Spring lovers: We who are inseperable

Chapter 32: Keep distance from him (1)

Chapter 32: Keep distance from him (1)

Wen Mei woke up with a heavy headache, groaning in pain she sat up in her bed. Just then the door opened and Wang Yu Yan came in. "Are you awake my madam? Or do you need to sleep more?" she said faking it in a formal way, making it sarcastic, crossing her arms she stood beside the bed. Wen Mei said in a hoarse voice "What time it is?".

" Oh the time you ask? Don't worry its not too late, just one in the morningor sorry evening." Wang Yu Yan said in a tone making it seem that she was unbothered by all this. Wen Mei's eyes that were half opened, widen at the response.

"Whaaaaaaaaaat?!" saying she flinched. "I-I slept for so long?" she stared Wang Yu Yan at disbelief, so she picked up her phone and checked it, it was indeed one in the evening. " Did the time changed?" Wang Yu Yan teased.

"No-" said Wen Mei as she frowned, but her eyes widen as if she realized something, she raised her voice "Yan Yan are you done teasing me?" she wanted to pounce at Wang Yu Yan but was held back by her headache. Holding her forehead with her hands she groaned in pain.

Wang Yu Yan was not shocked, as she expected this. Sighing she said " Go freshen up, I will prepare something for your hangover." as she exited her room. Wen Mei dragged her tired body to the bathroom for a shower.

Wang Yu Yan prepared hangover soup and kept it on the table when Wen Mei entered the room dragging her tired body and took a seat. When the fragrance from the soup completely assaulted her nostrils, she picked up the spoon and started eating. While she was eating Wang Yu Yan said " Oh yes, We have to go to the Wen Mansion today." hearing which Wen Mei chocked on her food, then hurriedly gulping down the nearby glass of water and gasping for air, she whined " Again, Urgh.. I don't want to, Yan Yan I am tired"

"Ok then, I will tell Uncle and Aunt that you just woke because you got drunk last night in the banquet, and I brought you back here." said Wang Yu Yan grinning. And then again Wen Mei chocked again on her food. She said " O-Ok Ok I will be coming with you. Just don't tell them that I was drunk. Please"

Wang Yu Yan grinned at the fact that how easily can she manipulate her stupid friend. " Common sense is not so common nowadays" she muttered. " What?" asked Wen Mei eyeing her.

" No nothing, then get ready, we will be leaving in an hour." said Wang Yu Yan as she opened her phone as she checked the news. As she scrolled down a familiar name popped. She raised her eyebrow as she read the headline which said :

' ONE MORE DOWN: Young Master Li broke up with his one day old rumoured girlfriend, seen with another one last night.'

Reading the content Wang Yu Yan couldn't help but frown. Her dislike towards Li Wei had now reached at peak, he seemed dangerous from the start. Thus, she made a mind note to keep a distance from this man if they ever meet in the future.


" Brat you are in the headlines again, because of a girl. And it's the fourth time in the week." yelled Grandpa Li as he slammed the tablet on the table, in front of the seat in which Li Wei was sitting with his crossed legs. Seeing his calm and unbothered attitude Grandpa Li couldn't help sigh loudly. After calming his nerves down, he said " What should I do with you? Ahh forget it." while he placed a contract file in front of Li Wei gently after taking it out from the shelf.

Li Wei raised his eyebrow as he opened the file. On seeing this Grandpa Li started explaining " You must've heard about the collaboration about the Wens and the Li's from your father. This is the contract for that project. You should handle this because your father is busy."

Seeing Grandpa Li stopped talking Li Wei said closing the file "And?" Waiting for Elder Li to finished his unfinished sentence .

Elder Li was not surprised with this question, so he said "I want you to discuss it with Wen Peng today, So go meet him at the Wen Household." Elder Li knew that regardless of Li Wei's notorious nature, he was very serious when it came to business. And he had no doubt that whether Li Wei would go or not. True to his expectations Li Wei responded in a 'Hmm' and went away.


"W-wait , Are you saying that Cao Guang escorted me out of the hotel?" said Wen Mei in disbelief as Wang Yu Yan drove the car into the Wen estate. "Wen Mei this is the last time I am answering your stupid question. Yes Cao Guang escorted you to the exit of the hotel." said Wang Yu Yan who was sick of hearing this question form the moment she was driving the car. Making the car park they both shut the car doors, while Wen Mei was feeling giddy all over.

Entering the house they were greeted by the butler at the way, showing the polite smile both went to the hall where Wen Peng and Madam Wen were drinking tea. As they saw Wang Yu Yan and Wen Mei, Madam Wen gleefully said " Ah you are here." as she approached Wang Yu Yan pulling her into a warm hug. "Sorry Aunt Wen We are late" said Wang Yu Yan while she smiled. "Ah its ok" said Madam Wen as she broke the hug and approached Wen Mei for a hug, or what Wen Mei thought.

But instead of receiving a hug Wen Mei was welcomed by a smack on the back. Rubbing the area she whined "Mom? Why did you hit me?"

Madam Wen said " This is your punishment for getting drunk at the banquet and having Yan Yan escort you back home."

" How-" Wen Mei didn't continue her words, but she glared at Wang Yu Yan who was standing beside her. To this Wang Yu Yan shrugged her shoulders with a innocent expression. Madam Wen understood Wen Mei's action and said " Why are you glaring at her?" But before Wen Mei could say anything Wen Peng interrupted " Are you going to make them stand?" then turning towards the girls he said " Wen Mei, Yu Yan come her sit. Honey you can interrogate Wen Mei later" .

Wang Yu Yan chuckled while Wen Mei relaxed and then without wasting time she ran towards Wen Peng to give him a hug. Wang Yu Yan greeted Wen Peng and after all of them settled. While they were chatting, Wen Mei said " Lets have a barbeque. Please Mom and Dad can we have a barbeque for tonight?"

Wen Peng thought that it was a good idea so he said " Sure Xiao Mei, this is a nice idea, what do you say Yan Yan?" as all gazes turned towards Wang Yu Yan. Wen Mei looked at her with pleading eyes, also Wang Yu Yan had no problem with it so she said " Yea Sure. I have no problem"

Hearing this Wen Mei said " Yes, so we will be having a family BBQ". Madam Wen then said " So I will prepare the item then."

" Aunt Wen let me help you too." said Wang Yu Yan. " What a nice girl! Wen Mei you also come." said Madam Wen as she eyed Wen Mei. Having no choice Wen Mei also followed them."

Shortly after which they left a servant came " Master, Young Master Li is here to meet you." Wen Peng was surprised to hear this. But maintaining a calm expression he ordered the servant to escort Li Wei here. After Five minutes, Li Wei entered the hall. Dressed casually in the a white T- shirt and jeans with a coat which perfectly hugged his biceps and his muscular body, Li Wei was looking handsome as always.

Wen Peng stood up from his place and said " Li Wei, Good evening". "Good evening, Uncle Wen." said Li Wei while receiving a gesture from Wen Peng to sit, he sat opposite to him with his legs crossed. " Can I know the reason of the sudden visit, Li Wei?" asked Wen Peng with a faint smile.

"I am here in place of my father to discuss about the collaboration between us ,uncle Wen" said Li Wei as he handed the file to Wen Peng.

Wen Peng received the file reading it he frowned, but composing himself he said " Lets discuss it my study." as he got up from his seat. Li Wei also got up from his seat and followed Wen Peng to his study.

Wang Yu Yan who was completely unaware of Li Wei's presence, was busy in the garden to prepare for the BBQ. When everything was prepared she asked Wen Mei to call Wen Peng, but seeing that she was lost in her mobile, Wang Yu Yan decided to go in her place. She entered the hall saying " Uncle the Barbeque is-" but she was greeted by a unexpected sight. Squinting her eyes she said " You?!".

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