Spring lovers: We who are inseperable

Chapter 232: An unexpected arrival, an unexpected assumption!

Chapter 232: An unexpected arrival, an unexpected assumption!

The next day, 

The next morning followed the usual schedule of the couple, which included getting up, washing up, dressing for work, having breakfast, and then departing for work, but what different was something called, 'love' was in the air, even the servants and Old Ye could feel the change in the atmosphere between Elaina and Li Wei. 

After having breakfast, both of them departed for their respective work, but instead of the usual, 'I am going to work,' was replaced by a sweet peck between Elaina and Li Wei.

After bidding farewell, to the master and the mistress, Old Ye became busy in her old chores and the other household chores, when the bell door rang. 

'Did either of them forget to take something?' Old Ye thought as she had expected that either Elaina or Li Wei would have forgotten to take something, and so she went to the door, and then opened the door, but she found someone unexpected on the door. 

'Good morning, Old Ye," Madam Li said as she greeted Old Ye with a smile. Seeing Liu Roulan, Old Ye was dumbfounded and stood like an iceberg for a good amount of time. 

Seeing Old Ye's unusual behavior, Madam Li raised her eyebrow and then said, "Is something wrong, Old Ye? You seem like you have seen a ghost."

Madam Li's words brought Old Ye back the reality, and then flustered she said, "G-Good Morning, Madam Li. I apologize for my behavior just now. Please come in," as she invited Madam Li in.

It was not unusual for Madam Li to visit Li Wei's Mansion, she would come here to check on him now and then, but what surprised Old Ye was Madam Li's timing. Usually, Madam Li would visit the Mansion when Li Wei was present in the house.

Her, coming at this time, and when Li Wei had just left, told Old Ye that something was not right. 

After settling down, in the hall, Madam Li was presented the tea by Old Ye, taking it, Madam Li said, "Sit down, Old Ye. I am here to have a little talk and nothing else. So, sit with me, and drink some

tea," after which she asked another servant to bring another cup of tea for Old Ye. 

Taking the tea from the servant, Old Ye, very cautiously, sat on the sofa adjacent to Madam Li. For some time, only the sound of two ladies sipping tea was heard, and the silence that had developed,

made Old Ye uneasy and suspect that Madam Li was up to something. 

Finally, after ten minutes or so, Madam Li put her cup down, and then clearing her throat, she started, "So, Old Ye. What is Li Wei up to nowadays?"

Hearing Madam Li's word, made Old Ye realize that what she was thinking was true, Madam Li was suspicious of her son's life. Keeping her cup down, Old Ye said, "He follows his usual routine, Madam."

"And, what is his usual routine, Old Ye?" Madam Li asked as she cross-questioned Old Ye. 

"He comes home from work and then eats dinner, does some work, and then sleep. In the morning, he wakes up, gets ready for work, has breakfast, and then leaves for work," Old Ye said, as she 

narrated Li Wei's routine, that was before this mansion got its Young Madam. 

Madam Li kept quiet for some time and then said, "Are you sure, Old Ye, that what you said is the usual routine of Li Wei?" suspiciously, and as her eyes exerted pressure on Old Ye, but Old Ye maintained her calm, and pretending that she didn't understand what Madam Li said, she said, "Yes Ma'am. I am sure, that this is what Young Master does every day."

After listening to Old Ye's closing statement, Madam Li looked at her, with all her focus, making Old Ye, her center of attention, and then nodded. 

Madam Li said as she got up, "Ok, then..." and this was enough for Old Ye to think that she had convinced Liu Roulan that nothing was wrong, and assumed that she was going to leave when the 

next words from Madam Li, made Old Ye internally wishing for Li Wei to come back. 

"I will check it myself," Madam Li, as she finished her sentence, and then turned around towards the staircase. Old Ye got up, hearing Madam Li's words, and then exclaimed, "M-Madam, where

are you going? Is something wrong?"

Madam Li looked at her but didn't answer, rather she started to walk towards the staircase, and from Old Ye could decipher, her destination was Li Wei's room.

Old Ye broke into a cold sweat, if Madam Li reached Li Wei's room, she would know that Li Wei was not the only person living in that room, and Elaina was there as well, and the aftermath, gave Old Ye a chill down her spine.

First thing, she did, was taking out her phone, and then quickly sending an 'SOS' to Li Wei, then she ran towards Madam Li, and getting past her, Old Ye, stood in front of her, and then said, with an anxious voice, but a calm face, "W-What are you doing, Madam? Is there something you want from Young Master's room, tell me, I will get it."

Madam Li took a deep breath and then said, "Don't bother Old Ye. What I want, I shall look for it myself," as she lightly pushed Old Ye out of her way, and walked upstairs.

Old Ye, who was, mercilessly, shoved out of the way, didn't give up, and she again ran upstairs to Madam Li and then started to convince her, to not go to the room, or distract her so that Madam Li would not go to Li Wei's room, she tried her best to hold Madam Li until Li Wei was not here, but no matter how hard she tried, it was as if Madam Li was all determined to reach Li Wei's room, at any costs. 

And as we know, when a person, especially, mothers, when they have decided to do something, they won't give up, until they have accomplished their goal, Madam Li reached Li Wei's room, but

in the room, she didn't find anything at first glance, because the room had already been cleaned by the servants.

Madam Li stopped as she opened the room, Old Ye who was behind her, breathed in relief, when she saw that, everything was clear. Half panting, Old Ye said, "What does Madam want? Tell me, I shall find it for you."

Madam Li looked at the room, as her eyes scanned it fully, but there was nothing suspicious. Madam Li raised her eyebrow, she was sure that something was wrong. From some days, Li Wei was behaving weird, he hadn't called her in two weeks.

It was usual for Li Wei to talk to his mother at least once in two days, but from two weeks or so, there was not even a single call from him, also Li Wei would never forget to notify Liu Roulan about his business trips. 

But this time, she got to know that he was on a business trip, when she went to his office, the day before yesterday, also, she heard some employees in his office talk about how he was behaving differently from some days, he was smiling more, and his mood was conservatively better than the past months, and from that moment, Madam Li's mother instincts flared up, and it didn't take her long, to realize that something was unusual. 

So, today, Madam Li wanted to confirm if something was wrong, and she would have been convinced by Old Ye's words if she hadn't noticed the change in the atmosphere of the mansion.

This mansion had been since that incident happened, become gloomy, dark, and cold, but today there was a change, the mansion seemed warm, and felt like a home, where someone lived, instead of a space bounded by four walls. 

Furthermore, Old Ye's behavior added to the suspicion, thus, Madam Li decided to check what has triggered such changes, and her assumption was that in Li Wei's life, someone had made the

entry, making him happy. Madam Li would be happy otherwise, but she was not sure, that whether this person was a 'he' or 'she'.

I know, I know, it is weird for Madam Li to suspect her own son, but she had heard that for a year, Li Wei didn't let any girl near him, so, Madam Li was afraid that his son had some secrets that were hidden from her, in simple words, she suspected that this person was a 'he' and Li Wei had taken a liking to men. 

This very thought made Madam Li cringe, although she would support her son, if her assumption was true, Madam Li didn't want to hear it from someone else. 

Coming to the present, Madam Li scanned the room thoroughly, and Old Ye thought it was alright now, until, Madam Li's gaze fell upon the wardrobe. Madam Li gulped, the truth behind her assumption was just a door away, thinking this, she proceeded towards the wardrobe. 

Old Ye, who couldn't understand what Madam Li wanted to do, understood her intentions only when Madam Li was in front of the wardrobe. Old Ye knew, that now, she won't be able to do anything, she just prayed that everything after this would go smoothly. 


Li Wei was on his way to Li Corporations when he got Old Ye's message, 'Young Master, come back quickly. Madam Li is here, and she is suspecting that something is wrong', it said. 

As soon as Li Wei read the contents of the message, he cursed, "Sh*t!"

It was loud enough for Mu Shufen, who was driving, to hear it. Startled, he said, "Is something wrong, Sir?'

"Mu Shufen, stop the car," Li Wei said. 


"STOP THE DAMNED CAR!" Li Wei almost shouted, which made Mu Shufen almost jump from his seat, and he forcefully pulled the breaks of the car, he sat on the seat dumbfounded. 

As soon as the car stopped, Li Wei got out of the car, and before Mu Shufen knew, Li Wei had thrown him out of the car. He only came to his senses, when with a speed as fast as lighting, Li Wei drove the car past him, in the direction from where they had come. 

When he came to his senses, Mu Shufen looked here and there, he said, "W-What happened? C.E.O., wait! Don't leave me!" or shouted, but it was too late, the car was already out of the sight. 

In the car, Li Wei broke into a cold sweat. He knew that the truth about Elaina and his marriage would not be concealed forever, but he didn't imagine that the truth would come in front of everyone so quickly.

Furthermore, Madam Li was herself interrogating all this, Li Wei knew that if Liu Roulan found out about Elaina, they would have no choice but to tell everyone the truth, he wanted to wait some time more because he wanted to make sure that Elaina could tell him about her matters first before anyone else, but now, the situation was out of hand. 

With speed almost full, Li Wei, 'flew' the car to the Mansion. Entering the mansion, he looked like a psychopath, but he didn't care about that. 

"Where is mother?!" he asked to one of the servants, the servant who was dumbfounded by this sudden arrival of Li Wei, pointed out towards his room, as the answer to his question. Li Wei 

followed the direction, and he almost got a heart attack, when he knew that Madam Li was in his room. 

Running towards the room, as if his life was dependant on it, he prayed in his heart that maybe he would at the time.

But, alas, it looked like the god had some other plans for both Elaina and Li Wei, because, when Li Wei reached his room, Madam Li had already opened the wardrobe, and had discovered the hidden truth herself. 

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