Spring lovers: We who are inseperable

Chapter 45: Lets start our friendship from this trip

Chapter 45: Lets start our friendship from this trip

" What the hell is he doing here?" asked Wang Yu Yan with a frown on her face, clearly depicting that she was not happy with this uninvited Guest, from Wen Mei who was as surprised as her.

Wang Yu Yan was completely unaware that the person in front of her, was noticing her every expression. And so this displeasure of her was not gone unnoticed through the eyes of Li Wei. He had somewhat expected this kind of result, but then also he couldn't help but grin at her. Clearing his throat he said to Cao Guang while his eyes still rested on Wang Yu Yan, " What took you all so long?"

Cao Guang on hearing his question answered " Ah, We were just coming". Li Wei nodded and then the atmosphere was unexpectedly awkward.

But Wen Mei was brave enough to break the silence and with her eyes widen he said " Li Wei, but Cao Guang told us that you were busy today. So how come you are here?" and then turning towards to Cao Guang.

Li Wei on hearing this, raised an eyebrow at Cao Guang and smirked, " Is that so?".

Cao Guang raised both his hand in surrender and answered while he was flustered " I-It's just that, I thought you will be busy, as you always are." followed by a awkward laugh, clearly showing that he was nervous.

After a pause, he said to Wen Mei and Wang Yu Yan, " I am sorry for not informing you two about him. It happened so fast, that I didn't have the time to call you. I am sorry." nervously.

Wen Mei, who was swayed by the nervous Cao Guang's apology thought that he was too cute, she said " Ah, it's ok. And also it will be fun with more people, won't it Yan Yan" while all of the three people turned towards Wang Yu Yan and Wen Mei gave her a wink .

Noticing her wink, Wang Yu Yan knew that Wen Mei had deliberately focused all the attention to her. Wang Yu Yan bit her lip and said " Yes, it will be Mei" glaring towards Wen Mei, who was happy for her first success in teasing Wang Yu Yan.

*Hmm serves you right, Yan Yan* thought Wen Mei while she stuck out her tongue to Wang Yu Yan. Totally smitten by it, Wang Yu Yan was left with no choice but to travel with the 'man she had decided to keep distance with'.

Li Wei, who was enjoying the reaction of the Wang Yu Yan, also saw her biting her lip lightly leaving it fully red which further added more beauty to her 'kissable' lips.

Subconsciously, Li Wei licked his lower lip and a sudden emotions ran through him. He wanted to kiss those tempting lips then and there, but he knew that he couldn't, and so he had to supress his desires.

" Then lets head to the car. Its getting late" said Cao Guang. Wen Mei and Wang Yu Yan nodded, and Cao Guang started to take the lead followed by Wen Mei.

Seeing that they only two of them were left behind, Li Wei leaned towards Wang Yu Yan and whispered lightly " Don't bite your lips too hard"

When Li Wei leaned forward Wang Yu Yan felt his breath on her ear which caused a tickling sensation, making her flinch. As she heard his words, her cheeks became light red and she glared at the man, clenching her fists she ignored Li Wei and quickly followed Wen Mei and Cao Guang.

Li Wei was delighted by Wang Yu Yan's response and found her too cute. Every time he saw her, he wanted to tease her and enjoy her reaction. So when he heard that she was also coming, he cancelled all his meetings and parties for entire two days and came to accompany her.

*It will be very enjoyable trip* His lips curled into a seductive smile on his thoughts , shoving his hands into his pant pockets, he followed the three of them.

At the car, Li Wei sat at the driver seat, while Cao Guang at the front seat, with Wen Mei and Wang Yu Yan at the back. Though Li Wei could take a separate car, he insisted on carpooling as he wanted to keep Wang Yu Yan on his side.

The atmosphere at the car was normal, with only Wen Mei babbling about things with Wang Yu Yan smiling and Cao Guang joining the conversation occasionally.

So Miss Wang-" Cao Guang wanted to say something, but was cut off by Wen Mei who said " Now that we are going for a trip, do you three intend to call each other so formally using Mr and Miss ."

Not too happy with the suggestion, Wang Yu Yan said " It's o-" but was cut off by Li Wei.

" I agree with Wen Mei. Now that we are friends it doesn't suit us talking so formally" said Li Wei while his gaze towards Wang Yu Yan at the back.

Listening to his words, Wang Yu Yan scoffed in heart and thought * Friends my foot. Who said you are my friend ?*

She said " I am sorry, but Mr Li I don't remember calling you my friend."

Li Wei smirked at her words and after much thinking he said with a smile " Then lets start our friendship from this trip, shall we?"

Wang Yu Yan scoffed at his words and wanted to say something " I-" but was cut off by Wen Mei, " That's right Yan Yan." while she looked towards Wang Yu Yan with pleading eyes, begging her not to continue this any further.

"Please" Wen Mei silently mouthed

Seeing her pleading, Wang Yu Yan decided to follow Wen Mei's wish and said " Fine" with a uninterested voice.

Li Wei's mood lifted with this conversation. Now he was one step ahead to Wang Yu Yan. He in his mind thanked Wen Mei for carrying out this topic.

The rest of the journey went peacefully for Wang Yu Yan. And after a two hour trip, they arrived at their destination.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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