Spring lovers: We who are inseperable

Chapter 40: M-Mother?

Chapter 40: M-Mother?

"Um.. Just two minutes more Yan Yan." groaned Wen Mei, irritated by the constant bugging of a person.

Still lazing on the bed, she had no plans to get up before noon, as today was Sunday. Tilting and tossing around the bed, she was getting very annoyed, of someone depriving her of her sleep. Her mouth twitched and she felt some light on her which caused her eyebrows to be knitted, her hand roamed on the bed and as she got hold of her duvet, she pulled it up on her face. Yawning, she again felt into her dreamland.

But the sleep was again interrupted when the duvet was pulled off her, probably by the hands of the person. Now that the sunrays found their path cleared, they directly fell onto Wen Mei's face, slowing heating them. Feeling the rising of temperature, she took a pillow which was kept under her, and covered her face with it, blocking the path of the rays and the constant nagging of the person.

"Wen Mei, get up! For how long will you sleep?" a voice came, sharp enough to pierce the blockage of Wen Mei's ear.

Wen Mei groaned again and said " Yan Yan why are you behaving like my mother?" in half sleeping mind, her voice hoarse.

" Shut it. I am your mother, now get up?" scoffed the voice. Wen Mei who was half asleep, seems to have done with the joke, or so she thought.

She grabbed the pillow and threw it blindly without setting her target, The pillow thrown by Wen Mei, landed on the person's face. Shocked by the treatment the person stomped the foot Suddenly the yelling stopped, and satisfied with the result, Wen Mei again fell into her peaceful sleep.


The water made a sound as soon as it came contact with Wen Mei's face. Wen Mei jerked up when water was poured over her. She became wide awake, sat up on the bed wiping the water off her and again without seeing her surroundings she yelled " What the hell? Are you mad Yan Yan?" her voice full of irritation and with a wronged expression, she rubbed her eyes and raised her head to face the person.

But it was then that all the hell break loose. Her face became pale and her mouth agape, she stared at the silhouette in front of her. She wanted to smack herself for doing the same mistake twice, after coming to her senses she tried to speak with only a word coming out " M-Mother?"

[ Sometime earlier ]

Wang Yu Yan opened the door and without a second of gape she was pulled into a hug. At first she was panicked with the sudden attack but after inhaling the scent and the warmth coming from the hug, her sense relaxed. She said "Aunt Wen"

Breaking the hug Madam Wen facing Wang Yu Yan said while cupping her cheeks " Yan Yan, oh dear, how have been lately?"

" I am doing good, Aunt Wen." said Wang Yu Yan with a smile.

" Is that so?" said Madam Wen while carefully examining Wang Yu Yan from head to toe.

After a while a frown formed on her face and she said " Oh My, you seem to have lost weight. Isn't it so honey?" while she turned back, her eyes finding someone, probably Wen Peng.

"Honey?" said Madam Wen while raising her voice, flustered while she looked for the person. And then there came Wen Peng, while yawning. He had dark circles under his eyes probably telling his lack of sleep. His hair was messed up and he was looking half asleep.

"HONEY!?" said Madam Wen while she threw a sharp glare towards the sleepy Wen Peng.

Feeling a gaze on him, the sleepy Wen Peng became wide awake. Opening his eyes to full extent he said in a stern voice " Ah Yes, yes." Hearing the answer she wanted to, Madam Wen removed the glare from her husband and her expression changed to that of a concerned mother.

Wen Peng could relax when the glare was moved from him, but he was also surprised by the sudden change of expression of his wife. He wanted to voice it out, but was stopped when he remembered morning's incident. Today early in the morning his wife interrupted his sleep and asked him to accompany her here. He was so sleepy that he rejected, but after he got to see her wife transformed into a devil. He had to give up his sleep and come here. Though he was in desperate need of a nap as he wanted to laze out, he decided to follow his wife, to prevent him from sleeping on the couch.

Seeing him passed out, Wang Yu Yan had long detected his problem and pitted Wen Peng, but she was powerless against Empress Wen. She said " Uncle, Aunt come inside. Don't stand outside" with a smile.

"Ah Sure" said Madam Wen while she entered the house followed by the sleepy Wen Peng which

was now gone replaced by hunger. He could only sigh and went towards the sofa to take his seat.

"Where is Xiao Mei?" asked Madam Wen, while she took a seat beside her husband.

"Ah she is still sleeping." said Wang Yu Yan while she walked towards the kitchen. "What? She is still sleeping?" said Madam Wen totally displeased. "Ah Yes. I will wake her up." suggested Wang Yu Yan.

"No, I will go wake her up. I don't know how much she sleeps?" said Madam Wen while she got up from her seat. As she took a step forward, her hand was pulled. She lowered her gaze and eyed Wen Peng who was currently holding her hand.

Feeling the glare, Wen Peng hesitated but gathering courage he said " I-It's Ok. Lit her sleep-" but stopped when he felt that Madam Wen was giving him a death glare. He could not say anymore and let go off his wife's hand and said " Uh, you are right ! Why is she still sleeping? You should go wake her up honey."

"Hmm.. That's good. Its your fault that you spoiled her too much." said Madam Wen while she was deep in her thoughts. Wen Peng was speechless at the attack. Her wife was way too moody, he wanted to say something but decided against it as he didn't want to suffer her wife's wrath, twice in the morning. And so he picked up the newspaper in front of him, and started reading it, while silently praying the his wife would ignore him. And to his fortune, Madam Wen did not say anything further and went towards Wen Mei's room.

In midst of all this, Wang Yu Yan hold her laughter and silently prayed for Wen Mei's well being.

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