Spring lovers: We who are inseperable

Chapter 36: It is my day-off

Chapter 36: It is my day-off

Beep Beep Beep

The sound from the phone kept on the side table of the bed interrupted certain someone's beauty sleep and the pin-drop silence in the room. The certain someone was dozing off on the bed lying on her stomach. Her hair was messy and some were stuck on the chin due the saliva from the pated lips, the pillow was also drenched wet due the saliva.

After Ten minutes of continuous ringing of the alarm the certain someone finally showed some movements. Her eyebrows knitted and lips twitched in distress caused by the alarm. Slowly one hand emerged from the blanket and made its way to the side table. After much difficulty when the hand found something called 'phone', the fingers gripped and clumsily pressed the side button of phone causing it to shut up. The room again felt into silence.

But this silence was again interrupted by the alarm after five minutes, and this time it was successful in ruining someone's sleep. Groaning the person opened her half closed and half opened eyes and again her hand made its way to the side table and bringing the phone close to herself the fingers did there deed of finally closing the alarm for today. Glancing at the time, that was nine thirty in the morning, the certain someone sat up on the bed and the feet slowly made their way to the slippers.

Then she dragged her sleepy body out of the bed and yawned and stretched her hands. Now that her sleep was ruined, she will not be able to drift back to her dreamland for now. The 'certain someone' being our one and only Wen Mei, made her way to the door of the room. Stepping out of the room, she was again yawned and rubbed her eyes that still had some left sleep in them indicating the her sleep was ruined like everyday again.

Making way to the kitchen counter, she took a seat and as tried to say something. After clearing her throat she mumbled in her hoarse and raspy voice "Water". Like a miracle in a moment a glass full of water popped in front of her. Satisfied with the result, she gladly accepted the glass and without even sparing a glance to her surroundings she gulped the water in one go. Gasping for some air that her tired lungs required she heard a sweet voice , "Good morning".

With her head hung down by the neck ready to be slammed in the table, she replied in her now clear voice " Good Morning." Putting her hand at the back of her stiff neck she patted it lightly and looked up only to find a person standing there, full prepared to give her small heart a heart attack. Scared to her wits, she flinched and the result was that the seat lost balance.

THUD! Wen Mei landed on her butt on the floor. Her eyes that were now fully awaken by the pain became misty due to the tears looking up she whined " Are you mad Yan Yan? Ouch!!! It hurts". Her face was showing clearly that she was not at all happy with the innocent surprise of her friend.

Wang Yu Yan who was happy hearing the greeting when heard the THUD, her first reaction was rolling on the floor laughing. Not able to control her laughter anymore, she busted out and her eyes became teary. Laughing her heart out her eyes fell upon the figured which was glaring her with a wronged expression. Realizing that the situation was not right she stopped laughing and clearing her throat, she approached Wen Mei.

Squatting in front of her she offered her a hand and with concerned gaze she said " I am sorry, I didn't mean to surprise you. Are you okay?".

Wen Mei pouted and took her hand that Wang Yu Yan offered and tired getting up but failed due to the pain in her butt. She 'tsk'ed and landed again on floor. Seeing this Wang Yu Yan with her both hands put Wen Mei back to her feet and led her to the sofa.

After settling Wen Mei said " Why are you here? I thought you have a shift ?"

"Oh that because I am taking the medical exam, my co-workers offered me day-off for preparation of the exam. They insisted me too focus on my exam. So, I am here." answered Wang Yu Yan.

"But you don't need a day off actually, because without even studying you can score full in the exam." said Wen Mei acting like a proud mother boasting of her child's IQ in a kitty party.

Hearing this Wang Yu Yan chuckled and diverting the topic she said " Oh yes I have to go to the library, to return some books later."

Wen Mei's eyes lit up and she said " Wait, I will also come. Today is your day-off so lets eat lunch outside. Please can we ?"

" I have no problem. So we can go" said Wang Yu Yan earning a hug from Wen Mei.


After taking there breakfast, both Wen Mei and Wang Yu Yan got ready and they drove to the library. Reaching the library Wang Yu Yan said " Wen Mei you can wait here in the car, I will be right back." saying this Wang Yu Yan went inside the library, leaving Wen Mei in the car. Staying in the car, Wen Mei's eyes fell upon someone.

In the alley between the two buildings a girl maybe seventeen years old was standing surrounded by some boys of the same age. Looking at their uniform which was of same type, Wen Mei understood that they were high schoolers. First Wen Mei didn't found anything wrong, but then a boy from the group started walking towards the girl making her shiver.

Wen Mei without thinking or giving it a second thought rushed towards the girl. She shoved the boy and stood in front of the girl guarding her. Glaring at the group of boys she said " What the hell are you all doing with her?"

The group of guys seeing Wen Mei glanced at each and laughed, one of them said " That's none of your f***ing business."

Another one said " Judging from your clothes, you seem to be a delicate missy of a rich family." earning a smirk from the others. " That's none of your concern whether I am from a rich family or not, so scram." said Wen Mei while glaring at them.

" Oh or else?" said one of them. " I will call the police" answered Wen Mei.

" Huh? Police. I see. Come on call the police. Lets see how will you do it ?" said the boy. Wen Mei glared at him and took out her phone but before she could anything one of them slapped her hand, making the phone fall. " You-" before Wen Mei could react one of them held her collar and said " Woman, you think you can do whatever you want?" said the person who held her collar.

" Leave me you piece of trash!" said Wen Mei trying to get free of the hold. The person smirked and pushed Wen Mei backward. He took a step closer to Wen Mei and Wen Mei took a step back. This continued until Wen Mei reached the wall. The boy moved his hand towards Wen Mei.

Wen Mei flinched and closed her eyes waiting for the touch, which never came. After a moment Wen Mei opened her first eye slowly and then the other. After that what she saw was unbelievable.

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