WareWolfs will also be there," she added.

Ethan nodded in understanding, "Indeed, this friendship would be a stepping stone for us." 

"Let's go," she said as she put on her sunglasses. 


After a one and a half-hour-long drive, they finally reached the high-end resort villa, JADE VILLA. Situated in a secluded area, in the outskirts of the city, this place was frequented with 

VVIPs. Parking their car in the parking lot, they headed towards the reception. 

"Presidential suite 1590," Ethan said to the receptionist.

"Sure sir, your id's please," the receptionist asked with a polite smile.

"Hmm, Ethan Song and Elaina Song," he said while handing over their ids.

The receptionist confirmed them and then gave them an access card.

After saying a polite 'thank you', they entered the elevator.

Entering the elevator, Elaina slumped against the elevator wall, crossing her arms.

"Dude, you're way too excited!" Ethan teased.

"Of course," she glared at him.

"You looking like crushing on him!" he teased more. In turn, he was given a deadly glare.

Ethan clicked his tongue playfully.


Upon reaching the VVIP floor, they headed towards suite 1590. 

Showing the access card against the censor, the password was asked.

"You should deal with it." Ethan groaned.

He took a step back to let Elaina reach it.

She entered the password, and,'Enter' came written on the small screen.

She rotated the doorknob and opened the door.

Entering the room, they were welcomed by a big burly group of people. 

Currently, there were four people in the suite, sitting in royal positions.

Both, Ethan and Elaina's faade into an extremely cold and mysterious person.

"MaskedSnippers" Ethan greeted with a low voice.

The man in a navy blue suit, mainly in his forties and a young man, seemingly in his early thirties, also greeted them with handshakes.

"Shadow" the man in his forties greeted.

"WareWolfs" the other man of thirties greeted too.

They both were looking devastatingly handsome, seeing them sitting together felt like a heavenly scene for women, but Eliana was too busy to notice all this. 

I mean, she has seen more handsome people as compared to them, right?

"Please take your seat, as for your assistant, she will be standing behind you," one of the men said, as he particularly referred to Ethan to take his seat and Eliana as his assistant. 

Eliana smugged, she was used to this now. People almost mistook her as secretary, bodyguard under Ethan. 

Ethan who was listening to this, felt his blood boiled, his fists turned into a ball, with the veins popping out. 

Eliana tapped on his hand, as she noticed the change in his behavior. With the touch of their skin, Ethan as if she was reset, relaxed. 

Taking a deep breath, he said, "Hello gentlemen," as he slid on the side, making way for Eliana to take the seat. 

"Hello gentlemen, I am one taking charge of what you know as the MaskedSnippers. Looks like there has been confusion, but it's ok," Eliana said as she proceeded to take the seat in front of the two men.

The men were somewhat dumbfounded at what Eliana said, as they end they just nodded, with a weird expression on their faces.

Eliana chuckled inwardly at this, one of their faces show that they were not convinced by Eliana being the leader of the MaskedSnippers, while another one looked at Eliana with utter surprise, his smile was devilish, almost giving her an urge to punch him on the face. 

Ignoring this fact, she spoke, "Looks like the Violet Devil Clan is still not here."

"Hmm, they will be a little late," one of them said. 

The atmosphere in the room was threatening as no one said a thing, Eliana who was sitting as if she realized something, she got up from her seat and said, "Excuse me, Gentlemen," and then walked out of the room. 


Li Wei's car stopped in front of a massive and Hi-Tech looking Villa. Getting out of the car with his sunglasses on and one hand in his pocket, he started to walk towards it, followed by Mu Shufen and a bunch of bodyguards. 

The underworld in China or the Dark association had four main pillars. These were the Eastside shadow, the Werewolves, the Bloodshrouds, and last but not least the Violet Devil Clan. Among these four, the Violet Devil clan contributed to the major parts of the transactions in the Dark Association. 

Li Wei being the one taking the charge of the Violet Devil Clan was only known to Li Qiang and Old Master Li. This was kept a secret from Madam Li because she had been always against violence and was quite sensitive to this matter.

With the help of his grandfather and father, Li Wei made the debut in the Dark Association. Though it was started by Li Qiang nine years ago, the real development of this clan happened when it was passed on to Li Wei, who made it instead of only a source of help, a business. 

Taking up small gangs after gangs, mixing them into the clan, in the next four years, he was able to get the crown of the King to do the Dark association. 

He rarely attended a meeting like this, as there were eyes that were watching him. All these years he maintained his image of the C.E.O. Li, but his part in the Dark Association was not known to everyone. 

To be precise, for people something like Dark Association did not exist. All the clans of the dark association worked extremely undercover. 

But this meeting was a little unique because of the new emergence of MaskedSnippers. Li Wei indeed felt suspicious of them, as there was no trace of it all these years, and suddenly in a single year, it was able to make such a tremendous advancement. This was the only reason he attended this meeting. 

As Li Wei followed by Mu Shufen and the group entered the place, without any interference, they were allowed to go to the VVIP suit. 

All of them get out of the elevator on the 15th floor, where the bodyguards were made to separate from Li Wei and Mu Shufen. 

It was a rule in the dark association, which allowed only the clan master and one of their trusted official inside the meeting room. Everyone else was made to stand outside. 

As Li Wei and Mu Shufen proceeded to walk towards the corridor, they both passed by a figure, a woman to be more precise, who was in black. 

Both of them did not pay special attention to her before Li Wei stopped in his tracks. 

"Yu Yan," he mumbled as he turned around instantly. But to her demise, there was no one there. 

"What happened, Sir?" Mu Shufen asked as he saw Li Wei turned around. 

"It felt as if I saw Yu Yan," Li Wei mumbled in a low voice. 


"Nothing," Li Wei said as his voice turned cold, and they both continued towards the room. 

Standing in front of the room, Li Wei put his finger in the finger sensor. Instantly, the door in front of them opened, giving Li Wei and Mu Shufen the entrance. 

Li Wei entered the room, followed by Mu Shufen where five people were present. He instantly recognized the Clan master of the East Side Shadow and Werewolves. There was also a person standing there, and he felt familiar to him. 

The clan masters stood up and greeted Li Wei, who just nodded. The man that was standing also turned around to greet Li Wei. 

"Its a pleasure-" 

"Ethan," Li Wei mumbled dumbfounded. 

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