Spring lovers: We who are inseperable

Chapter 220: Going for a business trip

Chapter 220: Going for a business trip

"Do you miss me?" asked Li Wei again. 

"Yes-," Elaina stopped for a moment and then after realizing what she had said, she continued, after she cleared her throat, "Yes. As I said, Mia. Cancel the appointment. You can go now."

"Sorry, did you say anything Li Wei? I was talking to Mia," Elaina said, as she sighed in relief.

Li Wei who was the victim of Elaina's childish tricks, could not help but burst into laughter. Soon, Elaina's ears were 'blessed' with Li Wei's laughter.

"W-What is so funny, Mr. Li?" Elaina said, as unknowingly, a pout had formed on her lips, and she wished for nothing more than to hide in a deep pit where no one could find her.

As Li Wei heard Elaina's question, he stopped laughing and then said, "How I am living without you is funny. I thought that I wouldn't be able to live if I parted with you. Seems like god has decided to keep me alive so that I can miss you every second."

Elaina almost rolled her eyes and said, "I am curious, about where do you bring these cliche lines, Mr. Li."

(Me from the background: He bought it from me, isn't that great!)

"I-" as soon as Li Wei replied to Elaina, in the background the doorbell was heard which cut off him in the middle of the conversation. "Just a second," Li Wei said, as the voice of him getting up and opening the door, was heard.

Elaina meanwhile, continued to look into the document, until she heard some voice.

On the other side, Li Wei opened the door and greeted the guest who had come to his door. Apparently, the conversation was audible to Elaina as well.

"Surprise, Surprise!" a female voice was heard. As soon as Elaina heard a woman's voice, unconsciously, her eyes stopped reading the documents, and her senses became alert.

"Are you done with your childishness, Rita?" next Li Wei's voice was heard, he was speaking in English.

"Da ladno, eto deystvitel'no plokhoy sposob poprivetstvovat' blizkogo cheloveka," the female voice, next switched on speaking Russian.

[Translation: Come on, that's a really bad way to greet someone, who is close to you.]

Elaina who clearly understood it had become curious. Many questions, that should not be any of her business, were bothering her now.

'Who is the woman?'

'Is she his friend?'

'Is she his co-worker?'

'Are they very close?'

These questions in Elaina's mind, were put apart when Li Wei started to speak, "Konechno. Kak ty zdes' okazalsya?" in Russian.

[Translation: Sure thing. How come you are here?]

His Russian was perfect and the Chinese accent was still there. Eliana was impressed, and unknowingly, her lips curled into a smile.

"YA prinesla tvoye lyubimoye vino. Davayte nemnogo poveselimsya, prezhde chem vy pogruzites' v svoyu rabotu," the next voice of the woman's.

[Translation: I brought your favorite wine. Let's have some fun before you get immersed in your work.]

"Whatever, come in," Li Wei's voice came after which sounds of the door closing was heard.

At Li Wei's side, after inviting his 'close friend' in, he excused himself and took his phone to talk to Elaina, but the call had been disconnected by Eliana's side. Li Wei frowned at this. Dialing the number again, he tried to call Elaina again, but the call didn't get through.

'She must be working, I will call her later,' Li Wei thought as he dismissed the thought of calling Eliana again.

But at Elaina's side, things were completely opposite. With her phone at her front, Eliana looked in deep thought, and her hands were tapping on the table.

'He said it was an emergency, but there he is drinking wine, and having fun, such a-'

'Why I am so bothered by it? Let him be. I don't care what he does.'

'But he said that he was missing me, and there he has enough time to drink wine and have fun with a friend.'

'Nevermind, if I will ask him something about it, he will tease me. I shouldn't be bothered by it.'

Her thoughts were the above, no less but indeed more than this. After something, Elaina called Mia again. As Mia entered the office, Elaina said, "About the client from Russia, don't cancel the appointment. I will go to meet them. They were in Moscow, right?"

Mia who was dumbfounded by it was bought back to reality when Elaina asked her. "Y-Yes, Moscow."

"Great! Book a ticket for Moscow, with whichever flight you find latest. Also, about the hotel, I will notify you of the name," Eliana said, as Mia found her overly excited about the trip. It was the first time, that Eliana was going on a business trip, at the request of the client. Whenever these types of proposals came, she would reject them, saying that the clients that have a disrespectful attitude are not to be collaborated with. But now...

"Is there something on my face, Mia?" Eliana asked as she noticed that Mia was staring at her continuously.

This bought back Mia out of her thoughts and she bowed hurriedly, leaving the room after that. When she was gone, Eliana opened her laptop.

Within seconds, her fingers started to fly on the keyboard. After half an hour, she finally stopped, as she got her desired result.

"Russian heights," she mumbled.

After that, Eliana called Mia and then said, "Book a room at Russian heights. I want a room on the golden floor."

"Yes, do whatever you want. I need a room only on the golden floor," Eliana said after which she disconnected the call.


"Good Evening Sir, this is the Russian Heights. How can I help you," Li Wei heard, as he dialed the number from the intercom in his hotel room, to the reception.

"Good evening. Can I get a spare key of my room," Mu Shufen said.

"Can I have the name of the person staying and room number Sir?" the receptionist asked.

"It's Aiden Li. Room number 2004, on the golden floor," Mu Shufen answered.

"Thank you, Sir. After you show us the identification card, you get the spare key from the reception," the receptionist answered.

"Sure, thank you," Mu Shufen said as he disconnected the call.

"C.E.O., they asked to collect the spare key after I show the identification card on the reception," Mu Shufen said, as he turned around face Li Wei who was sitting on the sofa.

"Collect it afterward. And keep it with you," Li Wei ordered as he was looking through some documents. It was currently 8 a.m. in Moscow and Li Wei's appointment was at nine.

Soon, Li Wei and Mu Shufen left the room and then proceeded for their appointment.


In China,

Elaina went to the meeting room of the cinq, as usual, the rest of the squad was already present. And Elaina just had to drop the bomb/dynamite/etc, "I am going to Moscow for a business trip."

The whole room: "....."

Elaina: "What?"

"Bro, are you ok? Why do you want to go to Moscow? And for a business trip? Come on you can send any person, for that Moscow client, for which I suppose, you are going," Ethan was the first one to say a thing. Following him, everyone else also kept forward their opinion.

"That client is not a big deal. I also saw the information about him, you can just send any of the directors," Alex said.

Rey and Iris nodded from the background.

"Besides, your hubby-"

"Ouch," Iris was going to say something but stopped in the middle, when Alex who was sitting beside her, kicked her lightly from his leg, gesturing her to change her words.

Rolling her eyes, she said, "I mean, if you go, we will miss you."

"Are you all done? Now listen to me. I want to go to Moscow because I feel like it. I don't think it will be any problem if I go there for three or four days," Elaina said.

"Three to four days? You just have to sign a deal right? Why are you staying there for three or four days then?" Rey said.

Eliana sighed, and said, "N-No particular reason. After the work is done, I was thinking of sightseeing and some enjoyments. Don't expect to just return after work is done, ok?"

"Elaina are you alright? Do you have a fever or something? It's the first time that you want to 'sightsee' a place so much," Iris said as she raised her eyebrow.

"Anyways, this was not a thought, but an announcement. I will be going today," Elaina said.

Everyone sighed, and then said, "Fine, good luck. And take care."

Elaina nodded and then went out of the room.

"Something is wrong," Ethan said.

"Nope, nothing is wrong. I think she is finally in love," Iris said with a grin on her face.

"What does love has to do with this?" Rey asked.

"Check the location of Li Wei," Iris requested.

Ethan looked confused but he soon followed what Iris said, after typing for five minutes, on his laptop, he had a surprised look on her face.

"He is in Moscow," Ethan announced.

Iris said, with a smug smile, "Li Wei is in Moscow, Elaina is going to Moscow, just to sign a deal that is not so important, what do you think?"

"You mean, she is going there for Li Wei?" Rey asked as he realized what Iris wanted to say.

"Possible," Iris said as she took in a deep breath and then said, as if whining, "I also want to be in love. I have been single for long."

The rest three sighed and Ethan said, "You are single for a reason, grandma."

"What do you mean brat?" Iris said with a cold expression.

"It's because you are 'old' now," Ethan said.

Iris rolled her eyes at this, but soon her lips curved into a smile, and then she said, "You are also single for a reason, brat."

"What?" Ethan asked, with disbelief on his face.

"It's because you are a kid," Iris said with a smile.


"There they go again," Alex said in the background, and Rey nodded.

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